The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression

The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression
The forgotten man painting by McNaughton (click image for video) I believe this image best exemplifies where we stand today, pun intended.

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

SATANIC ELITE: American Mind Control and a World Gov’t

SATANIC ELITE: American Mind Control and a World Gov’t

By Paul McGuire
December 10, 2012

There exists a secretive Satanic elite, that consists of perhaps twelve men at the very top, who rule the world through banking and international finance. Publicly these men pretend to be humanists, but secretly they have to chosen to worship Lucifer. They are now in the process of the final take over, where they will bring in a one world government and one world economic system, beginning as early as 2018. Their primary means of achieving this goal is through control of the economy and through scientific mind control.
In the United States, the primary evidence for the success of their mind control operation is the fact that the thinking, belief systems, morality, behavior and religious beliefs of the average American have radically changed in just a few short decades. The elites have perfected social engineering to such an extent that they have now indoctrinated several generations of Americans into being anti-Christian, anti-American and Marxist in their belief systems.
The stealthy nature of their strategy has developed politicians at the highest level who are programmed like Manchurian candidates with synthetic personalities and they have developed Manchurian actors and entertainers as well.
Going back to the League of Nations, around 1918, the church was the special target for social engineering through the efforts of one of the Dulles brothers, who was financed by Rockefeller. Today the majority of American Christians and churches no longer believe in things like Satan, prophecy and the Antichrist, The Satanic elite know who their Master is and will follow His orders unto death. Unlike Christians who no longer go to church and read their Bibles, a highly organized and hierarchical army of Satanists faithfully perform their Satanic rituals which include human sacrifice of babies and the abduction of children, along with adults. Their rituals include the drinking of human blood, drug taking, brutal rape and sexual orgies. Many of the people at the highest levels of government, finance, media and culture participate in these Satanic orgies and rituals in deep underground in caves in Europe and other locations around the world.
For those who know how to recognize their Luciferian symbols, they are openly displayed everywhere. It is more than strange that some of the most powerful men in the world meet regularly at the Bohemian Grove and offer mock sacrifices of babies on a giant statue of Moloch or Baal, in Northern California. It is very revealing that the U.S. dollar has an Illuminati/occult pyramid, with the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words in Latin, Novus Ordo Seclorum or New Order of the Ages, which means New World Order printed on the back of it. In fact, the all-seeing eye of Lucifer is clearly seen on numerous multinational corporation logos along with a vast array of blatantly occult symbols.

One of the most famous Satanists of recent times was Aleister Crowley, who was called, “The Great Beast 666.” In 1904, Crowley received a supernatural communication from what he called a “praeterhuman intelligence.” This was the basis for Crowley’s book, The Book of the Law, upon which Crowley’s religious philosophy, Thelema was built. Crowley and his followers were accused of human sacrifice and other Satanic rituals. Aleister Crowley’s face is on the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club album and he is a kind of saint to the giants of the music industry. But according to declassified documents, Crowley worked with British Intelligence and high-ranking members of the American government. The O.T.O.-secret society he founded had some of the world’s most powerful and influential people of his time.
Today we see the counterculture revolution as the Presidents and Prime Ministers of many nations. But the counterculture revolution of the 1960’s was manufactured by a secret scientific and occult elite in Great Britain. This elite modeled their occult vision for America’s youth on the pagan cult ceremonies of the Egyptian and Roman Empires. The Egyptian Isis Priesthood of the third millennium B.C., had its roots in Babylon, as Isis is another name for the wife of Nimrod, who was originally called Semiramis.
These Babylonian occult ceremonies were essentially about mind control. The incantations, dances, beating of drums, use of psychedelic drugs and repetitive movements put people into deep trance states where they could be controlled.
The influence of Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic philosophy and his vision of a New Aeon in countless films, television programs and booksis a reminder of the powerful influence that this Satanist had on our global culture. In fact, prominent members of Crowley’s O.T.O. were (and still are) heavily involved in the production of Hollywood movies, embedding within their plots Thelemic tenets. Since the beginning, science fiction is a favored genre to expose viewers to what is called predictive programming.

Crowley’s vision of a New Aeon or New Age influenced the mass media, especially in the area of science fiction films and books. Allegedly, science fiction authors like Robert Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, Arthur C. Clarke and A.H. White helped shape Crowley’s vision of the future through a brain washing technique called predictive programming. A coming New World Order was downloaded into the American subconscious through predictive programming. When you see television and films in our time, you see numerous depictions of predictive programming and mind control at work, especially in the areas of science fiction and fantasy.
Crowley’s belief in a New Aeon matches perfectly with the Illuminati plan for a new world order ruled by a secret elite. The Illuminati Manifesto, upon which the Communist Manifesto got many of its ideas, is moving at lightning speed to establish a World Socialist Government. The characteristics of this government fit perfectly with the world government under Antichrist and the one world economic system, along with theone world religion created by the False Prophet in the Book of Revelation. It is not an accident that Mystery Babylon and Babylon the Great is mentioned numerous times in the Book of Revelation.
The first one world government, one world economic system and one world religion was started by Nimrod at the Tower of Babel, or ancient Babylon. The reason God judged Babylon, was because he could see that it was an attempt by man to become god, by building a tower to the stars. Babylon in its essence was about a revolution against God and an attempt by man to replace God with the collective. It is not by accident that Communism’s true origins are found in the occult teachings of the Illuminati and that the international bankers, who financed both the Bolshevik Revolution and Hitler, were part of the Illuminati. In fact, Karl Marx was a practicing member of a Satanic church and Lenin knew that his power came from the Illuminati.
Totalitarianism is always a revolution against the Kingdom of God –always! Every Communist, Socialist and National Socialist movement is the spirit of Antichrist attempting to overthrow the rule of God. It is not an accident that Lenin referred to the first revolutionary, meaning Satan. It is not a coincidence that Saul Alinksy’s book, “Rules for Radicals” was dedicated to Lucifer. Alinsky writes on his dedication page.
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history… the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Theoretically, the pathway to a socialist dictatorship is no longer bloody revolution. Mind control is far more effective in destroying Christianity and establishing a totalitarian state. The science of mind control is now capable of mass brainwashing.

