The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression

The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression
The forgotten man painting by McNaughton (click image for video) I believe this image best exemplifies where we stand today, pun intended.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Are Mormons Christian?

Albert Mohler
Are Mormons "Christians" as defined by traditional Christian orthodoxy? The answer to that question is easy and straightforward, and it is "no." Nevertheless, even as the question is clear, the answer requires some explanation.

We are not talking here about the postmodern conception of Christianity that minimizes truth. We are not talking about Christianity as a mood or as a sociological movement. We are not talking about liberal Christianity that minimizes doctrine, nor about sectarian Christianity which defines the faith in terms of eccentric doctrines. We are talking about historic, traditional, Christian orthodoxy.

Once that is made clear, the answer is inevitable. Furthermore, the answer is made easy, not only by the structure of Christian orthodoxy (a structure Mormonism denies), but by the central argument of Mormonism itself - that the true faith was restored through Joseph Smith in the nineteenth century in America and that the entire structure of Christian orthodoxy as affirmed by the post-apostolic church is corrupt and false.

In other words, Mormonism rejects traditional Christian orthodoxy at the onset - this rejection is the very logic of Mormonism's existence. A contemporary observer of Mormon public relations is not going to hear this logic presented directly, but it is the very logic and message of the Book of Mormon and the structure of Mormon thought. Mormonism rejects Christian orthodoxy as the very argument for its own existence, and it clearly identifies historic Christianity as a false faith.

So, what does Mormonism reject? The orthodox consensus of the Christian church is defined in terms of its historic creeds and doctrinal affirmations. Two great doctrines stand as the central substance of that consensus. Throughout the centuries, the doctrines concerning the Trinity and the nature of Christ have constituted that foundation, and the church has used these definitional doctrines as the standard for identifying true Christianity.

Contemporary Mormonism presents the Book of Mormon as "another testament of Jesus Christ," but the Jesus of the Book of Mormon is not the only begotten Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, or the one through whose death on the cross we can be saved from our sins.

Taken from "Mormonism Is Not Christianity" (used by permission)

footnote from: Steve Wagner
I investigated LDS years ago with a sincere interest
because of a few LDS families that I had become good friends with.
Impressed with their families and their character. I looked into the
origins if the Mormon and its founder Joseph Smith. I discovered a lot
of similarites and connections with Freemasonry and a lot of
unsubstantiated claims. Smith was basically a con man that found a
safer modus operandi for conning people than crystal ball gazing for
wealthy widows. Interesting side note, the American popularizer of
dispensationalism, C.I. Schofield had a very similar sorid past with
likely connections to old New York Jewish money. A lot of the strange
religions got started about the same time as Mormonism. Jehovah
Witness, Seventh-Day Adventism and Dispensationalism to name a few.
T'was an interesting time in history. Many of America's more nasty
changes have their beginnings there also. The un-civil war, the
fraudulent incorporation of the United States, the erasing of the
original 13th amendment, and the creation of the Federal Reserve just
to name a few. This everything from soup to nuts for the last 150
years has pretty well made both "Christianity" and "Americanism" a
joke. There is little that holds us together. There is little that
unites us. Hopefully, if we haven't yet hit bottom, its probably not
far off. When we do, and once we get through it, better days are

Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

KrisAnne Hall
It is without a doubt that the Republicans hold all the power in DC. They are abusing that power and declaring themselves rulers over the people.

America was not created to be a Kingdom, we are a Republic. In a Kingdom people war with govt when it gets tyrannical. In a Republic people take back their power via peaceful measures. Problem is, We The People have no idea what kind of govt we have. It is nearly impossible to defend the Republic when everyone else is supporting democracy. We don't need to go to war with Washington. We need a Republic to function like one. That means:

1. People recognize who is in charge:

"Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish."

2. Realize the remedy isn't in political parties, it isn't in Washington, it rests in the people thru their States, local, & individual power. We have the power to strip Washington of all their stolen authority.

3. "The power of the purse is the most powerful tool for the redress of grievances." Both James Madison & Thomas Jefferson said this directly. So if the federal House refuses to use that power to the will of the people WE MUST TAKE IT BACK.

4. States must refuse to send Washington any money. Americans must refuse to send Washington any money. Every time we send them money we give them permission for how they spend. WHY can't we see that?!?

5. If we allow threat and fear to coerce us to fund Washington then all we are are slaves. Accept your chains and quit your complaining.

6. If we are more concerned about bank accounts, houses, jobs, & retirement than we are keeping govt under control & preserving our Rights, then we are slaves and we need to accept our chains and shut up.

If you had a teenager that was violently addicted to drugs, and you KNEW they were addicted to drugs, would you continue to give them an allowance to buy those drugs? Not if you loved them, you wouldn't. Do you love Liberty? Do you love America? Do you love your children?

It is time to decide who we are. Are we freemen or slaves? Do we defend the Republic or do we accept the Kingdom? Do we want representatives or rulers? Our government has made it abundantly clear who they want to be, who they think they are, who they think we will allow them to be.

I ask again...who are you? Freeman or slave? The difference is not what government dictates. The difference between a freeman and a slave is who YOU allow yourself to be.

Do you love your comfort more than freedom? You are a slave.
Do you fear losing money more than losing Liberty? You are a slave.
Do you fear losing your job or fear incarceration more than you love freedom? You are a slave.
Do you fear government more than the future enslaving of your children? You are a slave.
Do you fear the IRS, EPA, ATF, DHS, DOJ...? You are a slave.
If you complain about this government and send them ONE MORE DIME, you are a slave.

I am not telling you to break the law. I am telling you that it is already broken! The government is violating the Supreme Law of the Land & we can no longer tolerate it.

Through federal lawlessness we are being INVADED by people who want to destroy us.

Through federal lawlessness we are threatened by force and deprivation of the essentials of life for refusing to obey government's every whim.

Through federal lawlessness we have been spurned, mocked, and reduced to tributary slaves.

I say its time we enforce the law and refuse to fund this lawlessness...NOW.

All we need to do to accomplish this is simply decide who we are.
And I ask you again...are you a freeman or a slave?

Then ACT like it!


People with Sight see where we are.
People with Vision see where we are heading.
The rest are Blind.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

“Kill The Infidels!”

“Kill The Infidels!”
Published: Thursday, December 17, 2015
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So, let’s see: all over America this Sunday, millions of Christians will gather in their churches to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. Adult choirs, children’s programs, teen choirs, orchestras, bands, Sunday School lessons, pageants, and sermons will all laud the birth of the Prince of Peace. They will hear messages about love and peace and brotherhood. They will raise their hands in “worship,” smile and laugh, shout “Amen,” and get warm and fuzzy feelings all over as they celebrate the day that the Prince of Peace was born.

No doubt, pastors all over America will quote Luke 2:13, 14. “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

But as soon as the Christmas celebration passes, their vocalizations of peace and goodwill will be buried amidst a cacophony of hatred for their fellow man: specifically, for their fellowmen who call themselves Muslims. We might hear “Kill the infidels!” from the mouths of certain Islamic jihadists, but that same cry is heard by God from the hearts of, perhaps, millions of America’s Christians.

Currently, Donald Trump is riding a wave of bigotry and hatred against the Muslim people to a potential Republican nomination for President. I have no idea whether Trump hates Muslims or not, but there is no doubt that millions of Christians and “conservatives” have been whipped into a frenzy of anti-Muslim hatred by FOX News, pastors, and thousands of conservative Internet bloggers, writers, journalists, and radio talk show hosts. Trump’s anti-Muslim campaign rhetoric has harnessed that hatred into frontrunner status in the GOP presidential race. And Ted Cruz has done the same thing, which has vaulted him to the current runner-up position.

In the following video, we see Cruz walking out on a group of persecuted Middle Eastern Christians where he had been invited to speak. This meeting was all about showing solidarity for persecuted Christians. There is no way Cruz could not have understood the group he was speaking to. The meeting was not a political event. It was simply an event to demonstrate support for persecuted Christians--regardless of who was doing the persecuting.

But it didn’t take Ted Cruz long to turn his speech into a political stunt. He quickly became an apologist for Israel, which brought boos from the audience. What most of America’s Christians do not understand is that the government of Israel has committed more than its fair share of persecution against Christians. When Cruz heard the boos, he accused members of his audience of being consumed with hate and then said, “If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you,” and stormed off the stage.

Really, Ted? These were Christians who are being persecuted by Muslims and Jews. They were looking to a fellow Christian to encourage their hearts. Instead, you brazenly took the side of their persecutors.

Mr. Cruz, are you standing with Israel when it stoned Stephen to death in Acts 7? Are you standing with Israel when it beheaded James in Acts 12? Are you standing with Israel when it crucified the Lord Jesus Christ? If you would stand with Israel when it persecutes Christians today, then I guess you are.

See the video here:

Sen. Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage

Every day, my email inbox fills up with anti-Muslim hatred--and much of it from professing Christians. These are the same ones that will celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace next week.

As justification for their bigotry and hatred, Christians love to quote passages from the Koran that speak of jihad against “infidels.” But, it never ceases to amaze me that these same Christians seem to have never read the Jewish Talmud--or even the writings of many Christian leaders from years gone by.

