Chuck Baldwin 11/10/15
By Chuck Baldwin
November 12, 2015
The word “neocon” has become a common term in our political lexicon. However, I don’t think most conservatives truly understand its definition.
First, people need to understand that many neocons call themselves “conservative” on domestic social issues. Not all neocons are truly conservative on these issues--some aren’t. But many neocons DO trumpet themselves as socially “conservative.” These folks like to identify themselves as “pro-life” or “pro-family” or “pro-defense” or “pro-limited government,” etc. But these titles are mostly meaningless.
At this point, it is imperative that we understand how politicians in Washington, D.C., operate. Here is a quick primer: Congressional leaders know which congressmen and senators are controllable--and most of them are. Only a handful of our federal congressmen and senators are “untouchable.” My guess is less than 100 out of the 535 House members and U.S. senators are truly NOT controlled--and that includes liberals and conservatives.
The vast majority of our congressmen and senators are either morally tainted, which make them prime targets for bribery and manipulation (can anyone say former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert?), or they are egotistical, ambition-driven narcissists who will do most anything to advance their careers (this is the largest group, in my opinion.)
Before ANY vote is cast in Congress, leaders take note of the political makeup of the districts and states that elected their representatives. Was he or she elected by a liberal or conservative district? What are the issues at home that the legislator campaigned on? All of this is readily known by congressional leaders.
Heads are counted before voting to test whether a given bill will comfortably pass or not. If there is a comfortable margin of support for a bill, members who come from a district with opposing views can vote according to the way that will keep the constituents back home happy. Only if a bill’s passage is so close that it requires members to vote against the will of their constituents will they be asked to do so. And the ones who are controlled WILL vote with their congressional leadership--regardless of how much it riles up the constituents back home. Of course, leadership has professionals that will coach the legislator on how to explain the bad vote to the people back home. And, since most votes are not that close, these tactics are not always required and the legislator’s voting record can appear “very good” to the folks back home. That’s how you come up with these congressional scorecards. When legislators vote against their constituents on a bill, you can mark it down: congressional leaders required the cooperation of the legislator or senator--and the legislator caved to the pressure. That’s how you know that the congressman or senator is controlled.
Again, there is only a small handful of congressmen and senators who are untouchable and will vote their convictions--and the convictions of the people they represent. (Controlled congressmen and senators don’t really have convictions to begin with.) Congressional leaders refer to these legislators as “rebels.” And they are punished by not being appointed to plush committee assignments or by being overlooked for leadership positions. Plus, leadership will often target these rebel legislators for defeat in future primary elections in an attempt to replace him or her with a “team player” (meaning controlled toady for leadership).
Second, please understand that the fundamental goal of those elitists who control the neocons is GLOBALISM. For the most part, these people care absolutely nothing about domestic social issues. It doesn’t matter to them one whit whether a congressman is pro-life or pro-choice; whether he or she is “pro-family” or pro-gay marriage; whether he or she is identified as a conservative or a liberal. These issues don’t even enter the mind of a globalist. They have but one goal: GLOBALISM. Accordingly, everything they promote promotes globalism. EVERYTHING! Never forget that!
Therefore, “conservative” scorecards are little indication as to whether a congressman or senator is a neocon. A congressman or senator can easily have a “B” or “80%” or better conservative rating, and still be a totally-controlled neocon. Most of the issues on these “conservative” or “Christian” or “Family Values” scorecards do not even grade congressman on most neocon issues, so a high score on these rating systems means little. This helps explain why so many Christian voters have little discernment in the voting booth. Their entire reason for voting is skewed. Plus, don’t forget that many of the so-called Christian leaders who put together these scorecards are themselves controlled neocons.
So, just what is a neocon? Remember, the goal of globalists is GLOBALISM. Therefore, here are the issues that promote globalism. Here are the issues that form a common denominator among neocons. When you observe your professing “conservative” congressman or senator supporting these issues, you can KNOW that they are, in reality, globalist-controlled NEOCONS.
• Pro-International “Free Trade” Deals
From NAFTA to TPP, these so-called “free trade” deals are nothing more than international loopholes that discriminate against the manufacturing jobs and labor class of individual countries and favor the billionaire class that conducts business internationally.
America has lost (and continues to lose) millions of manufacturing jobs--and now even high tech jobs--due to these international “free trade” deals. There is nothing “free” about these “free trade” deals. Quotas are often established for American exports but not for foreign imports. Taxes, duties, tariffs, etc., almost always favor foreign imports and punish U.S. exports. As a result, U.S. businesses are forced to take their companies overseas to compete. Entire factories close down resulting in millions of displaced U.S. workers. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Following the implementation of NAFTA by Congress in 1994, our trade surpluses with partners Mexico and Canada quickly became trade deficits, soaring to nearly $200 billion. Over one million U.S. jobs were lost and illegal immigration doubled almost immediately. Beyond that, U.S. workers that were somehow able to maintain their jobs watched their wages shrink. That’s right, SHRINK.
In Mexico, NAFTA has wreaked indescribable havoc. Already depressed wages plummeted. The availability of goods did NOT increase; it substantially DECREASED. While, guess what? Prices INCREASED. It was the passage of NAFTA that started this entire morass the U.S. currently finds itself mired in regarding illegal immigration.
And now neocon Republicans have just collaborated with President Barack Obama to pass another giant “free trade” bill, called TPP (nicknamed Obamatrade). Many people have rightly called TPP “NAFTA on steroids.” Indeed it is. And, yes, Ben Carson enthusiastically endorses Obamatrade. Ted Cruz also voted for it.