Aldous Huxley, the author of “Brave New World,” commented on effective mind control when he said, “A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”
Nazi, Germany, Russia, Great Britain and the United States had all been experimenting with drugs for mind control purposes. Both the CIA and Russian intelligence competed for Nazi mind control scientists after World War II. Many of these mind control scientist were deeply involved in the occult and Satanism. Psychiatric reports proposed that LSD could break down existing behavior patterns and be used in reprogramming or brainwashing. Thus, the military’s MK ULTRA program began with the help of Dr. Aldous Huxley who had contact with the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley.
Interestingly, years later while speaking at the U.C. Berkley in 1962, Aldous Huxley outlined his vision for the “ultimate revolution,” which is a Luciferian and scientific dictatorship where people will be conditioned to enjoy their slavery. The counter culture revolution from Britain was launched immediately afterwards. Perhaps Huxley had advance knowledge?
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961.
Aldous Huxley was the grandson of Thomas H. Huxley, a founder of the Rhodes Roundtable group and a lifelong collaborator of Arnold Toynbee, another founder of the Rhodes Roundtable group, which birthed the Council on Foreign Relations in the U.S. While at Oxford, Aldous Huxley was one of the initiates in the “Children of the Sun,” a Dionysian cult comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable elite.
Aldous Huxley, along with his brother Julian, was mentored at Oxford by H.G. Wells, the head of British foreign intelligence during World War I and a famous author. H.G. Wells wrote, “The Open Conspiracy: Bluprints for a World Revolution.” In the “Open Conspiracy,” Wells wrote of an elite group of men who would rule the world. Wells called his conspiracy a “one-world brain,” which functions like a “police of the mind.” H.G. Wells use of predictive programming in his popular novels (The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, and so forth), and those of his disciples Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and George Orwell (1984 and Animal Farm) were written as kind of religious attracts with a “mass appeal” for a one world government.
Unlike most historical figures who lose their relevancy as the years go by, Crowley’s influence is steadily increasing in the 21st century. This is not only a result of luck or natural evolution. Crowley and his O.T.O. maintained ties with high-level members of the British and American governments, as well as with influential figures in science, law and culture. The world’s elite have embraced Illuminist values, and are in perfect accord with Crowley’s Thelema –occult doctrine. These connections facilitated the mass dissemination and acceptance of his works in popular culture. Crowley did not only predict society’s abandonment of traditional religions and the embrace the Aeon of Horus; he was part of the motor that made these changes happen. The recent Olympic Ceremonies featured giant replicas of the Eye of Horus, which is the Eye of Lucifer, which is the same all-seeing eye of Satan on the back of the U.S. dollar.
The reality is that both the American culture and the global culture have been under an all-out assault by psychological warfare where the goal is to take prisoners captive and make them slaves through mind control and that is precisely what is happening now.
Now the only question to be asked is “What do we do about this all-out war by a Satanic elite who have every intention of either enslaving us or destroying us?” Don’t be deceived for a moment: that is exactly where this is going! The answer to that question sounds loud and clear in every one of our hearts. We already know that it is our duty before God to go to war spiritually and legally with the powers of darkness. Now, the only reason you might have a problem with that is, you don’t read your Bible. The Apostle Paul specifically used the words in Ephesians 6, “That our fight is not against flesh and blood…” The clearly implies that we are to be in a fight! Then further on the Apostle Paul tells us to wear the full armor of God and tells us how to wage war in the Spirit. There is absolutely no question here that the Apostle Paul is telling you that you are to be a spiritually armed soldier in the army of the Lord! Therefore it is obvious that you must now recognize that you are now enlisted and you are to follow orders!
There should be no confusion here. It was not all that long ago when the Christian churches proudly sang the hymn, “Onward Christian soldiers…marching as to war.” The church knew that it was in a spiritual war with the forces of Satan and that they were commanded to fight spiritually! Then the Apostle Paul teaches us that, “the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God.” We are to understand that we have been given the most powerful weapons in the universe and they are spiritual!
In Revelation 19, there is a description of the Lord Jesus Christ coming down from heaven with the armies of Heaven for the final battle of Armageddon where Christ, a conquering King, is going to destroy His enemies including Satan. It is imperative that you understand that you are already enlisted as a spiritual soldier in the armies of Heaven now! It is when you understand and accept that powerful truth that you will receive your marching orders. Satan or Lucifer is the temporary prince of this world. We have been given specific weapons to destroy the armies of Lucifer and to set the prisoners free.
You must understand that God is more powerful than Satan. Satan is attempting to lead a revolution against God on Earth with one third of the angels at this moment. Satan has deceived millions of men and women into serving him and that would include the Satanic elite.
But God has given you specific and strategic spiritual weapons to set people free from Luciferian mind control. Now it is very important that you listen very carefully to what I am about to say to you. The power of Satan can be broken for this nation now. This is the great secret that the powers of darkness do not want you to know! When Jesus Christ said to His disciples, “All authority has been given to Me…” Jesus Christ meant those words. In addition, Jesus Christ specifically told his followers, and that includes you and me, that He has given us that authority. That means in the power of Jesus Christ we have authority over Satan and his armies! However, unless we understand that we have that authority and use it, it will do us no good.
It is at this point all hell breaks loose in a person’s thoughts or in a conversation, because the powers of darkness will do anything to divert you from knowing and using that truth. Theological arguments are Satan’s primary tool. In addition to being an author, I am an internationally recognized expert on Bible prophecy. I am fully aware of all arguments that are used to derail that truth. Let me say in the strongest terms that I can that I am aware of what the Bible says in terms of God’s prophetic timeline. I understand thoroughly that many events have to happen before Christ rules and reigns over planet Earth from Jerusalem and Satan is sent to the Abyss. In addition, I am not even remotely suggesting that we are Christ.
Please listen very carefully as I explain what I mean. Jesus Christ has given us spiritual authority over specific situations, events, people and nations. As such, it is possible to break the power of the Satanic elite over a nation in a temporal sense, until Christ returns. Breaking the power of Satan over America does not imply interfering with God’s complete prophetic program!
So back to the business at hand. Once we understand that we have been given the power to defeat our enemy, we must then use that power strategically and efficiently. This trance state over America can be broken. The grip of mind control and brainwashing can be shattered and millions can be set free! The key is to understand the spiritual and psychological nature of this warfare, as well as the strategy and organizational structure of our enemy. Once that is understood, we employ the most powerful weapons known to man in the battle. These are spiritual weapons with very practical consequences. Being trained and prepared for the use of these spiritual weapons with overwhelming force, we employ them strategically. This will result in the total penetration and annihilation of walls and barriers in another dimension. There will be an accompanying convergence of such magnitude that it will send shockwaves from another dimension into the very core of the Satanic elite. This will change the course of history. But, you will not fully understand what you have accomplished until you leave this dimension for eternity. The time is now!
© 2012 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

Friday, June 27, 2014

Meet the Man Who Will Be In Charge of the UN Takeover of America

by Dave Hodges

In Part One, I detailed how the United Nations is posturing to seize American guns as a prelude to martial law. If you have not read Part One, it will be helpful to do so before reading the rest of this article.

Any police detective will tell you that it is sometimes necessary to look at the facts of an old crime in order to solve a new crime. If one wants to understand the forces at work which are posturing to enslave America, one has to first take a summary look at the forces behind the so-called Gulf Oil Spill because many of the players, one in particular, will prominently figure in what is coming.

The Genesis of Our Present Demise

Before we can solve the soon-to-be-crime in which the UN completes its pre-positioning of its assets and moves to seize American guns and impose martial law under the umbrella of a completely manufactured crisis, we need to take a retrospective peek at what happened in the Gulf Oil Spill.

Shortly following the Gulf Oil Spill, I wrote a seven part series which exposed the conspiracy, which in part, blew the lid off the event by demonstrating the money movement prior to the explosion was orchestrated. Yes, I am saying that this was a false flag event. Proving this assertion is as easy as counting 1-2-3. The players involved in the Great Gulf Coast Holocaust were the following:

1. British Petroleum was the owner of the oil being removed from the floor of the Gulf. BP CEO Tony Hayward sold 40% of his BP holdings in the weeks prior to the spill and paid off his mortgage on his estate in Kent, England, avoided staggering losses. And true to form involving the pattern of perpetuating a false flag event with media complicity, on June 8, 2010, less than six weeks following the oil spill, BP bought Google and Yahoo Search Terms, related to the oil spill, in an obvious attempt to conceal as much of the truth as possible from the public.

2. Halliburton was drilling at the base of the Deepwater Horizon. Very coincidentally, only 11 days before, on April 9, 2010, Halliburton purchased Boots and Coots for a quarter of a billion dollars. Just who is Boots and Coots? Coincidentally, they are the largest oil clean up firm in the world. And when the explosion took place 11 days later, wasn’t it fortunate that Halliburton was there armed with Boots and Coots as they capitalized on their timely good fortune. Subsequently, Halliburton’s profits increased 83% in just 3 months following the Gulf Oil Crisis subsequent to the clean-up efforts. It was simply raining coincidences!

3. Goldman Sachs and Transocean instituted a “put option” on Transocean’s stock for preferred Transocean insiders the very morning of the explosion. Transocean boldly walked away with a $270 million dollar profit immediately following the explosion because they had doubly indemnified the rig only weeks prior to the explosion through Lloyds of London. This alone should have been enough to trigger a massive investigation. The subsequent cover-up for this event began in 2007, three years before the event, as Goldman Sachs reorganized Transocean, the owner of the destroyed oil rig, into a Cayman Island corporation. In doing so, it made Transocean virtually impossible for Congress to investigate and subsequently discipline the perpetrators.

Oh, and the President got his hands dirty as well. The late Bob Chapman, while appearing on the Alex Jones Show in June of 2010, revealed that Obama’s only asset holder, Vanguard I and Vanguard II, dramatically sold off BP stock only few weeks before Gulf oil explosion. Chapman also revealed that “According to this FSB report the largest seller of BP stock in the weeks before this disaster occurred was the American investment company known as Vanguard who through two of their financial arms (Vanguard Windsor II Investor and Vanguard Windsor I Investor) unloaded over 1.5 million shares of BP stock saving their investors hundreds of millions of dollars, chief among them was President Obama. The FSB further estimates in this report that through Obama’s three accounts in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund he stands to make another $100 million over the next 10 years as their largest stock holding is in the energy giant Exxon Mobil they believe will eventually acquire BP and all of their assets for what will be essentially a “rock bottom” price and which very predictably BP has hired Goldman Sachs to advise them on.” Watch the entire interview below.

The top five dumping institutions of BP stock just prior to the spill included Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P. (-4,680,822), Wachovia Bank National Association(-2,667,419) and it is important to note that Wachovia is a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs, thus, making this one tight little family of co-conspirators. We also see massive dumping of Sanders Capital, LLC (-1,371,785) and PNC Bank, National Association (-1,177,413) brings noted globalist George Soros into the conspiracy as well. And we now know who orchestrated the entire event.

Peter Sutherland: A Person of Strong Interest

Many have asked if there was a central figure who coordinated this conspiracy. If I were an unencumbered investigator and not operating under the umbrella of an agenda, I would want to look closely at a globalist named Peter Sutherland as the possible mastermind. But you see, Sutherland is not just the architect of the Gulf Oil Spill, as you will soon note, he will be behind what is coming with the United Nations take down of the United States.

Peter Sutherland Former BP CEO to Goldman Sachs Non-Executive CEO

Peter Sutherland is an insider’s, insider. He is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, he is an Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission (2010-present), he was Chairman of the Trilateral Commission (Europe) (2001–2010) and Sutherland was Vice Chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists (2006–2009). Sutherland was also the former head of the World Trade Organization and the related GATT. Sutherland is the ultimate insider.

More to the point, from 1996-2009, Sutherland was the CEO of BP. In 2009, he resigned from BP and assumed a “non-executive” CEO position with Goldman Sachs, less than a year before the Gulf Event.
Sutherland was in position to know how to manipulate this event and further, he would have been the one at Goldman Sachs who was in charge of the dumping BP assets prior to the explosion and orchestrating the cover-ups of Transocean and Halliburton. Where was the FBI and the SEC through all of this?