For example, here are some excerpts from the Talmud:

“Since God already gave the Torah to the Jewish people on Mt. Sinai we no longer pay attention to heavenly voices. God must submit to the decisions of a majority vote of the rabbis.” (BT Bava Metzia 59b)

“All gentile women without exception are: ‘Niddah, Shifchah, Goyyah and Zonah’ (menstrual filth, slaves, heathens and prostitutes).” (BT Sanhedrin 81b - 82a)

“The best of the gentiles: kill him; the best of snakes: smash its skull; the best of women: is filled with witchcraft.” (BT Kiddushin 66c)

“Regarding bloodshed the following distinction applies: If a non-Jew killed another non-Jew, or a non-Jew killed a Jew, the killer is liable for execution; if a Jew killed a non-Jew, he is exempt from punishment.” (BT Sanhedrin 57a)

“Jews may use lies (‘subterfuges’) to circumvent a gentile.” (BT Baba Kamma 113a)

“On Passover Eve they hanged Jesus of Nazareth. And the herald went out before him for 40 days and proclaimed, Jesus of Nazareth is going to be stoned because he practiced sorcery, incited and led Israel astray. Whoever knows of an argument that may be proposed in his favor should come and present that argument on his behalf. But the judges did not find an argument in his favor, so they hanged him on Passover Eve...Did Jesus of Nazareth deserve that a search be made for an argument in his favor? Surely he incited others to idol worship.” (BT Sanhedrin 43a)

Celebrated ancient religion historian Peter Schafer, who is now the director of the Jewish Museum of Berlin, wrote this commentary on the Babylonian Talmud (BT) Grittin 57a, “...Jesus shares his place in the Netherworld (hell) with Titus and Balaam, the notorious arch enemies of the Jewish people. Whereas Titus is punished for the destruction of the Temple by being burned to ashes, reassembled, and burned over and over again, and whereas Balaam is castigated by sitting in hot semen, Jesus’ fate consists of sitting forever in boiling excrement.” (Peter Schäfer, “Jesus in the Talmud,” Princeton University Press, p. 13)

Amazingly, I don’t hear Christians screaming the accusation that “there is no such thing as a peaceful Jew,” based on the writings of the Talmud and its apologists. Yet, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently promised that Talmudic law is the official law of Israel.

Report: Netanyahu Promises Talmud Will Be Israeli Law

Make no mistake about it: the Talmud, NOT the Torah, is the Bible of the Zionists. The “Oral Law” of the Pharisees who crucified Christ formed the basis for the Talmud. This was exactly what Jesus was referring to when he scolded the Pharisees for placing their “traditions” ahead of the Law of Moses (the Torah). I propose that the Talmud is FAR WORSE than the Koran; and I believe I can prove it.

The Pharisees hated the Lord Jesus then, and their spiritual descendants, the Zionists, still hate Him today. Yet, there is not a peep from the Christian community at large about the threat posed to Christian America from Zionists.

But in reality, Zionists have done more to expunge America’s Christian heritage than perhaps any other single force. Islamic jihadists don’t even come close. For the most part, Zionists control America’s television news networks, America’s major newspapers, the Federal Reserve and most of America’s major banking interests--as well as America’s entertainment and educational institutions--and even our legal institutions. An argument can also be made that the extraordinary wealth of the Zionists has exerted a significant influence over America’s political institutions.

Yet, there is nary a peep from today’s Christians regarding the attack against America’s Christian heritage from Zionists. Neither is there any mention of Israel’s attack against the U.S.S. Liberty, which took the lives of dozens of American sailors and Marines. It’s as if it never happened. Imagine if that attack had come from a Muslim country.

I invite you to watch this video (caution, bad language is used) of an atheist Jew (yes, a sizeable percentage of Jews are atheists) who goes berserk with rage against a Christian man on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley. Had this man been a Muslim, this video would have gone viral as “proof” of how all Muslims hate Christians. But since the man is a Jew, you are probably seeing this video for the first time:

Jew Confronts "Dirty Goyim" Christian Man On University Campus

Does this young Jewish man represent all Jews? Of course not. No more than Islamist militants represent all Muslims.

In addition, Christians should do some careful research regarding what some of their own institutions have done and what some of their own renowned leaders have said. What follows is a summary of one Christian researcher, with my comments in brackets:

For over 300 years during the Dark Ages, between 10,000-100,000 [some say 1 million, but that is probably an exaggeration] people were savagely tortured and killed--and thousands more persecuted--by the Roman Catholic Church. But the Roman Catholic Church is not alone.

The Lutheran towns of Lubeck, Bremen, Hamburg, Luneburg, Stralsund, Rostock and Wismar all voted to hang Anabaptists and flog and banish Catholics and Zwinglians from their homelands.

Martin Luther said of Roman Catholic leaders, “If I had all the Franciscan friars in one house, I would set fire to it . . . To the fire with them!”

Luther taught that dissenters (those who disagreed with him) should be banished and said that “The peasants (involved in the Peasants’ War) would not listen; they would not let anyone tell them anything; their ears must be unbuttoned with bullets, till their heads jump off their shoulders. ... On the obstinate, hardened, blinded peasants, let no one have mercy, but let everyone, as he is able, hew, stab, slay, lay about him as though among mad dogs, . . . . so that peace and safety may be maintained....” Note that he was speaking of German peasants.

Luther was even more vicious toward Jews. He said, "First to set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn, so that no man will ever again see a stone or cinder of them. This is to be done in honour of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians, and do not condone or knowingly tolerate such public lying, cursing, and blaspheming of his Son and of his Christians....”

[Would anyone dare suggest that there is no such thing as a peace-loving Lutheran because of the words of Martin Luther?]

A man was arrested for writing on one of John Calvin’s tracts the words, “all rubbish,” and was put on the rack twice a day for a month. He was beheaded on July 26, 1547.

The Spanish Reformer Servetus had dared to criticize Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion and Calvin declared: "If he comes here and I have any authority, I will never let him leave the place alive."

Servetus, an anti-Trinitarian, had disagreed with Calvin via correspondence and when he visited Geneva on August 13, 1553, he went to hear Calvin preach. Calvin saw him in church and had him arrested. Calvin drew up forty charges against him including Servetus’ opposition to infant baptism and his attack upon the preaching of Calvin. On August 20, 1553, Calvin wrote: "I hope that Servetus will be condemned to death" and in October the Geneva Council ordered that he be burned alive the next day.

“Heretics” were hanged then burned in Zurich, Basil, and Geneva for disagreeing with Calvin’s teachings. During the first five years of Calvin's rule in the small town of Geneva, 13 people were hanged, 10 were decapitated, and 35 were burned to death. A citizen could go to prison for smiling during a baptismal service or sleeping during a church service. [I know a LOT of Christians who would be in jail right now, if that were still the case.]

[Would anyone dare suggest that there is no such thing as a peace-loving Presbyterian because of John Calvin’s statements?]

In England, Henry VIII was head of the Church of England (that Henry formed after his break from Rome) and doctrinal disagreements now became high treason to be punished by disembowelment while still alive, hanging, and quartering. In the end, even failing to denounce anyone else who criticized these things became treason.

Those who left England and Europe to find religious freedom were guilty of imposing their own convictions upon others, even non-believers! Virginia had established the Anglican Church (Church of England) and forbade Quakers and Baptists to assemble, and to “rub salt into open sores,” Virginia citizens were forced to pay the salaries of Anglican preachers.

The Puritans demanded freedom for themselves in England but in America they greatly restricted freedom of religion. They tried to outdo what they had endured. In Massachusetts and Virginia, Baptists and Quakers were often whipped, jailed, and had property confiscated. [By the way, these atrocities were the impetus for the First Amendment to our U.S. Constitution.]

[Would anyone dare suggest that there is no such thing as a peace-loving Episcopalian because of the actions of some Puritans?]

[End of summary]

The incredible phenomenon of professing Christians torturing, jailing, and killing their fellow Christians is almost unknown by most Americans; but we all know how Muslims kill Muslims and non-Muslims and we are horrified as they behead their enemies. All right, we should be horrified and repulsed at such barbarity, but remember, professing Christians did the same and worse to their “enemies”, i.e., those who disagreed with them.

Jews, Muslims, Catholics, and Protestants all have a history of killing in the name of God. No group has a monopoly on hatred.

Furthermore, if one wants to start comparing savagery in the modern world, Islamic jihadists do not hold a candle to Mexican drug gangs. The numbers of people beheaded by Mexican drug gangs FAR EXCEEDS those by Islamic militants.

See this report:

The Street Gangs More Vicious Than ISIS

Donald Trump is absolutely correct when he points out the problem of an unsecured U.S. border. But why doesn’t he go on a mission to root out the Mexican drug gangs from America? There are FAR MORE of them in the United States than Islamic jihadists. FAR MORE. (Plus, he should mention that if the federal government stopped giving handouts to illegals, the flow of illegals into America would soon dry up.)

For one thing, one cannot capitalize politically upon religious bigotry when addressing Mexican drug gangs. For another thing, the motive of the gangs has nothing to do with religion: it is pure greed from (mostly) the sale of illegal drugs. And speaking of greed, NOTHING COMPARES to the international bankers in New York City and the politicians in Washington, D.C. NOTHING! In truth, those miscreants in Washington, D.C., and New York City pose a far greater risk to our liberties than Muslim terrorists or Mexican gangs. FAR GREATER!