As if this is not enough to raise eyebrows, here is where Sutherland becomes my primary person of interest in this conspiracy. In 2006, Peter Sutherland was appointed as the special representative (SRSG) on the United Nations International Migration and Development.

The UN’s International Migration and Development would be in charge of large scale population movements. At one time, I believed that the Gulf was going to be evacuated and that Sutherland, who helped his corporate cronies profit from the event, would be in charge of the UN mandated evacuation of the Gulf. That still might happen, especially considering that Jesse Ventura discovered an Army Corps of Engineers document granting the Corps $40 billion dollars to evacuate the Gulf. However, today, there is a much more pressing issue. I was correct when I stated that Sutherland is going to be in charge of a major UN population movement inside the United States, but it is going to be triggered by an influx of millions of illegal aliens who will unwittingly create a monumental catastrophe on our border with Mexico and that crisis is already underway.

The Overrunning of America’s Southwest Border by Illegal Alien Children

On June 19, 2014, I wrote a story which detailed how America’s southwestern border is being overrun by illegal aliens, mostly children. Why just the children? That same day on my website, I published an article which contained an advertisement by the US government for escorts to help illegal immigrant children who were going to be illegally crossing the border. In other words, this immigration crisis was planned at least 7 months in advance by the United States government.

The national mainstream media is not yet covering the growing holocaust on our border with Mexico to the degree that it needs to be. People are soon going to be starving, dying of thirst from crossing the border in very hot 110+ temperatures and some of these immigrants are bringing diseases into the US because of the extremely unsanitary conditions on the border.

The local media in Arizona is covering this horrific event, but not the national media. Below is a picture of illegal immigrant children being held in very primitive conditions in Nogales, Arizona.

A holocaust in the making which will require the intervention of the UN Migrant Council headed by Peter Sutherland. Make this picture go viral.
A holocaust in the making which will require the intervention of the UN Migrant Council headed by Peter Sutherland. Make this picture go viral.
You know this is being orchestrated into a Hegelian Dialectic on the border. The children of Central America did not wake up this June and decide to hold their collective recesses on the border with the United States. They were encouraged and provided transport (see Part One).

Gun Confiscation and Martial Law Happen When “These Guys” Show Up

This was taken six days ago on a Georgia highway. What are they doing here?
This was taken six days ago on a Georgia highway. What are they doing here?

Don’t believe the validity of these still photos? Then please explain the following video? (Foul language: Viewer Discretion Advised)

What Ties This All Together?

Question: When will the UN be called into play and take command of the “international crisis on the American border? Answer: When helpless children begin to die in the hot Arizona summer and America’s compassion for children, regardless of where they come from, is put into play. This will get the UN “relief workers” to be initially accepted.

Watch the news events in the coming days and weeks. Soon, every news item on this event will accentuate the suffering that these poor children are going through as they are herded into America without any adult supervision. And yes, God does command us to help these innocent ones. However, this will be the excuse that is needed to roll out these prepositioned UN assets.

The immigration/border crisis is at least one part of the plot to subjugate America. And when it comes to relocating the soon-to-be millions of children flooding here to safe havens, who will be in charge? It will be Peter Sutherland and the UN Migration Council. And once the UN troops are openly on our streets, the foothold will have been achieved. Gun confiscation and martial law will be a foregone conclusion as the next, yet undefined, false flag event will unfold.

When you see the blue helmets on your streets, it will be Peter Sutherland in charge. And I am certain that he will handle this crisis with the same demeanor and integrity as he handled the Gulf crisis.

Meet your soon-to-be new United Nations Governor. He orchestrated the Gulf crisis and now he will be “managing” the border crisis.

A Future Press Conference

"As President, I want to encourage all Americans to welcome with open arms from the United Nations as they help us mitigate the crisis at the border. God Bless America"!
“As President, I want to encourage all Americans to welcome with open arms the Peacekeepers from the United Nations as they help us mitigate the crisis at the border. God Bless America”!

Take a look at Peter Sutherland, below, as he was video taped at Bilderberg this month. You can often tell a lot about the way a man carries himself.

Tyrants - They Inevitably Reap What They Sow

"God, if you are there, strike me dead!"
– Italian dictator Benito Mussolini

Many years later God did accommodate when Mussolini and his mistress were condemned to death. Mussolini said, "Let me save my life and I will give you an empire!" then began shouting "No, No." They were both executed along with main members of his cabinet on April 29, 1945. Their bodies were savagely beaten then hung upside down at an Esso gas station in the Plazzale Loreto in Milan.
Men wickedly depart from God and His Laws by following men who claim to be something they are not, simply because men fail to judge them by their fruit (Matthew 24:5). They are then led away through deception, millions and millions of people are slaughtered through contrived wars, and nations are destroyed! This, of course, occurs because people that should know better neglect duty through apathy and blindly follow their leader. Men tempt God by allowing tyrants to take the helm and steer into history destruction these same men wish would have never been allowed. They then return to the God they should have never departed from in the first place (Leviticus 26:40-46).
Speaking of these tyrants, they know that God is who He says He is, for He is the One with whom they feebly make war (James 2:19).
Napoleon Bonaparte said, "The Bible is no mere book, but a Living Creature, with a power that conquers all that oppose it." (Psalm 2:5)
Friends, history teaches us just that.

For example:
Maxentine built a false bridge to drown Constantine, but was drowned himself.
Sultan Bajazet was carried by Tamerlane in an iron cage that he intended for Tamerlane.
Maximinus put out the eyes of thousands of Christians. Soon after, a fearful disease of the eyes broke out among his people, of which he himself died in great agony.
Valens caused about 80 Christians to be sent to sea in a ship and burned alive. He was defeated by the Goths and fled to a cottage, where he was burned alive.
Alexander VI was poisoned by wine he had prepared for another.
Henry III of France was stabbed in the same chamber where he had helped to contrive the cruel massacre of French Protestants.
Marie Antoinette, riding to Notre Dame Cathedral for her wedding, bade the soldiers command all beggars, cripples and ragged people to leave the line of the procession. She could not endure the sight of these miserable ones. Soon after, bound in the executioner's cart, she was riding toward the place of execution amid crowds who gazed on her with hearts as cold as ice and hard as granite.
When Foulon was asked how the starving populace was to live, he said, "Let them eat grass." Afterward, the mob, maddened with rage, caught him in the streets of Paris, hung him, stuck his head upon a pike and filled his mouth with grass (Galatians 6:7).
Herod Antipas and Herodias were responsible for the imprisonment and execution of John the Baptist, and Herod himself attempted to plot the death of Christ. In the summer of A.D. 39, Antipas' money and territory were turned over to Agrippa, while he and his wife were exiled, and Antipas died miserably.
Pontius Pilate handed Christ to the Jews to be scourged and crucified. Pilate fell under misfortunes in the reign of Caligula (A.D. 37–41), was exiled to Gaul and eventually committed suicide there in Vienne.
The Jews, who heard and rejected Christ, were destroyed by Titus and Vespasian, his father, in A.D. 70, about 40 years after the passion of the Christ, to the number of 1,100,00 – beside those Vespasian slew in the subduing of Galilee.
The vain senate of Rome, after being proposed to have Christ adored as God, rejected Him. Being content to have the emperor reign over them rather than the meek King of Glory, the Son of God, they were scourged and trapped for their unjust refusing. For, as they preferred the emperor and rejected Christ, so the just permission of God stirred up their own emperors against them in such sort, that the senators themselves were almost destroyed, and the whole city most horribly afflicted for the space of almost 300 years.
Video: Reaping and Sowing

The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% - ex CIA spy

A businessman tries to break through a line of Occupy Wall Street protesters who had blocked access to the New York Stock Exchange area in November

The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% - ex CIA spy
The man who trained more than 66 countries in open source methods calls for re-invention of intelligence to re-engineer Earth

Robert David Steele, former Marine, CIA case officer, and US co-founder of the US Marine Corps intelligence activity, is a man on a mission. But it's a mission that frightens the US intelligence establishment to its core.
With 18 years experience working across the US intelligence community, followed by 20 more years in commercial intelligence and training, Steele's exemplary career has spanned almost all areas of both the clandestine world.

Steele started off as a Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer. After four years on active duty, he joined the CIA for about a decade before co-founding the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, where he was deputy director. Widely recognised as the leader of the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) paradigm, Steele went on to write the handbooks on OSINT for NATO, the US Defense Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Special Operations Forces. In passing, he personally trained 7,500 officers from over 66 countries.

In 1992, despite opposition from the CIA, he obtained Marine Corps permission to organise a landmark international conference on open source intelligence – the paradigm of deriving information to support policy decisions not through secret activities, but from open public sources available to all. The conference was such a success it brought in over 620 attendees from the intelligence world.

But the CIA wasn't happy, and ensured that Steele was prohibited from running a second conference. The clash prompted him to resign from his position as second-ranking civilian in Marine Corps intelligence, and pursue the open source paradigm elsewhere. He went on to found and head up the Open Source Solutions Network Inc. and later the non-profit Earth Intelligence Network which runs the Public Intelligence Blog.

Robert David Steele
Former CIA spy and Open Source Intelligence pioneer, Robert David Steele speaking at the Inter-American Defense Board in 2013
I first came across Steele when I discovered his Amazon review of my third book, The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism. A voracious reader, Steele is the number 1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction across 98 categories. He also reviewed my latest book, A User's Guide to the Crisis of Civilization, but told me I'd overlooked an important early work – 'A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility, Report of the UN High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change.'

Last month, Steele presented a startling paper at the Libtech conference in New York, sponsored by the Internet Society and Reclaim. Drawing on principles set out in his latest book, The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth and Trust, he told the audience that all the major preconditions for revolution – set out in his 1976 graduate thesis – were now present in the United States and Britain.

Steele's book is a must-read, a powerful yet still pragmatic roadmap to a new civilisational paradigm that simultaneously offers a trenchant, unrelenting critique of the prevailing global order. His interdisciplinary 'whole systems' approach dramatically connects up the increasing corruption, inefficiency and unaccountability of the intelligence system and its political and financial masters with escalating inequalities and environmental crises. But he also offers a comprehensive vision of hope that activist networks like Reclaim are implementing today.

"We are at the end of a five-thousand-year-plus historical process during which human society grew in scale while it abandoned the early indigenous wisdom councils and communal decision-making," he writes in The Open Source Everything Manifesto. "Power was centralised in the hands of increasingly specialised 'elites' and 'experts' who not only failed to achieve all they promised but used secrecy and the control of information to deceive the public into allowing them to retain power over community resources that they ultimately looted."

Today's capitalism, he argues, is inherently predatory and destructive:

"Over the course of the last centuries, the commons was fenced, and everything from agriculture to water was commoditised without regard to the true cost in non-renewable resources. Human beings, who had spent centuries evolving away from slavery, were re-commoditised by the Industrial Era."

Open source everything, in this context, offers us the chance to build on what we've learned through industrialisation, to learn from our mistakes, and catalyse the re-opening of the commons, in the process breaking the grip of defunct power structures and enabling the possibility of prosperity for all.

"Sharing, not secrecy, is the means by which we realise such a lofty destiny as well as create infinite wealth. The wealth of networks, the wealth of knowledge, revolutionary wealth - all can create a nonzero win-win Earth that works for one hundred percent of humanity. This is the 'utopia' that Buckminster Fuller foresaw, now within our reach."

The goal, he concludes, is to reject:

"... concentrated illicitly aggregated and largely phantom wealth in favor of community wealth defined by community knowledge, community sharing of information, and community definition of truth derived in transparency and authenticity, the latter being the ultimate arbiter of shared wealth."

Despite this unabashedly radical vision, Steele is hugely respected by senior military intelligence experts across the world. As a researcher at the US Army War College's Strategic Studies Institute, he has authored several monographs advocating the need for open source methods to transform the craft of intelligence. He has lectured to the US State Department and Department of Homeland Security as well as National Security Councils in various countries, and his new book has received accolades from senior intelligence officials across multiple countries including France and Turkey.

Yet he remains an outspoken critic of US intelligence practices and what he sees as their integral role in aggravating rather than ameliorating the world's greatest threats and challenges.

This week, I had the good fortune of being able to touch base with Steele to dig deeper into his recent analysis of the future of US politics in the context of our accelerating environmental challenges. The first thing I asked him was where he sees things going over the next decade, given his holistic take.

"Properly educated people always appreciate holistic approaches to any challenge. This means that they understand both cause and effect, and intertwined complexities," he said. "A major part of our problem in the public policy arena is the decline in intelligence with integrity among key politicians and staff at the same time that think tanks and universities and non-governmental organisations have also suffered a similar intellectual diminishment.

"My early graduate education was in the 1970's when Limits to Growth and World Federalism were the rage. Both sought to achieve an over-view of systemic challenges, but both also suffered from the myth of top-down hubris. What was clear in the 1970s, that has been obscured by political and financial treason in the past half-century, is that everything is connected – what we do in the way of paving over wetlands, or in poisoning ground water 'inadvertently' because of our reliance on pesticides and fertilisers that are not subject to the integrity of the 'Precautionary Principle,' ultimately leads to climate catastrophes that are acts of man, not acts of god."

He points me to his tremendous collection of reviews of books on climate change, disease, environmental degradation, peak oil, and water scarcity. "I see five major overlapping threats on the immediate horizon," he continues. "They are all related: the collapse of complex societies, the acceleration of the Earth's demise with changes that used to take 10,000 years now taking three or less, predatory or shock capitalism and financial crime out of the City of London and Wall Street, and political corruption at scale, to include the west supporting 42 of 44 dictators. We are close to multiple mass catastrophes."

What about the claim that the US is on the brink of revolution? "Revolution is overthrow – the complete reversal of the status quo ante. We are at the end of centuries of what Lionel Tiger calls 'The Manufacture of Evil,' in which merchant banks led by the City of London have conspired with captive governments to concentrate wealth and commoditise everything including humans. What revolution means in practical terms is that balance has been lost and the status quo ante is unsustainable. There are two 'stops' on greed to the nth degree: the first is the carrying capacity of Earth, and the second is human sensibility. We are now at a point where both stops are activating."

Robert Steele - preconditions for revolution
Former CIA officer's matrix on the preconditions for revolution
It's not just the US, he adds. "The preconditions of revolution exist in the UK, and most western countries. The number of active pre-conditions is quite stunning, from elite isolation to concentrated wealth to inadequate socialisation and education, to concentrated land holdings to loss of authority to repression of new technologies especially in relation to energy, to the atrophy of the public sector and spread of corruption, to media dishonesty, to mass unemployment of young men and on and on and on."

So why isn't it happening yet?
"Preconditions are not the same as precipitants. We are waiting for our Tunisian fruit seller. The public will endure great repression, especially when most media outlets and schools are actively aiding the repressive meme of 'you are helpless, this is the order of things.' When we have a scandal so powerful that it cannot be ignored by the average Briton or American, we will have a revolution that overturns the corrupt political systems in both countries, and perhaps puts many banks out of business. Vaclav Havel calls this 'The Power of the Powerless.' One spark, one massive fire."

But we need more than revolution, in the sense of overthrow, to effect change, surely. How does your manifesto for 'open source everything' fit into this? "The west has pursued an industrialisation path that allows for the privatisation of wealth from the commons, along with the criminalisation of commons rights of the public, as well as the externalisation of all true costs. Never mind that fracking produces earthquakes and poisons aquifers – corrupt politicians at local, state or province, and national levels are all too happy to take money for looking the other way. Our entire commercial, diplomatic, and informational systems are now cancerous. When trade treaties have secret sections – or are entirely secret – one can be certain the public is being screwed and the secrecy is an attempt to avoid accountability. Secrecy enables corruption. So also does an inattentive public enable corruption."

Is this a crisis of capitalism, then? Does capitalism need to end for us to resolve these problems? And if so, how? "Predatory capitalism is based on the privatisation of profit and the externalisation of cost. It is an extension of the fencing of the commons, of enclosures, along with the criminalisation of prior common customs and rights. What we need is a system that fully accounts for all costs. Whether we call that capitalism or not is irrelevant to me. But doing so would fundamentally transform the dynamic of present day capitalism, by making capital open source. For example, and as calculated by my colleague JZ Liszkiewicz, a white cotton T-shirt contains roughly 570 gallons of water, 11 to 29 gallons of fuel, and a number of toxins and emissions including pesticides, diesel exhaust, and heavy metals and other volatile compounds – it also generally includes child labor. Accounting for those costs and their real social, human and environmental impacts has totally different implications for how we should organise production and consumption than current predatory capitalism."

So what exactly do you mean by open source everything? "We have over 5 billion human brains that are the one infinite resource available to us going forward. Crowd-sourcing and cognitive surplus are two terms of art for the changing power dynamic between those at the top that are ignorant and corrupt, and those across the bottom that are attentive and ethical. The open source ecology is made up of a wide range of opens – open farm technology, open source software, open hardware, open networks, open money, open small business technology, open patents – to name just a few. The key point is that they must all develop together, otherwise the existing system will isolate them into ineffectiveness. Open data is largely worthless unless you have open hardware and open software. Open government demands open cloud and open spectrum, or money will dominate feeds and speeds."

Robert Steele
Robert Steele's vision for open source systems
On 1st May, Steele sent an open letter to US vice president Joe Biden requesting him to consider establishing an Open Source Agency that would transform the operation of the intelligence community, dramatically reduce costs, increasing oversight and accountability, while increasing access to the best possible information to support holistic policy-making. To date, he has received no response.

I'm not particularly surprised. Open source everything pretty much undermines everything the national security state stands for. Why bother even asking vice president Biden to consider it? "The national security state is rooted in secrecy as a means of avoiding accountability. My first book, On Intelligence: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World – which by the way had a foreword from Senator David Boren, the immediate past chairman of the Senate Select Committee for Intelligence - made it quite clear that the national security state is an expensive, ineffective monstrosity that is simply not fit for purpose. In that sense, the national security state is it's own worst enemy – it's bound to fail."