I have documented several times in this column the fact that the Islamic terror groups ISIS, al Nusra, etc., were created by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel. Anyone could find this evidence with only a few hours research. For the most part, ISIS is comprised of Sunni Muslims from Saudi Arabia (America’s great “ally”). In addition, Israel is the number one purchaser of smuggled oil from ISIS. Turkey is the middleman, but Israel is far-and-away the primary purchaser. Do the research yourself, folks.

In truth, Sunni and Shia Muslims have been fighting each other for hundreds of years. And until the United States decided to inject itself directly into the conflict, it was almost exclusively a Muslim vs. Muslim issue. It was America’s wars of intervention that brought the Muslim conflict home to the United States.

It was the military force of the United States that replaced secular Muslim governments in Iran and Iraq with radical religious ones. And it is the United States (via ISIS) that is currently attempting to do the same thing in Syria.

President Assad has the support of most Christians in Syria. That is a FACT. So, how can Assad be this great monster and enemy of Christians when the Christian people that live there support him, fight for him, and pray for him?

I have Christians in America now writing me defending their hatred of Muslims by using verses of Scripture (taken out of context, of course). They are not even timid about their hatred. So, what’s the difference between a religious Muslim who hates America and a religious Christian who hates Iran and Syria?

Do Christians not remember the story of Jonah? The prophet Jonah was sent by God to the Assyrian capital of Nineveh. Jonah refused to go because he hated the Assyrians. Remember, the Assyrians had ruthlessly pillaged and plundered Israel. No doubt, Jonah had lost friends and loved ones to these atrocities. Yet, God sent him to Nineveh in order to give the Assyrians an opportunity to repent. After a submarine ride in a great fish, Jonah went to Nineveh and preached. And it was in Nineveh (located in what is now Iraq) where the greatest spiritual revival in human history took place. As a result, God spared the Assyrians from divine judgment for over 100 years.

If the story of Jonah teaches anything, it teaches God’s great love for ALL people and the responsibility of God’s men to rid hatred from their hearts and to be willing to take the message of God’s love to even those we consider our enemies.

I remind readers that ISIS no more represents a majority of the Muslim people than Bibi and his fellow Zionists represent a majority of the Jewish people or Barack Obama and the neocons represent a majority of the Christian people. These wicked leaders are manipulating the masses by fueling the flames of hatred and bigotry in our hearts to further their own selfish nefarious purposes.

I urge folks to watch this video of an elderly Muslim lady courageously scolding a truckload of ISIS fighters face-to-face. She told them in the name of Allah to STOP the violence they were perpetrating.

See the video here:

MUST WATCH : Wise Old Lady Stands Up Against ISIS!

Plus, if Christians want a verse of Scripture to condone hatred, the ONLY verse of Scripture I can find that places God’s hatred against individuals and not actions is Psalm 11:5. (Please spare me the other verses you want to send me. I’ve read them, and they are all talking about a person’s actions, NOT personal or religious bigotry.) “The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.” (KJV)

I am personally convinced this verse speaks of God’s divine retribution against the souls of the damned in everlasting judgment. However, if one wants to interpret that verse to the here-and-now, they need to be careful. Note God’s hatred for those “that love violence.”

I submit that many Christians have themselves become lovers of violence. Who are the ones that are singing John McCain’s chorus of “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran”? Christians. Who are the ones that vehemently rejected Ron Paul’s message of peace and goodwill in 2012? Christians. Who are the ones who enthusiastically support the neocon wars of aggression in the Middle East? Christians.

In truth, U.S. taxpayers have funded the killings of over 1.5 million people in the Middle East, the vast majority of whom are innocent civilians. How would we react if alien warplanes and drones killed hundreds of thousands--and even millions--of our mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, neighbors and friends here in America? Come on, think!

This report is not the only one where the truth about the casualties the U.S. has inflicted in the Middle East has been told--and what the neocon-controlled U.S. media will never tell us:

US Kills 1.5 Million In 'War On Terror' - Then Lies About '30 Civilian Casualties' In Russian Airstrikes

Again, do the research for yourself.

One West Point graduate and former U.S. Army officer is even more condemning in reporting the number of U.S. war victims. Joachim Hagopian claims that U.S. wars have killed over 30 million people since the end of World War II.

See his report here:

It’s Time To Stop “Supporting Our Troops”: Thirty Million People Killed By U.S. Since The End Of World War II

If even a fraction of his claim is accurate, that is a lot of blood on the hands of U.S. taxpayers. Remember that the next time you want to single out Muslims for God’s hatred upon those that “love violence.”

Donald Trump says he wants to close mosques, and Christians cheer. Really? The responsibility of the President is to faithfully execute the laws of the United States and to preserve, protect and defend the Supreme Law of the land: the U.S. Constitution. Freedom of religion is sacrosanct in our Constitution and no religious test regarding constitutional liberties can be allowed. We either have freedom of religion, speech, assembly, etc., for all, or we have it for none. Plus, it is a very small step from the government closing mosques to closing synagogues and churches, folks.

False religion is a curse from God upon the Church for abandoning truth. Therefore, the answer to America’s Muslim problem lies with the CHURCH, not unconstitutional discrimination by government against religion. Faith cannot be exported at the point of a gun. Christians, of all people, should understand that. Christian missionaries are evangelizing Muslim people in the very heart of Muslim countries today. I know a few of them personally. In fact, Christianity is growing faster in Middle Eastern countries than in the United States.

Christians need to remember that our federal government has ALREADY categorized Christian people as being “extremists,” “radicals,” “fringe,” etc. Do Christians really want to open the door for our federal government to start selectively outlawing religion? Talk about handing the hangman the rope; that’s it.

Instead of singling out people of one religion, Trump should have focused on his original idea of securing our borders from all illegal immigration and, as President, on faithfully enforcing the immigration laws already on the books--or even asking Congress to further restrict ALL immigration until as such time as we can get a secure handle on our immigration problem. But singling out ONE religion for selective discrimination is a GIANT step in the proverbial slippery slope into oppression--and truly violates everything the First Amendment stands for.

And please don’t write me with the hackneyed hyperbole that Islam is not a religion, but only a political entity. Tell me modern American Christianity is NOT political! Get real! 501c3 churches operate DIRECTLY under the political government of the United States. By their very charters, they are government organizations.

If Christians truly believe they are justified in hating and discriminating against Muslims, why don’t they stop beating around the bush and start actually doing something about it? Why don’t they follow the dictates of the hatred of their hearts and round up every Muslim in the United States, imprison them, and then execute them? In their hearts, that’s what they WANT to do. And didn’t Jesus say something about hatred in the heart being the same as murder? So, get on with it, brethren.

Oh! And Merry Christmas! Let’s all go to church this Sunday and celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. You know, the One whom God the Father sent to Bethlehem because of His great love for the whole world.

P.S. Given the current propensity of the U.S. government to declare American citizens as “extremists” and such, I invite readers to order James Jaeger’s brand new film, “Midnight Ride: When Rogue Politicians Call For Martial Law.” Distinguished patriot luminaries such as Pat Buchanan, Larry Pratt, Ron Paul, G. Edward Griffin, Sheriff Richard Mack, Stewart Rhodes, Edwin Vieira, Jr., and several others are featured in this film. I am honored to also be featured.

I invite readers to go to my website and order the DVD of this brand new film. And please tell your friends. Order “Midnight Ride” here:

Midnight Ride: When Rogue Politicians Call For Martial Law

"One Christian Slaughtered Every Five Minutes"

Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2015
by Raymond Ibrahim
December 14, 2015

Translations of this item:
"I do not understand why the world does not raise its voice against such acts of brutality." — Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III.

The White House said it was preparing to accuse the Islamic State of genocide against religious minorities, recognizing various groups, such as the Yazidis, as victims. However, Christians are apparently not going to be included.

An NGO report states that one Christian is slaughtered every five minutes in Iraq, and that, "Islamic State Militants in Iraq are using Christian churches as torture chambers where they force Christians to either convert to Islam or die."

When Pope Francis stood before the world at the UN, his energy was, once again, spent on defending the environment. In his nearly 50-minute speech, only once did Francis make reference to persecuted Christians -- and their sufferings were merged in the same sentence with the supposedly equal sufferings of "members of the majority religion," that is, Sunni Muslims. Sunnis are not being slaughtered, beheaded, and raped for their faith; are not having their mosques bombed and burned; are not being jailed or killed for apostasy, blasphemy, or proselytization.

"What is happening in Lebanon is an attempt to replace the people with [Muslim] Syrians and Palestinians." — Gebran Bassil, Foreign Minister of Lebanon.

Throughout September, as more Christians were slaughtered and persecuted for their religion -- not just by the Islamic State but by "everyday" Muslims from all around the world -- increasing numbers of people and organizations called for action. Meanwhile, those best placed to respond -- chief among them U.S. President Barack Obama and Pope Francis -- did nothing.

"Why, we ask the western world, why not raise one's voice over so much ferocity and injustice?" asked Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, the head of the Italian Bishops Conference.

Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III said: "I do not understand why the world does not raise its voice against such acts of brutality."

As one report put it: "Human rights activists see it. Foreign leaders see it. And more than 80 members of the U.S. Congress see it. Together, they are pressuring the leader of the free world [President Obama] to declare there is a Christian genocide going on in the Middle East."

In response, the White House said it was preparing to release a statement accusing the Islamic State of committing genocide against religious minorities, naming and recognizing various groups, such as the Yazidis, as victims. However, Christians are apparently not going to be included as victims, as Obama officials argue that Christians "do not appear to meet the high bar set out in the genocide treaty."

Meanwhile, Father Behnam Benoka, an Iraqi priest, explained in a detailed letter to Pope Francis the horrors Mideast Christians are experiencing. To his joy, the pope called the Middle Eastern priest and told him that "I will never leave you." As Benoka put it, "He called me. He told me certainly, sure I am with you, I will don't forget you... I will make all possible to help you."

However, later in September, when Pope Francis stood before the world at the United Nations, his energy was, once again, spent on defending the environment. In his entire speech, which lasted nearly 50 minutes, only once did Francis make reference to persecuted Christians -- and even then they did not receive special attention but, in the same breath, their sufferings were merged in the same sentence with the supposedly equal sufferings of "members of the majority religion," that is, Sunni Muslims (the only group not to be attacked by the Islamic State, a Sunni organization):

I must renew my repeated appeals regarding to the painful situation of the entire Middle East, North Africa and other African countries, where Christians, together with other cultural or ethnic groups, and even members of the majority religion who have no desire to be caught up in hatred and folly, have been forced to witness the destruction of their places of worship, their cultural and religious heritage, their houses and property, and have faced the alternative either of fleeing or of paying for their adhesion to good and to peace by their own lives, or by enslavement.

Yet, as the following roundup from September shows, "members of the majority religion" --Sunnis -- are not being slaughtered, beheaded, and raped for their faith; are not having their mosques bombed and burned; are not being jailed or killed for apostasy, blasphemy, or proselytization.

Savagery and Slaughter

Uganda: Three Muslim men beat and raped a 19-year-old Christian woman. The young student was returning home from St. Mary's Teachers College in Bukedea when she was ambushed by three masked men. "I tried to scream, but one blocked my mouth and another slapped me as they forcefully dragged me off the footpath," said the victim. "I heard one of them telling the others that I should be killed because my parents deserted Islam. But another said, 'But we are not sure whether this girl is a Christian.'" Instead of killing her, they raped and beat her so severely that she is still receiving hospital treatment for her injuries.

United States: Freddy Akoa, a 49-year-old Christian healthcare worker in Portland, Maine, was savagely beaten to death in his own home by three Muslims. Found next to Akoa's body was his blood-splattered Bible. The slain had cuts and bruises all over his body and a fatal head trauma. Internally, he suffered 22 rib fractures and a lacerated liver. The police affidavit stated that Akoa "had been beaten and kicked in the head, and bashed in the head with a piece of furniture in an assault that continued relentlessly for hours." Akoa was apparently throwing a party before or during the attack. The three assailants were all Muslim refugees of Somali origin. In recent times, both in America and Europe, several "refugees" have turned out to be Islamic terrorists, some with direct ties to ISIS. (A faction of Al Shabaab, Somalia's premiere jihadi organization, recently pledged allegiance to ISIS.)

Syria: A Christian from the Qaryatain village in the province of Homs was executed by the Islamic State for refusing to obey the dhimmi [second-class, "tolerated"] conditions imposed on Christian villagers. ISIS also killed a Christian priest, chopped his body into pieces, and sent the pieces back to his family in a box. Earlier ISIS had kidnapped the priest and demanded a ransom of $120,000 from his family, which finally managed to raise the ransom money after two months. But after paying it, ISIS reneged on their word and brutally killed the Catholic priest anyway.

Pakistan: The Muslim family of a woman who converted to Christianity and married a Christian murdered her husband and wounded the young woman. Aleem Masih, 28, married Nadia, 23, last year after she put her faith in Christ. The couple then fled their village as the woman's family sought "to avenge the shame their daughter had brought upon them by recanting Islam and marrying a Christian," said a lawyer involved in the case. Eventually Nadia's father, Muhammad Din Meo, and his henchmen managed to abduct the couple and took them to a nearby farm. "The Muslim men first brutally tortured the couple with fists and kicks and then thrice shot Aleem Masih -- one bullet hit him in his ankle, the second in the ribs while the third targeted his face," the attorney said. "Nadia was shot in the abdomen." The Muslim relatives left believing they had killed the couple. "The attackers returned to their village and publicly proclaimed that they had avenged their humiliation and restored the pride of the Muslims by killing the couple in cold blood." Police, however, found Nadia still breathing when they arrived at the farm. "She was shifted to the General Hospital in Lahore, where she is fighting for her life after a major operation in which two bullets were removed from her abdomen." A large number of Muslims were gathered at the hospital when the critically wounded woman arrived. "The mob, some of them armed with weapons, was shouting furious anti-Christian slogans.... They were also praising Azhar for restoring the pride of the Muslim Ummah [community] and saying that he had earned his place in paradise for killing an infidel."

Philippines: Islamic terrorists from the jihadi group Abu Sayyaf were suspected in the bombing of a passenger bus in the predominantly Christian city of Zamboanga on September 18 that killed a 14-year-old girl and wounded 33 others. Intelligence sources had warned that Abu Sayyaf would be targeting cities and communities with heavy Christian populations. Only 20% of Zamboanga is Muslim, and the rest almost entirely Christian (mostly Catholic).

Egypt: The mother of a Coptic priest was robbed and killed in Fekria city in Minya.

Muslim Attacks on Christian Churches

United States: On Sunday, September 13, 40-year-old Rasheed Abdul Aziz was arrested for threatening the Corinth Missionary Baptist Church in Bullard, Texas. The Muslim-American had a gun and was dressed for combat -- complete with camouflage helmet, camouflage pants, tactical vest and boots -- when he entered the church around 1 p.m. According to Pastor John Johnson, Aziz said that Allah had told him to "slay infidels" and that "people are going to die today." The pastor added, "I believe that his intent was when he came to our church was to actually kill somebody."

Tanzania: During the course of one week, six Christian churches were burned down. On September 23, three churches were set ablaze: The Living Waters International Church, Buyekera Pentecostal Assemblies of God, and Evangelical Assemblies of God Tanzania Church. Three days later, on September 26, another three churches were also set ablaze: The Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kitundu Roman Catholic Church, and Katoro Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church. According to a local source, "The people woke up on 27th Sep to find their sanctuaries burnt down... The scenarios are the same; unknown people broke in, piled things onto the altar, poured petrol over it and set it alight. They fled before anyone could respond and so remain unknown." The east African nation is mostly comprised of Christians and Muslims, though the ratio is disputed.

Bethlehem: Muslims set fire to the St. Charbel Monastery. Sobhy Makhoul, the chancellor of the Maronite Patriarchate in Jerusalem, said, "It was an act of arson, not a fire caused by an electrical problem [as local authorities had claimed], an act of sectarian vandalism by radical Muslims." The fire caused no casualties or injuries -- fortunately the building was unoccupied and under renovation -- but the damage is evident, and the local Christian community evidently feared further violence. The Maronite leader added that, "The attack is... anti-Christian, like many other incidents across the Middle East. Extremist groups operate in the area, including some Hamas cells."

Iraq: A report that discusses how one Christian is slaughtered every five minutes in Iraq, adds that, "Islamic State Militants in Iraq are using Christian churches as torture chambers where they force Christians to either convert to Islam or die."

Syria: Within days of capturing the city of Qaryatain, the Islamic State destroyed an ancient Catholic monastery and threw away the remains of a revered saint. The Sunni terror group then gave an ultimatum to the Christians in Qaryatain to either pay jizya (extortion money), convert to Islam, or leave.

Islamic State jihadists in the midst of destroying the ancient Mar Elian monastery in Qaryatain, Syria.
Yemen: A day after a Catholic church in Aden was vandalized, another group of unidentified assailants set the Christian building "in flames," in the words of a witness. Of the 22 churches that operated in Aden before 1967, when the city was a British colony, only a few remain open, used rarely by foreign workers and African refugees. The now-torched St. Joseph Church was one of those few.

Indonesia: On Sunday, September 27, the GKI Yasmin Church in Bogor held its 100th open-air service since 2008, when local Muslims had begun complaining that the church existed. Even though the church was fully registered, the authorities obligingly closed it. In December 2010, the Indonesian Supreme Court ordered the church to be reopened, but the mayor of Bogor refused to comply and kept it sealed off. Since then, the congregation has been holding Sunday services at the homes of members, and occasionally on the street, to the usual jeers and attacks by Muslim mobs.

Muslim Attacks on Christian Freedom
(Apostasy, Blasphemy, and Proselytization)

Uganda: A 36-year-old mother of eight requested prayer after area Muslims forced her to return to Islam, or lose her children and be killed. Although Madina remained Christian after her husband abandoned her a decade ago for her apostasy from Islam, she returned to Islam in September: "The relatives of my husband threatened to kill me and take away the children if I refused to go back to Islam. They said, 'We are not going to lose our children to Christianity. We better kill you and get back the children.'... I have nowhere to go with my children, so I have decided to return to Islam to save the children and myself. I know Issa [Jesus] will remember me one day."