Given his standing as an intelligence expert, Steele's criticisms of US intelligence excesses are beyond scathing – they are damning. "Most of what is produced through secret methods is not actually intelligence at all. It is simply secret information that is, most of the time, rather generic and therefore not actually very useful for making critical decisions at a government level. The National Security Agency (NSA) has not prevented any terrorist incidents. CIA cannot even get the population of Syria correct and provides no intelligence - decision-support - to most cabinet secretaries, assistant secretaries, and department heads. Indeed General Tony Zinni, when he was commander in chief of the US Central Command as it was at war, is on record as saying that he received, 'at best,' a meagre 4% of what he needed to know from secret sources and methods."

So does open source mean you are calling for abolition of intelligence agencies as we know them, I ask. "I'm a former spy and I believe we still need spies and secrecy, but we need to redirect the vast majority of the funds now spent on secrecy toward savings and narrowly focused endeavors at home. For instance, utterly ruthless counterintelligence against corruption, or horrendous evils like paedophilia.

"Believe it or not, 95% of what we need for ethical evidence-based decision support cannot be obtained through the secret methods of standard intelligence practices. But it can be obtained quite openly and cheaply from academics, civil society, commerce, governments, law enforcement organisations, the media, all militaries, and non-governmental organisations. An Open Source Agency, as I've proposed it, would not just meet 95% of our intelligence requirements, it would do the same at all levels of government and carry over by enriching education, commerce, and research – it would create what I called in 1995 a 'Smart Nation.'

"The whole point of Open Source Everything is to restore public agency. Open Source is the only form of information and information technology that is affordable to the majority, interoperable across all boundaries, and rapidly scalable from local to global without the curse of overhead that proprietary corporations impose."

Robert Steele's graphic on open source systems thinking
Robert Steele's graphic on open source systems thinking
It's clear to me that when Steele talks about intelligence as 'decision-support,' he really does intend that we grasp "all information in all languages all the time" – that we do multidisciplinary research spanning centuries into the past as well as into the future. His most intriguing premise is that the 1% are simply not as powerful as they, and we, assume them to be. "The collective buying power of the five billion poor is four times that of the one billion rich according to the late Harvard business thinker Prof C. K. Prahalad – open source everything is about the five billion poor coming together to reclaim their collective wealth and mobilise it to transform their lives. There is zero chance of the revolution being put down. Public agency is emergent, and the ability of the public to literally put any bank or corporation out of business overnight is looming. To paraphrase Abe Lincoln, you cannot screw all of the people all of the time. We're there. All we lack is a major precipitant – our Tunisian fruit seller. When it happens the revolution will be deep and lasting."

The Arab spring analogy has its negatives. So far, there really isn't much to root for. I want to know what's to stop this revolution from turning into a violent, destructive mess. Steele is characteristically optimistic. "I have struggled with this question. What I see happening is an end to national dictat and the emergence of bottom-up clarity, diversity, integrity, and sustainability. Individual towns across the USA are now nullifying federal and state regulations - for example gag laws on animal cruelty, blanket permissions for fracking. Those such as my colleague Parag Khanna that speak to a new era of city-states are correct in my view. Top down power has failed in a most spectacular manner, and bottom-up consensus power is emergent. 'Not in my neighborhood' is beginning to trump 'Because I say so.' The one unlimited resource we have on the planet is the human brain – the current strategy of 1% capitalism is failing because it is killing the Golden Goose at multiple levels. Unfortunately, the gap between those with money and power and those who actually know what they are talking about has grown catastrophic. The rich are surrounded by sycophants and pretenders whose continued employment demands that they not question the premises. As Larry Summers lectured Elizabeth Warren, 'insiders do not criticise insiders.'"

But how can activists actually start moving toward the open source vision now? "For starters, there are eight 'tribes' that among them can bring together all relevant information: academia, civil society including labor unions and religions, commerce especially small business, government especially local, law enforcement, media, military, and non-government/non-profit. At every level from local to global, across every mission area, we need to create stewardship councils integrating personalities and information from all eight tribes. We don't need to wait around for someone else to get started. All of us who recognise the vitality of this possibility can begin creating these new grassroots structures from the bottom-up, right now."

So how does open source everything have the potential to 're-engineer the Earth'? For me, this is the most important question, and Steele's answer is inspiring. "Open Source Everything overturns top-down 'because I say so at the point of a gun' power. Open Source Everything makes truth rather than violence the currency of power. Open Source Everything demands that true cost economics and the indigenous concept of 'seventh generation thinking' – how will this affect society 200 years ahead – become central. Most of our problems today can be traced to the ascendance of unilateral militarism, virtual colonialism, and predatory capitalism, all based on force and lies and encroachment on the commons. The national security state works for the City of London and Wall Street – both are about to be toppled by a combination of Eastern alternative banking and alternative international development capabilities, and individuals who recognise that they have the power to pull their money out of the banks and not buy the consumer goods that subsidise corruption and the concentration of wealth. The opportunity to take back the commons for the benefit of humanity as a whole is open – here and now."

For Steele, the open source revolution is inevitable, simply because the demise of the system presided over by the 1% cannot be stopped – and because the alternatives to reclaiming the commons are too dismal to contemplate. We have no choice but to step up.

"My motto, a play on the CIA motto that is disgraced every day, is 'the truth at any cost lowers all other costs'", he tells me. "Others wiser than I have pointed out that nature bats last. We are at the end of an era in which lies can be used to steal from the public and the commons. We are at the beginning of an era in which truth in public service can restore us all to a state of grace."

Dr. Nafeez Ahmed is an international security journalist and academic. He is the author of A User's Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It, and the forthcoming science fiction thriller, ZERO POINT. ZERO POINT is set in a near future following a Fourth Iraq War. Follow Ahmed on Facebook and Twitter.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Number One Reason Why We Cannot Defeat the New World Order

Thanks to modern-day researchers, we know about the rash of dead bankers. Thanks to Steve Quayle, and others, we know about the all the dead scientists and the dire implications with regard to chemical/biological attack. However, hardly anyone is talking about the all the dead leaders. The phenomenon of dead leaders underscores the reason that the people on this planet will never be free from the murderous banksters that run the planet.

The Crisis of Global Leadership

Whether one lives in a republic, a democracy or a totalitarian form of government, the majority of the people naively believe that their government officials will truly protect them from the evil that is so pervasive on the planet. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Your leaders, elected or self-appointed, cannot protect their people anymore than they can protect themselves

After feeling the intoxication of power, some leaders actually begin to drink their own Kool-Aid and believe that they can be independent of the global forces that permitted their rise to power. When a national leader, on the planet Earth, begins to believe they are truly independent, bad things begin to happen. Planes blow up or the leaders come down with cancer. And when the transgressions of a leader becomes severe enough, they end up with a bullet in the brain.

Because this is an article and not a voluminous novel, only a small cross-section of the demise of independent leaders can be shown. However, the examples are so horrifying and commonplace, it will destroy the myth that we only need to find the right leaders who will then deliver us from evil.

How To Murder An Entire Government

The late Polish President, Lech Kaczynski, and nearly the entire Polish governmental leadership was killed in a 2010 plane crash. Laczynskil’s twin brother believed that the government was murdered and called for the European Union to investigate. He was not alone in his belief.

Poland’s Rzeczpospolita newspaper boldly proclaimed that the prosecutors and explosive experts and investigators, who examined the plane at the Russian crash site, found clear and irrefutable signs of TNT and nitroglycerin on the wings and in the cabin, including traces found on 30 passenger seats. Subsequently, an on scene flight engineer investigator, Remigiusz MuÅ›, was set to deliver critical testimony, about the presence of explosive residue, but was subsequently found hanged in his house in Warsaw before the testimony could be delivered. In January 2012, a Polish prosecutor, Mikolaj Przybyl, involved in the investigation shot himself for no apparent reason after excusing himself from a media briefing.

The Polish leadership, like so many leaders in the past, decided to find their backbone and subsequently Poland uniformly declined to be a victim of the bankster loan sharking operations. In a very humorous twist of fate, Poland’s central bank actually had the intestinal fortitude to offer the IMF a loan to “help other countries overcome the effects of the global crisis” (AFP, March 29, 2010. Out of all the 27 nation European Union, Poland was the only nation to experience economic growth in 2009. Poland’s Zloty grew by 1.7% in 2009, a remarkable feat given that European Union countries contracted by an average of 4.1% and no other EU economy grew at all. Poland balked at participating in the global “bail outs” that the rest of world’s nations were participating in, including the United States. “Poland avoided eastern Europe’s worst lending binges. Kaczynski frustrated some of his opponents by being in no rush to head towards the “Euro party,” reported the Daily Telegraph.

Bloomberg also reported that Kaczynski resisted adopting the Euro. As this article unfolds, this refusal of the soon-to-be dead leaders to capitulate to on the regionalization of currencies, to the detriment of an economically solvent nation, will become a persistent theme.

In a case of JFK’s “back and to the left” in frame 224 of the Zapruder video, the evidence, below, speaks to the practice of eliminating enemies of the bankster empire with extreme prejudice.