United Kingdom: A Pakistani man, his wife, and their six children are suffering "an appalling ordeal at the hands of neighbours who regard them as blasphemers." Their "crime" is converting to Christianity— more than 20 years ago. Despite being "prisoners in their own home after being attacked in the street, having their car windscreens repeatedly smashed and eggs thrown at their windows" the Christian family said that both police and the Anglican church have failed to provide any meaningful support and are "reluctant to treat the problem as a religious hate crime." Nissar Hussain, the father, said, "Our lives have been sabotaged and this shouldn't happen in the United Kingdom. We live in a free democratic society and what they are doing to us is abhorrent."

Turkey: Since August 27, as many as 15 churches received death threats for "denying Allah." Even so, "Threats are not anything new for the Protestant community who live in this country and want to raise their children here," said church leaders. As former Muslims, many of the congregation, apostates from Islam, were threatened with beheading. The messages accuse the Christians of having "chosen the path that denies Allah" and "dragged others into believing as you do... As heretics you have increased your number with ignorant followers." One of the messages depicted the Islamic State flag along with the words: "Perverted infidels, the time that we will strike your necks is soon. May Allah receive the glory and the praise."

Pakistan: Police arrested a Christian brick kiln worker, Pervaiz Masih, in the Kasur District of Punjab province, after a Muslim business rival falsely accused him of insulting the prophet of Islam, Muhammad. Pervaiz, a father of four, including a seven-month-old boy, fled his home after Muhammad Kahlid filed a report, which said that he had made derogatory remarks about Muhammad during a dispute. Police detained four of Pervaiz's relatives; then officers dragged his wife into the streets and ripped off her clothing as they tried to get information about her husband's whereabouts. Police also beat local Christians and raided Christian homes for information in Pervaiz's town. Pervaiz eventually handed himself over to police in order that his relatives be released.

Ethiopia: A group of 15 young Christians were attacked and arrested for engaging in evangelism in eastern Ethiopia. Separately, six Christian leaders were found guilty of inciting public disturbance, destroying public trust in government officials, and spreading hatred. The six men, members of a church administrative committee, had written a letter to their national church leadership on March 11 describing the persecution they endured as Christians living in the Muslim-majority Silte zone. They complained of discrimination in employment opportunities, unfair dismissal from jobs, harsh job performance feedback, burned church buildings, physical attacks and death threats. The letter was leaked to local media and widely disseminated, prompting their arrest and conviction.


Germany: According to a report, "Many Christian refugees from Syria, Iraq or Kurdistan are being intimidated and attacked by Muslim refugees. In several refugee centers set up by the local authorities, Sharia law is being imposed and Christians -- which are a minority -- are the victims of bullying." Gottfried Martens, pastor of a south Berlin church, said that "very religious Muslims are spreading the following idea throughout the refugee centers: Sharia law rules wherever we are." Martens expressed especial concern for Muslims who convert to Christianity -- apostates who, according to Islamic law, can be killed: "There is a 100% chance that these people will be attacked."

Lebanon: Christians are being overrun by Muslim refugees from Syria and Iraq, and are in danger of losing their place in their country, said Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil: "What is happening in Lebanon is an attempt to replace the people with [Muslim] Syrians and Palestinians." Because Lebanon's Christian population is, and has historically been, a minority, Bassil said their rights are being threatened because "some are attempting to impose Muslims over Christians" (a situation also occurring in the U.S.) In an earlier interview, Bassil said that the Mideast Christian community as a whole has been eroded "in large chunks": "In Iraq, it happened over 20 years, and we saw that 90 percent of the Christians have left Iraq. In Syria, we don't have actual numbers because of the chaos. We cannot tell. We know that there has been a lot of internal and external immigration and displacement.... But definitely churches have been destroyed and people have left already."

United Kingdom: An Iranian, Noureden Mallaky-Soodmand, 41, was supposed to have been deported to Iran after he was arrested for hurling threats and brandishing knives on the streets of London. However, he was not deported, apparently because the Iranian Embassy was closed. He was, instead, re-housed 250 miles away in Stockton-on-Tees. Earlier, on April 2, holding a curved knife, he had run amok, screaming: "I'm a Muslim and I'll chop your f***ing head, mother f***ers.... I'm Isis and my people will cut off your balls, Christians.... I'll kill you, I'll kill you all. I'm going to chop your head off and f*** you up."

Egyptian Dhimmitude

Muslim attacks on Christians erupted in two separate villages in Samalout, north of the Minya governorate. One attack apparently took place in "revenge" for the construction of a small church. In one village, five Copts were injured; In another village, Muslims packed into a number of cars attacked a Christian wedding ceremony. Three Copts were injured; throughout the area, young Christian girls were sexually harassed.

Separately, a group of Muslims in the village of al-Oula, near Alexandria, attacked Christian homes and a church on September 20, after police attempted to return land stolen by a Muslim to its rightful Christian owner. When the police arrived to implement the order, they were attacked and fled. "After the security forces fled," said a church leader, "a large crowd surrounded [the] church and hurled stones at it. Then they attacked four homes owned by Christians." At least two Christians were seriously injured, one had his spine fractured. "The El Houty family [Muslim family that stole Christian land] used microphones in the local mosque and in nearby villages to call out for the Muslims from everywhere around the village saying that the police have come to take the lands and give it to the Christians."

A Coptic Christian female student, Mariam, who was discriminated against, made headlines in major Egyptian media and created a scandal. Known as "Student Zero," she was described by former teachers as a "brilliant student," planning on becoming a doctor. She had scored 97% in her first two years and was expecting similar results in her final year -- only to find that she had failed: her final grade was zero. She insisted on seeing the results for herself but was denied. When the issue made headlines, the results were shown to her. She and others -- including handwriting experts -- said that the handwriting on the test shown to her was not hers.

Pakistani Dhimmitude

A Christian family was almost burned alive during a "land grab" attempt of their home by Muslims. Because Boota Masih, 38, and his wife and family refused to abandon their home and property to some Muslims, they were violently beaten. The Muslims next sprayed petrol over the house to set fire to it, and locked Boota and his family in a room. The Masihs managed to escape by breaking through a window. Despite the presence of eyewitnesses, the local police were reluctant to register a formal complaint, and instead, according to the lawyers, arrested Masih on spurious charges.

Most degrading jobs continue to be reserved for Christians and other minorities. The latest example comes from the announcement of vacancies from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology Lahore. In the list, all jobs are open to all applicants -- except for "sanitary worker" positions, such as toilet cleaners: only non-Muslim applicants are eligible. According to labor lawyers, "this is a form of direct oppression, racism and bigotry against the nation's religious minorities," primarily Christians, Hindus, and non-Sunni Muslims.

About this Series

While not all, or even most, Muslims are involved, persecution of Christians is expanding. "Muslim Persecution of Christians" was developed to collate some -- by no means all -- of the instances of persecution that surface each month.

It documents what the mainstream media often fails to report.

It posits that such persecution is not random but systematic, and takes place in all languages, ethnicities and locations.

Raymond Ibrahim is author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War in Christians (published by Regnery in cooperation with Gatestone Institute, April 2013).

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Global Economic Reset Has Begun

Wednesday, 09 December 2015 Brandon Smith
In my last article, I outlined the deliberately engineered trend toward the forced “harmonization” of national economies and monetary policies, as well as the ultimate end goal of globalists: a single world currency system controlled by the International Monetary Fund and, by extension, global governance, which internationalists sometimes refer to in their more honest public moments as the “new world order.”

The schematic for the new world order, according to the admissions of the internationalists, cannot possibly include the continued existence of U.S. geopolitical and economic dominance. The plan, in fact, requires the destabilization and reformation of America into a shell of its former glory. The most important element of this plan demands the removal of the U.S. dollar as the de facto world reserve currency, a change that would devastate our current financial structure.

I outlined with undeniable evidence the reality that major governments, including the BRICS governments of the East, are fully on board with the globalist agenda. There is no way around it; the BRICS, including Russia and China, have openly called for a global monetary system centralized and dictated by the IMF using the SDR basket. This same plan was outlined decades ago in the Rothschild-owned magazine The Economist. We are witnessing that plan being implemented in front of our very eyes today.

For the past couple of years, the current head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, has used the phrase “global economic reset” often in her speeches and interviews. There is some (deliberate) ambiguity to this notion, but after sitting through hours upon hours of her most boring and repetitive discussions in globalist think tanks such as the Council On Foreign Relations, the consistent message is pretty straightforward. If anyone can stand to listen to this woman's carefully crafted prattle and well-vetted half-truths for more than five minutes, I suggest they watch this particular speech given in January at the CFR:

Her message on the global economic reset is essentially this: “Collective” cooperation will not just be encouraged in the new order, it will be required — meaning, the collective cooperation of all nations toward the same geopolitical and economic framework. If this is not accomplished, great fiscal pain will be felt and “spillover” will result. Translation: Due to the forced interdependency of globalism, crisis in one country could cause a domino effect of crisis in other countries; therefore, all countries and their economic behavior must be managed by a central authority to prevent blundering governments or "rogue central banks" from upsetting the balance.