The translated English transcript of the audio in the video and its approximate timing of each signficant sound or spoken word:

0:13 Calm down!
0:18 Look him in the eyes.
0:22 Calm down!
0:29 Oh my God!
0:30 All of them!
0:31 Kill them!
0:38 (Airport siren sounds)
0:45 Surround him! Go around! He’s running away!
0:47 Give me a gun.
0:49 Come here, bastard!
0:50 Kill him!
0:51 Do not kill us.
0:51 Do not kill us.
0:55 My God, my God, what is that?
0:55 Shoot.
0:56 (Gun reloading noise)
0:57 (Shot #1)
1:01 You’ll never get away with it!
1:07 (Shot #2)
1:09 (Laughter)
1:13 Change of plans – come back!
1:14 Everyone come back – faster!
1:14 (Shot #3)
1:17 (Shot #4)
1:20 Let’s get out of here.

Case in point of how to murder an entire government who opposes the central banking cartel.

The Genocide of South American Leaders Who Oppose the Bankster Protection Rackets

Southern Venezuela sits on one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in the world. Under their former leader, Hugo Chavez, the Venezuela government was the 13th largest holder of gold in the world. They have 154 tons of this precious metal in their Central Bank in Venezuela. Any movement of this gold would have critically impacted the global markets worldwide. This could not be permitted.

Eventually, Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez, succumbed to respiratory complications after a severe bout with pelvic cancer. Then acting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro suggested that Chavez was murdered by “dark forces that wanted him out of the way”. A CNN story reported that “Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez wondered Wednesday if the United States could be infecting the region’s leaders with the illness … Chavez prefaced his remarks at a military event in Caracas by saying, ‘I don’t want to make any reckless accusations,’ but the Venezuelan president said he was concerned by something he finds ‘very, very, very strange.’ ‘Would it be strange if (the United States) had developed a technology to induce cancer, and for no one to know it?”

Like so many elected presidents, who annoy Big Oil, which is controlled by Big Banking, have ended up in exile, or worse yet, in coffins. The cases in point are Mossadegh of Iran after he nationalized BP’s fields (1953), Elchibey, President of Azerbaijan, after he refused demands of BP for his Caspian fields (1993), President Alfredo Palacio of Ecuador after he terminated Occidental’s drilling concession (2005).

South American leaders, in general, who said no to the takeover of their oil, water and currencies ended up contracting or dying from cancer.
Former Argentine President, Nestor Kirchner, died from colon cancer.
Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff contracted lymphoma cancer)
Brazilian President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, contracted throat cancer.
Former Cuban president Fidel Castro, who is hanging on by a thread contracted stomach cancer.
Bolivian President, Evo Morales was stricken with nasal cancer.
Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo caught a bad case of lymphoma cancer.
This is what Chavez was alluding to. The correlation between contracting quick acting cancer and ruling south of the Equator defies all odds. Of course, it is all just one big coincidence and the overwhelming odds be damned.

Gadaffi Over Obama

Question, when does our dictator become more of a dictator than their dictator? Answer, when our dictator is in his last term and has nothing to lose.

Libya, under Gaddafi, was Africa’s most prosperous democracy. Their government was much more responsive to the people than the United States. In fact, Libya has the United States beat on the on the issue of democracy prior to the assassination of Gaddafi. That does not seem possible but the fundamental difference between the United States democratic systems and Libya’s Jamahiriya’s direct democracy is that in Libya, citizens were given the chance to contribute directly to the political decision-making process. Do your national leaders show the remotest desire to improve your fate?

The government of Gaddafi brought the Libyan government from poverty and debt, to prosperity and debt-free status in 41 years. Under the Gaddafi, Libya healthcare was free and Libyan pharmacies and hospitals were actually comparable to high-grade European medical facilities. This is in contrast with America, where our death by doctor fatalities reached 225,000 before his Gaddafi’s death. If this does not infuriate you, then you surely must be asleep!

Under Gadaffi, Libya gave free land and seeds to anyone who wants to farm that land. In America, we “swat team” raw dairy farmers, organic food producers and the Amish. Meanwhile, farmers are increasingly being forced to use unlabeled, cancer-causing, GMO seeds. Forty loaves of bread cost just $0.15 at the time of Libya’s revolution. The prices for our food staples have more than doubled over the past two years.

At the time of Gaddafi’s assassination, the price of gas was around $0.14 per gallon. Meanwhile, American gas prices are again approaching four and five dollars for a gallon of gas. The major reason gas prices are exploding is because our dollar is losing value. The world is running from the dollar. The stock market is greatly escalating beyond all reason. If you know your 1929 history, you know what lies next.

Libyan working mothers enjoyed a range of benefits including cash bonuses for children, free day care, free health care centers, and retirement at 55. In America, our medical industrial establishment makes it as difficult as possible to raise a child. American retirement age will soon go to 70 and Obama has designs on stealing our pensions, IRA’s and 401K’s.

Unlike America, where we horde our wealth to the tune of $128 trillion of underground resources (e.g. oil, natural gas, etc.), Gaddafi’s oil-revenue-sharing program helped bring a good measure of prosperity to each Libyan as they receive $500 (Dollars) deposited into his or her bank account each month. Did you know that if the first bail out to Wall Street had been applied to America’s home mortgages, all Americans would now own their homes free and clear? However, our American central bankers over at the Federal Reserve are obsessed with destroying the middle class, not enhancing the economic plight of the people. Speaking of homes, when Libyans marry, each couple is gifted $60,000 to do with as they please. In America, we double tax our couples under the so-called marriage penalty tax.

Unlike America, where college tuition costs rose at a rate eight times faster than the cost of living, Education from grade school through to college is free in Libya and the Libyan government paid for college students to study specialty subjects overseas.

So why is Gadaffi dead? He refused to capitulate and give Basel what they wanted, a Libyan central bank that would enslave the nation with debt in the same manner as all the other 56 central banks which have enslaved their respective national governments. And when leaders say “enough”, they die.

Warning: The following video has strong printed language in the final minute.

So why is Gadaffi dead? He refused to capitulate and give Basel what they wanted, a Libyan central bank that would enslave the nation with debt in the same manner as all the other 56 central banks which have enslaved their respective national governments. And when leaders say “enough”, they die.


Attorney Ellen Brown argues, in the Asia Times, that Libya, like Iraq, under Saddam Hussein, challenged the supremacy of the dollar and the Western banks. The banksters once announced the plan to take out seven countries who are coincidentally outside of central banking influence: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. On the periphery of this enemies list is also Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea.

Isn’t that interesting that the Axis of Evil nations, as we call them, have one thing in common. In the context of banking, one fact that sticks out is that none of them is listed among the 56 member banks of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). This puts them outside the long regulatory arm of the central bankers’ central bankers bank located in Switzerland. To some degree, the avoidance of being a debt slave to the central banksters is not permitted and such violators risk having the full force of the US military and NATO being brought down upon them to enforce the “right” for the central bankers to impose involuntary servitude in deference to their holy order.

Lincoln attempted to use Greenbacks as currency and was shot in the head.

JFK printed “C-notes” which would have eventually debased the Federal Reserve Dollar and he was also shot in the head.

Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was selling oil for Euro’s not the Petrodollar and now he’s dead.

Gaddafi was talking about a gold Dinar and not using the Petrodollar and now he’s dead.

Soon, Assad of Syria will be dead for the same reasons.

Iranian leadership has a short life-expectancy because they are selling oil for gold to Russia, China and India.

As the Obama administration indiscriminately kills thousands of people in places such as Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan with drone strikes, we now know that they are preparing to do the same to American citizens. Our “Fast and Furious” Czar, Attorney General, Eric Holder, recently announced that Obama can do the same to Americans.

Meanwhile, at the time of Gaddafi’s death, the United Nations designated Libya the 53rd highest in the world in human development. I never thought I would write the words in which I marveled at how Libyans were treated better by Gaddafi than Americans are by Obama. Make no mistake about it, Gaddafi was a thug, but a thug who provided more for his people on a comparative per capita basis than Obama does for the American people.

What does it say that a known terrorist is more compassionate towards his people that Obama? And what has become of Libya since Gaddafi’s death? They are headed back to the Dark Ages courtesy of the central banker sponsored Al-Qaeda who now runs the country. Have you noticed that anything these central bankers touch turns to pure manure? If our country ever gets disassembled in the same manner, Libya provides a good barometer of what lies ahead for most Americans. Most importantly, the aforementioned leaders who attempted to stand up for the welfare of their people against the banksters, are all dead. What did Jesus know when he chased the money changers from the Temple?