It’s interesting how the IMF’s answer to the failings of globalization is MORE globalization. In other words, Lagarde would argue that while we are in the midst of an international system, we are not centralized enough for such a system to succeed.

The IMF points out correctly that the economic situation around the world is not stable and could revert once again to the chaos of the initial 2008 crash. The Bank for International Settlements, the primary hub of central bank control, has also given numerous warnings this year on the potential for disaster, including in its latest quarterly report.

The warnings of the BIS in particular should not be taken lightly (some analysts are indeed taking them lightly). The BIS knows exactly when financial disasters will erupt because it wrote the central bank policies that created those same events. For example, in 2007, the BIS released a warning that perfectly predicted the elements of the derivatives and credit crisis in 2008.

What these globalist institutions will not tell you in a direct manner are the real causes and motivations behind the inevitable next stage in the ongoing destruction of the current economic system

The global reset is not a “response” to the process of collapse we are trapped in today. No, the global reset as implemented by central banks and the BIS/IMF is the CAUSE of the collapse. The collapse is a tool, a flamethrower burning a great hole in the forest to make way for the foundations of the globalist Ziggurat to be built. As outlined in my last article, economic disaster serves the interests of elitists.

When you look at these actions by the Federal Reserve and the U.S. government in particular, questions arise. Is it “stupidity” that is causing them to sabotage the golden goose? Is it hubris and greed? Their actions are clearly facilitating a program of incremental implosion, yet they continue to ignore the obvious. Why?

The people who ask these questions are operating on a false assumption; they have assumed that the international bankers and the puppet politicians they control have any interest in protecting the longevity of the U.S. The fact is they do not. They have no loyalty whatsoever to the U.S. system, nor do they see the U.S. as “too big to fail.” This is utter nonsense to globalists. Rather, they see each nation and central bank as a piece in a game, much like chess. Some pieces have to be sacrificed in order to gain a better position on the board. This is all that the U.S., the Federal Reserve and even the dollar are to them: expendable pieces in a larger game.

The U.S. is now experiencing the next stage of the great reset. Two pillars were put in place on top of an already existing pillar by the central banks in order to maintain a semblance of stability after the 2008 crash. This faux stability appears to have been necessary in order to allow time for the conditioning of the masses towards greater acceptance of globalist initiatives, to ensure the debt slavery of future generations through the taxation of government generated long term debts, and to allow for internationalists to safely position their own assets. The three pillars are now being systematically removed by the same central bankers. Why? I believe that they are simply ready to carry on with the next stage of the controlled demolition of the American structure as we know it.

Bailouts And QE: The First Pillar Removed

The bailout bonanza was in part a direct intervention in the deflationary avalanche of the derivatives bubble, but also an indirect intervention in that it changed the psychological dynamics of the markets. As former Fed chairmans Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke have both hinted at in interviews and op-eds, one of the primary concerns of the central bank was the psychology behind higher stock prices.

Stock prices could be propped up by the Fed itself through proxy buyers using the printing press. Or the Fed could inject billions, if not trillions, of dollars into banks and allow them to run wild, artificially boosting investment while doing nothing to solve the existing dilemma of negative fundamentals. Beyond this, the markets began to move on the mere words or edicts of Fed officials as algo-computers and the general investment world placed bets on rhetoric rather than reality; a dynamic which is now ending.

The bailouts also reanimated the cadavers of large corporations and banks, not just in the U.S. but in Europe, giving the illusion of life to the financial system while leaving Main Street to rot. In the meantime, quantitative easing measures provided a way to continue financing U.S. government debt at the expense of generations of taxpayers as numerous primary lenders began to abandon typical long-term bond purchases.

Furthermore, oil markets appear to have been directly inflated by QE intervention. It is important to take note that oil prices remained extraordinarily high despite the continuous fall in global demand UNTIL the moment the Federal Reserve instituted the taper of QE3. Then, prices began to plunge.

In a September 2013 article, I predicted that the Fed, despite all common sense and the claims of banks like Goldman Sachs, would indeed follow through with the taper: a removal of the first pillar levitating the U.S. system.

I was, of course, called crazy at the time for this prediction by some people within the alternative economic community.

“Why in the world” they asked, “would the Fed taper QE when they can simply print to infinity and kick the can down the road perpetually?” Again, these people do not understand that America is under scheduled demolition by the international banks; it is not being protected by them.

The taper occurred in December of that year.

Near Zero Interest Rates: The Second Pillar Nearly Removed

After the taper of QE, volatility not seen since 2008/2009 returned to the markets. And the public once again was reminded in sporadic moments that the recovery might not be real after all. Europe and Japan quickly stepped in with their own renewed stimulus measures, and Fed officials began using strategic media interviews to “hint” falsely that QE might return. Markets rallied, then fell dramatically, then rallied again, then fell again in a shocking manner. And this volatility has been the trend up until recently, when the question of the end of zero interest rate policy arose.

Again, very few people have ever asked or demanded the Fed end QE or ZIRP. There was never any legitimate public pressure on the fed to remove these pillars. The investment world has been essentially addicted like heroin junkies to assured gains for three years. The war cry of the investment world has been BTFD! (Buy the f'ing dip) for quite some time; investors have come to expect and demand inevitable central bank intervention and fiat driven stock market rallies. Yet, the Fed is ending the party anyway.

ZIRP is the only pillar left holding stocks in place. Without zero interest rates, and with even the most minor of .25 basis points added, cost-free overnight lending to banks and corporations will end. They will not be able to afford continued lending on the massive scale seen since 2009/2010. This means no more stock buybacks for dying companies like IBM or General Motors, among others. This means a considerable decline in the markets, declines which we have had a taste of in recent plunges in equities at the mere mention of interest rate increases.

In August in an article entitled 'Economic Crisis Goes Mainstream: What Happen's Next?', I wrote:

"The Federal Reserve push for a rate hike will likely be determined before 2015 is over. Talk of a September increase in interest rates may be a ploy, and a last-minute decision to delay could be on the table. This tactic of edge-of-the-seat meetings and surprise delays was used during the QE taper scenario, which threw a lot of analysts off their guard and caused many to believe that a taper would never happen. Well, it did happen, just as a rate hike will happen, only slightly later than mainstream analysts expect.

If a delay occurs, it will be short-lived, triggering a dead cat bounce in stocks, with rates increasing by December as dismal retail sales become undeniable leading into the Christmas season."

You can also read my analysis on the motivations behind a Fed rate hike as well as the theater surrounding their policies.

The cat seems to have finished its bounce and stocks are returning to volatility. Retail sales so far for Black Friday weekend (including Thanksgiving) have posted a staggering 10% drop with online sales below expectations. Chain Store sales have recently crashed 6.3% week over week. Plunging freight rates and global shipping indicate a severe lack of global demand and a terrible sales season ahead. Janet Yellen, ignoring all negative economic signals as predicted, has all but declared a rate hike a given by Dec. 16.

I was, yet again, called crazy for this assertion by some at the time; and to be clear, I could still be wrong. The Fed could pull a fast one and not raise rates, though the rhetoric coming from the fed today almost guarantees they will take action. Not raising rates doesn’t match with their past habits; they seem to be following the timing of the taper model perfectly. The point is, despite common assumptions within the alternative media, the Fed is not “trapped” and can do whatever it wants, including killing the markets if it benefits the greater goal of a global economic authority. With the ZIRP pillar gone, expect even more violent swings in stocks and general uncertainty and panic among day-traders and the public.

U.S. Dollar's World Reserve Status: The Third Pillar In Progress Of Removal

I’ve been writing about the loss of the dollar’s reserve status since 2008. And as I have always said, the removal of this final pillar is a process, not an overnight affair. The BRICS nations have been positioning themselves for years — China since 2005, the rest of the BRICS since at least 2010.

The delusion that some economic analysts have been under is that the BRICS were strategically vying for power by building their own unified banking institution in “opposition” to the IMF and the West. As I presented in my last article, this has proven to be completely false. They were in fact positioning to take their place as puppets within the new global paradigm taking shape. China has now joined the IMF’s SDR basket (as predicted); and Russia, along with the other BRICS, has openly called for the IMF to take control of the global monetary system.

China’s inclusion, I believe, will hasten the loss of the dollar’s market share of reserve status over the next year, along with other factors. Saudi Arabia has also brought the idea of a depeg from the U.S. dollar into the mainstream discussion. This action, which mainstream economists are calling a possible Black Swan, would end the dollar’s petro-status and result in catastrophe for the U.S. economy. The removal of the final pillar is well underway.

As I have stated in the past, the U.S. system as it stands does not necessarily deserve to survive, but then again, this does not mean that it should be sacrificed in order to breathe life into the monstrosity of global economic governance. Such a trade-off only serves the interests of a select group of elites, with the global reset ending in the mechanized multicultural suicide of sovereignty, leeching prosperity from the rest of us in the name of “collective progress.” Globalists want us to believe there is no other option but their leadership, and they will create any measure of chaos in order to convince us of their necessity.

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Ecological Panic: The New Rationale For Globalist Cultism

Wednesday, 16 December 2015 04:51 Brandon Smith
Faith in an ideology based on a desire for power over others and the need to feel personally superior without any legitimate accomplishment is perhaps the most dangerous state of being an individual or society can adopt. I would refer to such a mindset as “zealotry,” an integral element of cultism and an extreme result of the elitist side of faith.

Zealotry and cultism are not limited to the realm of the religious. Zealotry is a clever devil hiding in the woodwork of any political or academic construct, and this includes the scientific community when it strays away from empirical logic and honest data into a world of pseudoscience and social engineering. I cannot think of a better example of zealotry feeding scientific cultism than the highly propagandized climate change/global warming movement.

Anthropogenic (man-made) global warming is quickly becoming the overarching rationale for almost every policy toward global centralization, as well as a scapegoat for nearly every major crisis from mass shootings and the rise of ISIS to geopolitical shifts in economic structures. Global warming has been projected as a magical force deviously underlying everything. It is presented by climate scientists and activists as an all-encompassing behemoth of cause and effect, yet nearly all of this frantic pontificating is supported by faith, rather than hard data.

The issue is one of transparency. Without transparency of experimental data, climate scientists and think tank operatives become immune to examination. That is to say, if climate scientists and organizations, many of which are funded by public tax dollars, are not required to reveal the raw data behind their claims on global warming, then their claims are no longer a matter of “fact” or scientific process. Rather, the assertions of climate scientists now become edicts from on high, messages from high priests with a private line to the god of science — a god that no one is allowed to question. Their words become gospel: carbon footprints in the sand.

Climate research institutions like the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have refused for decades to release the raw data behind their experiments, which they say prove the existence of man-made global warming. For many years the CRU refused to release any data that was not first processed to reflect its own desired outcomes and still refuses to release emails that might prove that climate scientists had rigged data in their warming models.

Professor Phil Jones of the CRU in charge of maintaining data sets famously told an Australian climate scientist in 2004:

“Even if WMO agrees, I will still not pass on the data. We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it.”

When opposition became more intense in reaction to the CRU’s secretive data, the organization had this to say:

“We are not in a position to supply data for a particular country not covered by the example agreements referred to earlier, as we have never had sufficient resources to keep track of the exact source of each individual monthly value. Since the 1980s, we have merged the data we have received into existing series or begun new ones, so it is impossible to say if all stations within a particular country or if all of an individual record should be freely available. Data storage availability in the 1980s meant that we were not able to keep the multiple sources for some sites, only the station series after adjustment for homogeneity issues. We, therefore, do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (i.e. quality controlled and homogenized) data.”

Whenever the data issue becomes mainstream and pressure builds, climate scientists simply "lose" the original raw data, and once again we are asked to take them at their word.

Now think about that for a moment. Only in the past few years have climate scientists been pushed to give up raw data to the public, as well as to other unaffiliated scientists, for review. They have enjoyed almost complete immunity from scrutiny since the global warming farce began while acting as the CORE drivers of political and economic policy models by international organizations like the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Future laws and taxes that could affect the entire globe are being written and established on the word of a handful of unaccountable scientists who see their claims as sacrosanct and above investigation.

Despite the assertions of some global warming enthusiasts, little has changed since the release of the hacked “climategate” data and emails or public pressure on climate research institutions. These organizations continue to dismiss data requests made through the Freedom Of Information Act.

Recently, the NOAA released studies which it conveniently claims refutes satellite data proving that there has actually been NO global warming for at least 19 years. When asked by lawmakers to release research papers pertaining to the experiments that supposedly back the assertions of the NOAA, the NOAA refused.

Eventually, apologists for the climate cartel are forced to admit that the raw data is not available to the public. Climate scientists seem to be the only scientists in the world who get away with presenting theories and conclusions without being required to back what they say with hard data. Instead of admitting this is an absurd standard, apologists often defend the act of scientific secrecy, claiming that "average people" are not smart enough to interpret the data even if it was made available to us. We the "profane" public are too unclean to examine the holy books of climate scientists; we are expected to simply bow down to them and globalist entities like the UN as mediators between us and the gods.

Again, there is no available raw data that proves that overt global warming or “climate change” is even occurring, let alone that it is caused by human beings or carbon dioxide. There is far more hard evidence suggesting that changes in climate are determined by the SUN; you know, that massive ball of heat and radiation at the center of our solar system the size of 1.3 million Earths. This was outlined expertly in a Channel Four documentary on the global warming hoax.

Until climate scientists are willing to present their findings including all raw data in a legitimate and transparent manner for independent review, NOTHING they have to say on global warming is relevant. Period. They are not high priests. They are not infallible. They are not even particularly honest. Every chart you see in the mainstream showing warming corresponding to human carbon dioxide production is based on hearsay from these pseudoscientists, not hard evidence. Thus, all current and future laws and regulations based on said hearsay are ultimately erroneous and dangerous.

Unfortunately, corruption within climate research is not where the problem stops. There are people within the halls of power that see the climate change ideology as the perfect vehicle to promote a new kind of social order — an order in which collectivism and centralized governance are “scientifically” indispensable.

The Club of Rome, a globalist think tank with close ties to the climate change agenda stated on page 75 of its publication “The First Global Revolution” in 1990:

"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers are caused by human intervention… The real enemy, then, is humanity itself…"

The passage appears under the subhead “The Common Enemy Of Humanity Is Man.”

There is a particular genius in the strategy of essentially uniting humanity against itself. We have heard arguments from politicians in the mainstream about the infinite threats caused by global warming. We have heard many political leaders from across the world demand centralization under the oversight of the U.N. to stop said threats. From Barack Obama to Vladimir Putin, there is considerable geopolitical consensus that the idea of climate change is real (yes, Putin in his last speech at the U.N. demanded action on climate change and more power to the U.N., proving once again that he is not anti-globalist).

Secretary of State John Kerry, among others, has even suggested that ISIS was caused by climate change. This political rhetoric is meant for the masses who consume 15 minutes or less of news per day from the worst possible mainstream sources.

There are, however, more clever snake-oil salesmen writing what I would call “refined propaganda.” These are the think tank analysts who turn lies into highly reasonable sounding treatise built on complex but always circular logical fallacies. If you want to know how future history texts will be written if the globalists get everything they want, simply read the papers and books of the think tank agents today.

Years ago, I wrote about one of these elitist analysts in “The Linchpin Lie: How Global Collapse Will Be Sold To The Masses.” The article focused on a member of Rand Corporation named John Casti and his propaganda mechanism called the “Linchpin Theory.” Casti presented the false idea that “overcomplexity” was the primary cause of global crisis’ leading to minor incidents cascading like dominoes into worldwide catastrophes. Casti’s solution is, of course, simplification (Translation: globalization and centralization under a streamlined one-world system). This argument conveniently gives a free pass to the organized criminality of international elites — as if these men and their engineered disasters do not exist or never mattered, and all the fiscal pain and endless war we suffer is merely a product of random chaos.

I have come across another think tank elitist peddling a similar propaganda mechanism called “Ecological Panic.” Timothy Snyder is a member of the Council On Foreign Relations and the writer of “Black Earth: The Holocaust As History And Warning.” I highly suggest readers listen to this interview with Snyder on Reuters to get a sense of what I mean by “propaganda.”

Snyder conjures a vast array of disinformation in that interview alone, but I was particularly intrigued with the idea of “ecological panic,” which, I believe, is the next phase (or a more carefully defined phase) in the climate change agenda. Here is a summary:

Snyder presents the foundational theory that crises — more specifically, “holocausts” — are a product of resource scarcity and unrealistic ideas of proper living standards. He blames these unrealistic standards on his own conceptions of free market systems, which supposedly encourage societies to demand more access to resources than what is practical (keep in mind that the elites want to be the people who have the power to determine what is practical and what is not). Snyder offers up the notion that Hitler himself, in a way that is not exactly made clear, was a promoter of a brand of free market greed, which lured unsuspecting Germans into the mentality of war and genocide for profit.

At every turn, Snyder and the Reuters interviewers attempt to link Hitler’s philosophies and actions back to current principles that are original pillars of Western culture. Snyder suggests that Hitler’s social Darwinism is related to the free-market mentality of competition, which he seems to think means competition at any cost. He argues that the German ideal of high living standards was derived from ranking themselves against American standards. The interview leapfrogs into a comparison between the German obsession with high living standards at the onset of fascism and the American conception of high livings standards today.

Ostensibly, the hint is that high living standards lead to totalitarianism and holocausts.

The final thrust of the discussion revolves around the key idea that state conquests for resources along with global warming are today’s “linchpins” for further war, mass immigrations and genocide. Snyder directly relates Hitlerian genocidal philosophy with resource conquest and Hitler’s refusal to take science into account as a warning or a solution. Snyder links this to “ecological panic,” the claim that a lack of resource management and practicality lead to amoral thought processes and genocide. He suggests that global warming is a new catalyst for ecological panic and that the U.S. and much of the world are diving headlong into the same pattern as Nazi Germany out of greed for resources and a refusal to acknowledge the “wisdom” of climate science.