The sooner that you understand that the banksters want you in debt servitude, the sooner everything else will make sense.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Fact: They Are After Your Guns and Here is the Proof Read more at

Posted by Joe Wurzelbacher on Jun 17, 2014 in 2nd Amendment, Action Alert, American Culture, Email Featured, Law Enforcement, liberalism, Politics, Regulation

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obama guns fascistHow many laws have to be passed before you believe they are after your guns? President Obama and the left have an aggressive gun control agenda – and it’s hiding plain sight.
Yet even in respected circles there are many who believe we only need to enact new legislation further restricting gun and ammunition ownership and our problems with crime and mental health will go away.
The anti-Second Amendment crowd and the mainstream media cheerleaders who act as gun control first-responders to mass murder by sociopaths have convinced far too many that criminals will stop acting criminally if only more and more laws can be enacted.
So you think gun control advocates are not trying to take away your right to keep and bear arms? That ultimately their goal isn’t to do away with the Second Amendment and disarm the citizens of the United States one way or another?
Are you one of these folks who say they support gun ownership, but only want “reasonable” gun laws restricting “military style” weapons and “gun-free” zones will protect students from school shootings like the tragedy that occurred at the Sandy Hook?
Do you feel sympathetic toward the President when he says a failure to enact tougher gun-control laws is his greatest disappointment in more than five years as president?
Then I have one more question: What are you, new?
Do you have any idea the vast amount of gun control laws and restrictions that have been put upon law-abiding gun owners in this country? It would shock the most learned of Second Amendment advocates to ingest the sheer volume of anti-gun legislation passed and proposed. It clearly exposes an obsessive and war-like drive to disarm the nation’s citizenry of firearms.
Yet our President plays possom, saying in a recent interview; “Right now, it’s not even possible to get the mildest restrictions through Congress and we should be ashamed.”
Listed below are 8 of the Federal bans, regulations and restrictions sought by liberal lawmakers, courtesy Chuck Cunningham, Director of State and Local Affairs – National Rifle Association:
1. In 2013, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) proposed an “assault weapon” and “large” ammunition magazine ban that would have banned all detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.
NRA-ILA fact sheet: S. 150: The Biggest Proposed Gun Ban in American History.
2. This year, Feinstein asked President Obama to order the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to tighten restrictions on the importation of semi-automatic firearms and their parts.
Grassroots Alert article: Feinstein Wants Obama to Pull a Clinton on Firearm Importation.
3. Last year, legislation was introduced to impose “universal” background checks, which would have amounted to registering all firearm sales and paved the way for registering all firearms possessed.
NRA-ILA fact sheet: Private Sales Restrictions and Gun Registration.
4. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has attempted to ban the importation of certain shotguns.
Grassroots Alert article: NRA Files Comments Opposing Shotgun Importation Ban
Grassroots Alert article: BATFE Modifies Shotgun Import Ban Study, Still Gets it Wrong
5. BATFE also considered whether to restrict solid hunting bullets as “armor piercing ammunition.”
Grassroots Alert article: BATFE Taking Comments on Sporting Purposes Exemption to Armor-Piercing Ammunition Law.
6. This year, BATFE restricted 5.45x39mm 7N6 as “armor piercing ammunition.”
Grassroots Alert article: BATFE Publicly Confirms Administration’s Ammunition Import Ban.
7. This year, BATFE has proposed to excessively expand the categories of persons prohibited under federal law from acquiring or possessing firearms on mental health grounds.
Grassroots Alert article: NRA Opposes Administration’s Plan to Broaden Reach of Mental Health-Related Gun Bans.
8. Last year, the Obama Administration signed the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty. Washington NRA opposed the treaty.
It’s not a steady drip or the dreaded slippery slope – this is a constant onslaught of legislation and public relations toward gun confiscation. The resources are mounting and if you think I’m kidding about the obsessive nature of the promoters, here’s what Mike Bloomberg the billionaire ex-mayor in an interview with The New York Times had to say about his gun-control efforts.
“I have earned my place in heaven.” –
Bloomberg himself has armed guards of course, as do leftist members of Congress and leftist entertainers, but he may actually believe he’s curried favor with Saint Peter by blowing $50 million on politicians who support gun control. Do you think someone who says they’ve bought a backstage pass into heaven can be reasoned with?
Barack Obama’s platitudes and Bloomberg’s Sainthood aside, here’s a list of Laws affecting legal gun ownership passed in 2013:
Magazine Capacity
House Bill 1224 bans the sale, transfer or possession of a magazine capable of holding more than fifteen rounds of ammunition and any magazine larger than fifteen rounds that is manufactured in Colorado on or after the effective date must include a serial number and date of assembly. HB 1224 was signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper on March 20.

Gun Tax
House Bill 1228 imposes an undetermined fee (gun tax) for undergoing a background check through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation InstaCheck system. HB 1228 was signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper on March 20.

Universal Background Check
House Bill 1229 imposes “universal background check.” HB 1229 was signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper on March 20.
(For above bills),-contact-him-now.aspx?s=house+bill+1229&st=&ps=

Ban of online firearm training for concealed carry permit holders
Senate Bill 195 bans all-online firearm training for concealed carry permits.
SB 195 was signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper on May 24.

Magazine Capacity
Senate Bill 1094 expands Connecticut’s current ban on some semi-automatic rifles to include .22 caliber rifles with one or more certain cosmetic features. SB 1094 was signed into law by Governor Daniel Malloy on June 18.

Omnibus Bill
Senate Bill 1160, omnibus anti-gun legislation, was signed into law by Governor Dannel Malloy on April 4.

Background Checks
House Bill 35 which imposes “universal” background checks was signed into law by Governor Jack Markell on May 8.

Lost or Stolen
Senate Bill 16 imposes lost and stolen reporting requirements. SB 16 was signed into law by Governor Jack Markell on June 12.

NICS Background Check
Senate Bill 69 requires fingerprinting and processing through NICS in addition to the already existing registration requirement on all firearms brought into the state. SB 69 was signed into law by Governor Neil Abercrombie on July 9.

Firearm Safety Act
Senate Bill 281 bans the transport, sale, purchase, transfer or possession of commonly owned semi-automatic centerfire rifles that have a detachable magazine and two additional characteristic restricts magazine capacity to no more than ten rounds and requires a state permit-to-purchase, rent or otherwise be in possession of a handgun. SB 281 was signed into law by Governor Martin O’Malley on May 16.

New York
Firearm Safety Act
Ban of Commonly Owned Semiautomatic Firearms/Magazine Capacity/Firearms Registration/Ammunition Restrictions/Mental Health Senate Bill 2230 bans commonly owned semi-automatic firearms and magazines, firearm registration and restrictions on ammunition purchases and requires mental health practitioners to report if someone is a threat to himself or others (without requiring an adjudication) and such person must surrender their gun. SB 2230 was signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo on January 15.

House Bill 43 requires organizations like the NRA who engage in political speech to immediately disclose the names of virtually all of its donors, including those who pay membership dues. HB 43 was signed into law by Governor Gary Herbert on April 1.

What no one wants to think about is what may happen if President Obama does with his gun control agenda what he’s doing with immigration policy: Selectively enforcing immigration law, ignoring the Separation of Powers, writing and re-writing legislation and issuing Executive Orders when Congress won’t act.
The mid-term elections are not exactly looking rosy for Barack Obama and if the pundits and polls are correct (aren’t they always?); the Senate and House will have a healthy bunch of Republicans running Congress. The President may only have until then to get the above proposals through and what if Congress won’t act, as he says so often? Will his pen and phone get to work on gun confiscation?
Here’s a hint: “Citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals from us each day. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors, and police officers all over this country who say ‘we are not afraid,’ and I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress, to help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, or schools.”
– Barack Obama
Will the President pursue the last option left to a “disappointed” tyrant? Is it possible that Barack Obama would actually use Executive power to fulfill his obvious disdain for the Second Amendment?
Ponder that as tens of thousands of children from Central and Latin America, escorted by who knows who are being allowed to cross our southern border illegally. It’s criminal on every level – especially the willful neglect of the President’s Constitutional responsibility regarding the nation’s border.
Gun control is now a big-time priority for President Obama and the radical liberals who control cities, Governorships and state legislatures around the nation. There’s plenty of legislation coming down the pike here in 2014 – anyone doubting the left’s real anti-gun agenda needs to carry copies of the following around with them, share them and be constantly reminded of what’s really going on here:
California (8/31/14)
Senate Bill 53 would require the purchasers of ammunition to register with the state Department of Justice prior to purchasing any ammunition.

Senate Bill 199 bans the sale/transfer of used and antique BB devices and imitation firearms that are not colored as specified.

Senate Bill 808 imposes restrictions and fees on the ability to make, or even assemble, a personal firearm, along with requiring serialization and registration of that personal firearm and requires all firearms made and assembled prior to enactment to have serial numbers and be registered.

Assembly Bill 1014 would allow any person to seek a “gun violence restraining order” against another person.

Assembly Bill 1609 would impose unnecessary limitations on the transfer of firearms by law-abiding citizens, requiring that all transfers be completed through a CA gun dealer, regardless of the circumstances.

Assembly Bill 1964 would remove existing exemptions for all single-shot pistols, other than those with a break top or bolt action, from California’s roster of “not safe” handguns.

Assembly Bill 2305 would expand CA law by imposing criminal liability if an individual unknowingly carries a firearm on or about his or her person.

Assembly Bill 2310 would reenact provisions authorizing a city prosecutor or city attorney in specified counties to file an action for unlawful detainer to abate a nuisance caused by an illegal conduct involving firearms or ammunition.