So, if you were wondering where the root source was for the argument that climate change skeptics are the same as “holocaust deniers,” this kind of thinking is it.

Snyder constructs a narrative of moral relativism in which people cannot be saved by enlightenment or moral compass because, according to him (and I am paraphrasing), resource crisis removes all morality from the situation and automatically turns people into monsters. This is yet another elitist attempt to discount inborn conscience as a factor and elevate collectivist control of environment to mold society.

For someone who claims that understanding history requires “undoing the things we think we know implanted in our minds by nationalist history,” Snyder injects a rather ridiculous abstract regurgitation of mainstream history with vast voids of space in his information.

First off, as shown above, Snyder’s primary thesis falls apart if the ideology of man-made global warming is a lie, a lie generated by false data provided by climate scientists who keep the raw and real data to themselves like some kind of occult knowledge.

Second, true free markets did not exist in Germany during the Great Depression or World War II; and they certainly do not exist in America today. I’m getting a little tired of socialists and globalists constantly blaming “free markets” for the problems they created.

Third, Snyder, like Casti from Rand Corporation, completely skips over the historical record when it comes to the influences of internationalists in the creation of disasters or totalitarian governments like the Third Reich. I highly suggest anyone interested in the REAL history of the Nazi Party read the well-documented works of Antony Sutton, including “Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler.”

While consistently attempting to connect Hitler’s fancies and genocidal tendencies to his admiration for American history, Snyder utterly ignores the fact that Hitler’s ideas on genocide were directly affected by the philosophy of eugenics, a philosophy which was launched by global elitists like the Rockefellers in the U.S. in the early 1900s — the same elites who later funded the Nazi infrastructure. Resource entitlement and "ecological panic" had little or nothing to do with Hitler’s eugenics background.

It is documented fact that the success of ISIS in Syria and Iraq is due to the openly admitted support by covert government agencies, including U.S. agencies, tied to internationalist interests — NOT due to global warming, which is perhaps the most insane connect-the-dot theory I have ever heard.

What we have here from this CFR mouthpiece is a carefully crafted rationalization for globalism. Look at it this way: If ecological panic is the primary trigger of collapse, war and industrialized death, the elites escape all blame. They are the ones, after all, trying to “save us” from ourselves by introducing carbon emissions controls, not to mention the idea of population controls.

Global warming becomes a catch-all bogeyman, a Frankenstein monstrosity created by humanity and plaguing humanity. Those who deny the existence of global warming or who question the legitimacy of its high priests (climate scientists) are not exercising their right to skepticism; they are contributing to inevitable genocide. Therefore, climate denial would have to be punished by governments, as climate scientists have been publicly suggesting.

Climate change and Snyder’s world of ecological panic would naturally facilitate the development of population controls and institutionalized eugenics. I have no idea if Snyder is aware of the irony that his ideology is actually more closely related to Hitler’s ideology than free markets ever will be. Being that he is a member of the CFR, I suspect he is aware indeed.

If you want to know why internationalists and collectivists have been force-feeding the climate change agenda to the world despite considerable opposition and well-publicized incidences of exposed fraud on the part of climate scientists, consider the prize at the end of the game. If climate change and ecological panic become ingrained “truths” within our social framework, literally any horror can be justified.

Under ecological panic, human beings must apply social Darwinism in order to survive. Amoral rationalizations must prevail. Pseudoscientists and the establishment become the purveyors of life and death, prosperity and poverty. It will be the elitist class, given license by the power of blind faith rather than hard data, that will determine every aspect of existence from resource allocation, to production, to labor, to relationships and birth, to child rearing, to an individual’s very life span and access to healthcare. Globalism, if allowed to continue in the name of climate defense, will become the most pervasive and powerful cult in history.

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Monday, December 14, 2015

The Ugly Truth Donald Trump Has Exposed

Authored by Karl Denninger via The Market Ticker blog,

The fear in both the GOP and Democratic party is visible at the surface when it comes to Trump, and it's not that he's any of what they've accused him of. No, it's really much simpler than that, and both Republican and Democrat parties, along with the mainstream media, are utterly terrified that you, the average American, is going to figure out what underlies all of these institutions in America.

No, it's not that they're evil.

It's worse, for evil frequently is recognized and fought back yet for decades America has not awakened to what has been going on in the political and media establishment. It was evident during the Vietnam war and has only gotten worse since.

For those who don't recall the Tet Offensive was an attack launched by the NVA and VietCong by some 70,000 troops in a coordinated series of attacks across more than 100 targets. It was an attempt to foment rebellion among the South's population.

Tet failed in its military objective, in that there were too few troops spread too thinly, and once the US and South Vietnamese figured out what was going on they literally slaughtered a huge number of the attackers. To put perspective on this at the Battle of Hue roughly 500 US Marines and South Vietnamese were killed but over 5,000 NVA and VietCong died in that one battle alone.

The story was repeated through the country; while the North managed to attack they lost virtually the entire attacking force, while not managing to take one mile of territory. They also failed to incite rebellion, which was the primary goal of the offensive in the first place.

Our media, however, reported that we lost. They were present and they lied, including Walter Cronkite. Cronkite reported in February of 1968 that the war "was a stalemate and probably unwinnable" despite knowing that the NVA had virtually been rendered soldierless in the Tet offensive as their casualty rate ran ten times the South's.

Tet was a desperation move; the North was in serious trouble. They were failing to take territory and losing men and material at an ridiculous rate compared to the Americans and South. Simply put we were the better fighting force and it wasn't a close call. In the first few days of their "offensive" they lost ten thousand men against about 750 on the other side and it just got worse from there with total losses on their side being close to 50,000, or virtually all of their remaining fighting-age force.

Cronkite didn't care about the truth. He wasn't evil, he was indifferent. He didn't give a damn about the fact that a totalitarian government was being handed a victory over millions of citizens, he simply wanted to make a further name for himself and push his political agenda.

Likewise there are those who claim that Obama and similar are evil in their view of Muslims and terrorism and of course they wish to draw a distinction between left and right sides of the aisle. Wrong. They're all indifferent.

The political goal is more power for them and their friends, mostly economic power. More ability to extract from you by force and threaten you with jail or worse if you try to resist. More power over your daily life. More power to tell you that you must bake a cake for gays (because your religious convictions don't matter) but if your religious convictions are Muslim then they do matter and must be protected because that's where one of the big reservoirs of oil and undeveloped people that can be exploited in the future reside.

They literally don't care if you get blown up or shot and it doesn't matter if they're Democrat or Republican. They don't care if you live under a freeway overpass because your health "insurance" that you are forced to buy covers so little that you have to spend $6,000 before one dime is covered, and you don't have $6,000. They don't care that a Christmas Party was shot up by a couple of Islamic Nutjobs who they could have identified if they did care and in fact they shut down an investigation on "civil rights" grounds that probably would have identified the shooters years before.

Jeb Bush has never apologized for giving Driver Licenses to the majority of the 9/11 hijackers in Florida because he doesn't care. What he cared about was making sure that illegal immigrants could roof houses during the housing bubble so his buddies could make money. That 3,000 Americans died as a plausibly direct consequence doesn't matter to him.

Marco Rubio supports allowing the illegal invaders to remain here because he doesn't care if it screws you out of a job. Like Bush, what he cares about is his corporate patrons that want cheap labor. He cites all these Fortune 500 companies that were started by immigrants but I'll bet that not one of them was an illegal invader. Ditto for his Nobel Prize winner claims. Oh sure, they've been immigrants -- the legal variety. The illegal ones are the roofers working under the table or the gang members. That there is immense criminal and economic collateral damage doesn't matter to him; he's not evil, he's indifferent.

Ben Carson refuses, despite being a surgeon, to speak against the medical monopolies. He knows exactly what's wrong in that regard both in the hospital and drug field. He's not evil, he's indifferent to the damage that his own profession has done to you over the last 30 years.

Hillary Clinton knows damn well that during the Benghazi attacks there were military resources available to interdict them. But she has famously said "what difference does it make" and, in her view, she's right. She's not evil, she's indifferent -- to the lives lost there and to any other collateral damage including the arming of what has turned into Daesh! Her goal is globalism, socialism and statism, all for her own personal aggrandizement. That you are harmed or even killed doesn't matter to her.

Folks, this is where Trump is really freaking the establishment out. See, Trump already has anything material that he wants, and if something pops up he wants and doesn't have he can simply stroke a check. He has no need to play the indifference game; there is no amount of money he can gain or lose in his lifetime that will change his lifestyle. He has his own security and doesn't need yours, he has his own money and also doesn't need yours.

The visceral reaction you're seeing in the media isn't about Trump's policies. It's fear that's motivating them.

They fear that you might come to realize that you can't demonize the "other side" for being evil; rather, they are both equally guilty almost to a single man and woman at being simply indifferent as to how much you get screwed and by whom, up to and including your death and the death of your children, so long as their desire for more power and control, either for them or their friends, is realized.

If that happens -- if you quit the left/right, republican/democrat, liberal/conservative game and instead demand the indictment of all of them for their treasonous and outrageously unlawful behavior along with their removal from office and are willing to back that up with action up to and including a general strike until they are all gone and in chains then they are all screwed.

That is what is driving the animus toward Trump.

Wake up America.