Delaware (6/30/14)
Undetectable Firearms

Illinois (1/13/15)
Senate Bill 1002 bans the possession, purchase, manufacture, sale or delivery of all ammunition magazines that can hold more than ten rounds of ammunition or that can be converted to hold more than ten rounds of ammunition.

Senate Bill 1342 (House Amendment 2) creates and imposes mandatory minimum felony penalties for individuals who carry or possess a firearm on any public street, alley or public lands.

Senate Bill 3659, the public safety act, seeks to ban the possession, delivery, sale and purchase of many semi-automatic firearms and accessories.

House Bill 815 imposes restrictions on magazine capacity and shooting ranges.,-registration-schemes-and-shooting-range-
restrictions.aspx?s=House+Bill+815&st=&ps=House Bill 1263 bans many commonly owned firearms.,-registration-schemes-and-shooting-range-

House Bill 2265 imposes mandatory minimum felony penalties ranging from three to ten years in prison for those who carry a firearm without a Concealed Carry License (CCL) or possess a firearm without a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card.
House Bill 3646 provides that any owner of an establishment that serves alcohol on its premises who maintains a retail liquor license and allows for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on its premises as an on premise consumption retailer, (deletes if more than 50% of the establishment’s gross receipts within the prior 3 months is from the sale of alcohol) who knowingly fails to prohibit concealed firearms on its premises or who knowingly makes a false statement or record to avoid the prohibition of concealed firearms on its premises shall be guilty of a business offense with a fine up to $5,000.

House Bill 3669 provides that a licensee who knowingly carries a firearm on or into a building, real property, or parking area under the control of a public or private pre-school, elementary or secondary school, college, or university is guilty of a Class 4 felony for a first offense and a Class 3 felony for a second or subsequent offense.

House Bill 3714 imposes a two percent surcharge (tax) on firearm ammunition.

House Bill 4517 provides that a concealed carry licensee shall not knowingly carry a firearm on or into any building, real property and parking area under the control of a restaurant.

House Bill 4574 provides that the Department of State Police shall suspend for five years the FOID card of a person who has been convicted of a third violation of the provision of the Criminal Code of 2012 that makes it an offense for a person who possesses or acquires a firearm and thereafter loses the firearm, or if the firearm is stolen from the person, to fail to report the loss or theft to the local law enforcement agency within 72 hours after obtaining knowledge of the loss or theft.

House Bill 4715 provides that every person must register each firearm he or she owns or possesses.

House Bill 4754 creates the offense of unlawful use of a three-dimensional printer to create a firearm.

House Bill 4779 provides that a person shall not carry a concealed firearm onto private real property of any type without prior permission from the property owner. It also provides that a real property owner shall indicate permission to carry concealed firearms onto the property by clearly and conspicuously posting a sign at the entrance of a building, premises, or real property under his or her control, except this posting is not required if the property is a private residence.

House Bill 5490, mandatory lost and stolen reporting legislation.

Ongoing Litigation into 2014 Concerning SB281 signed by Governor O’Mally on May 16, 2013

Massachusetts (1/6/15)
Senate Bill 1126 establishes a Firearms Violence Prevention Trust Fund.

House Bill 47 bans any magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds, establishes a seven round magazine limit, limits the purchase one firearm a month and mandates a background check and a fee (gun tax) for the private transfer of firearms including family and friends.

House Bill 3250, microstamping legislation.

House Bill 3253 increasing the tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition.

House Bill 4121 would give police chiefs discretion in licensing owners for shotguns and rifles, ban the private sale of firearms without a licensed gun dealer and require gun owners to provide a list of all firearms they currently own to the state with each renewal of their license, among many other things. Additionally, it would grant authority to the state Attorney General to remove certain firearms from the approved “firearms roster.”

Michigan (12/31/14)
House Bill 4774 an act that would regulate and license the selling, purchasing, possession and carrying of certain firearms.

New Jersey (1/12/15)
Assembly Bill 2006 / Senate Bill 993

Magazine and Gun Ban Legislation

Senate Bill 684 revises the definition of destructive device to include certain weapons of 50 Caliber or greater.

Senate Bill 1137 prohibits sale and possession of undetectable firearms manufactured using 3D printing technology.

Assembly Bill 253 disqualifies persons named on federal Terrorist Watchlist from obtaining firearms identification card or permit to purchase handgun.

Assembly Bill 672 establishes a ballistics identifier program for certain firearms.

Assembly Bill 673 requires firearms to be unloaded and securely locked or stored in within the home.

Assembly Bill 674 requires seizure of firearms when mental health professional determines patient poses threat of harm to self or others.

Assembly Bill 851 requires firearms endorsement on driver’s license or non-driver identification card.

Assembly Bill 2028 / Senate Bill 154 revises statutes concerning firearms purchaser identification cards and handgun purchase permits; makes handgun purchase permit valid for four years.

Assembly Bill 2777 amends state statutes with to allow for reasonable deviations with transporting firearms. We suggested a one-word amendment that would make the bill a pro-
gun bill and an improvement over current law, but as written, the bill is actually worse that current law.

Assembly Concurrent Resolution 92 urges the President and Congress to enact stronger firearms laws.

New York (1/7/15)

Senate Bill 68A / Assembly Bill 2023 requires semi-automatic pistols manufactured or sold a gun dealer in New York to be capable of microstamping ammunition.

Senate Bill 572A prohibits purchasing more than one firearm during any thirty-day period.

Senate Bill 575 imposes “universal background checks” for the sale of firearms.

Senate Bill 2028 bans the sale, use and possession of .50 caliber or larger firearms.

Assembly Bill 3186A requires the reporting of lost or stolen firearms to local police authorities within 72 hours.

Assembly Bill 3221 requires the “safe storage” of firearms.

Assembly Bill 3244-A would require all current semi-automatic pistols in production and all newly designed semi-automatic pistols delivered to any licensed firearms dealer in New York to mechanically stamp an alpha-numeric or geometric code that would imprint the make, model or serial number onto the cartridge case when the gun in discharged. Assembly Bill 3908A requires owners of firearms to obtain liability insurance.

Assembly Bill 3941-A – “Children’s Weapon Accident Prevention Act” seeks to force its way into gun owners’ homes by criminally penalizing those who store their weapons in a way other than what this bill deems appropriate.

Assembly Bill 5012 imposes a ten-day waiting period for all firearm purchases.

Ohio (12/31/14)
Senate Bill 18 prohibits a person from knowingly acquiring, possessing, carrying or using an “assault weapon” and to require the state Attorney General to prepare for the establishment of a firearm and ammunition transactions database.

House Bill 31 establishes the crime of criminally negligent storage of a firearm.

Pennsylvania (11/30/14)

Senate Bill 191 imposes a one-gun-a-month restriction.

Senate Bill 435 bans “assault weapons” and “high capacity” ammunition magazines over ten rounds.

House Bill 239 requires all firearms to be registered with the Pennsylvania State Police.

House Bill 335 provides for licenses and for sale or transfer of firearms by adding that the application for a license to carry a firearm shall affirm that the applicant has never received mental health treatment on an inpatient or outpatient basis. A seller shall similarly ask if the purchaser has ever received mental health treatment on an inpatient or outpatient basis.

House Bill 517 prohibits the possession, use, control, sale, transfer or manufacture of an “assault weapon.”

House Bill 518 prohibits individuals from using force for the protection of property, an individual or one’s own well-being, if the person is either able to retreat or instructed by peace officers or public safety dispatchers not to pursue the suspect.

Rhode Island (6/23)
Senate Bill 2318 / House Bill 7838 imposes a ten percent “supplemental tax” on firearms and ammunition.

Senate Bill 2632 would impose burdensome restrictions on semi-automatic “assault weapons” and limit magazine capacity to ten rounds.

House Bill 5990 / Senate Bill 859 imposes restrictions on the manufacture, transfer and possession of certain semi-automatic “assault weapons” and ban magazines containing more than ten rounds.

House Bill 5993 / Senate Bill 865 abolishes all “shall issue” carry permits and grant the Attorney General sole issuing authority.

House Bill 6160 removes the town clerk and sergeant from the list of licensing officers for concealed carry permits.

House Bill 7310 prohibits persons convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors from owning firearms.

House Bill 7583 bans the manufacture, sale, possession and transfer of semi-automatic “assault weapons.”

House Bill 7584 bans semi-automatic “assault weapons” and magazines exceeding ten rounds.

House Bill 7585 creates a ten-round magazine limit and prohibit the possession of magazines exceeding ten rounds, making it punishable as a felony.

House Bill 7587 changes the local law enforcement issued permits from “shall” issue to “may” issue, meaning local officials could virtually end concealed carry in the state.

House Bill 7838 requires the use of non-toxic ammunition for hunting whenever such ammunition is available. (lead ammo bill)
Still think this is about keeping anti-tank bazookas out of the hands of the public? Think again.
They’re after your guns, and all your rights. After all – isn’t the 2nd Amendment what stands between you and everything in the Bill of Rights? America without the 2nd Amendment is closer to the truth than you think – piece by piece our Right to Bear Arms is being dismantled and you are asleep at the wheel.