Not only are neocons Boehner/Ryan/McConnell enthusiastically passing TPP, they are happily giving “fast track” authority to Obama. This allows Obama (or any President) to negotiate and sign a trade agreement without congressional approval--including language that may completely alter established U.S. laws. Subsequent trade legislation proposed to Congress by the President would not be subject to committee markups and Congress would have only 90 days to approve it--and floor amendments would not be allowed.
See the report: NAFTA At 20: One Million U.S. Jobs Lost, Higher Income Inequality
Support for these international “Free Trade” deals is a dead giveaway that a congressman or senator is indeed a neocon.
• Pro-Illegal Immigration
The great goal of globalists is to blur or even eliminate national borders. National borders, and the laws that protect them, are VERY burdensome to multinational traders. National borders restrict globalists in their pursuit of international wealth. They envision a global economy with a global government in place to protect that global economy. Individual nationhood is an obstacle to that goal.
The EU is the quintessential prototype of the globalists’ dream of global government. Until individual states within the United States stopped it (temporarily, no doubt), neocon Republican President G.W. Bush collaborated with Canada’s Paul Martin and Mexico’s Vicente Fox to establish an EU-type regional government in North America. It was called the “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” or SPP. It was also called the “North American Community” and “North American Union.”
The goal of these so-called “partnerships” is to erase national borders and establish regional government over participating nations that exercise authority over the flow of goods and services between countries. As an example, the current TPP passed by the Republican House and Senate and signed by Obama has copious rules that further circumvent America’s current immigration laws. Plus, the invasion of illegal aliens from the Middle East into European countries is facilitated by the enactment of lax immigration policies established by the EU.
The SPP was the brainchild of what must be regarded as the top neocon think tank of all: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). And, yes, one of the movers and shakers for this proposed EU-style regional government in North America was CFR member Heidi Cruz, wife of Senator and Presidential candidate Ted Cruz.
Thankfully, public pressure from the State legislatures in Texas and Oklahoma derailed SPP. (This is another example of how states can--and should--use their constitutional authority of interposition to thwart the overreach of federal and even international government.)
Another way illegal immigration helps globalists remove national boundaries is it serves to remove a country’s (any country’s) national culture and identity, thereby transforming it into a “sanctuary nation.” In the U.S., this includes removing our Christian heritage.
• Pro-war
NOTHING rings the cash register for globalists like war. War helps to replace recalcitrant national leaders who refuse to give international financiers carte blanche in their countries. War helps to redraw national boundaries that favor the global economy. War brings HUGE profit windfalls to the military-industrial complex that is mostly in bed with high-paying globalists. War causes citizens in free countries to accept more governmental authority (which ALWAYS includes an international component) over their affairs that would never be the case in peacetime. War is also the perfect solution to resolve the economic problems of a sinking financial system.
In this regard, religious bigotry and intolerance makes it EASY for globalists to manipulate the passions of people in favor of war. Pitting Christians against Muslims and Muslims against Christians--and putting Israel in the middle--is the current tactic favored by globalists. And, Boy! Is it ever successful! Muslim terrorists, the Israeli army, and the U.S. military are pawns in the hands of the globalist elite (yes, globalist facilitators can be found in London, Ankara, Tel Aviv, Riyadh, and Washington, D.C.) who are using the neocons in Washington, D.C., to manipulate war in the Middle East to further their greater goal of creating war between the United States and Russia.
Another World War would be a HUGE benefit to globalists. “Who would win a war between Russia and the United States?” you ask. GLOBALISTS, that’s who. And it seems clear to me that that is exactly what the neocons in D.C. are striving for.
President George W. Bush was the first U.S. President to be totally and thoroughly dominated by neocons. The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan had been planned in neocon war rooms for years, just waiting for the right provocation. And the continuing U.S. wars in the Middle East are every bit neocon inventions. Yes, folks, Barack Obama himself is but a puppet of the neocons. In truth, neocons are now thoroughly ensconced in our Justice Department, State Department, DOD, CIA, etc.
And at this early juncture, the only two 2016 presidential candidates who MIGHT NOT be puppets of the neocon war machine are Rand Paul and Donald Trump--and at this point, I’m not certain about Trump. But it is more than interesting that it is Paul and Trump that the GOP establishment seems determined to destroy. As one GOP adviser said recently, the Republican Party must “put a bullet in Trump.” Now you know why.
• Pro-Police State
Freedom is anathema to globalists; an armed citizenry is anathema to globalists. In order for globalism to succeed, people must be restrained. They must be surveilled. They must be regulated. They must be controlled.
The so-called War on Terror (and the federal War on Drugs before that) is the biggest ruse ever invented to put a Police State in place. False flag terror attacks, a plethora of seemingly “random” mass shootings, and a perpetual media barrage against the right of citizens to defend themselves are all tactics of globalists to reduce liberty--and increase government dependence--in a nation.
Neocons are the ones who are the loudest cheerleaders for war in the Middle East, increased surveillance of the American citizenry, the militarization of our local and State police agencies, and antagonistic policies against Russia.
Look at the congressional votes for The Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, NDAA (especially sections 1021 and 1022), NSA spying, etc. Look at the voting records regarding bills or amendments that would stop the federal government from supplying military armament to our local and State police agencies. You will find that the vast majority of our current presidential candidates, and perhaps even YOUR congressman and senators, voted to facilitate the burgeoning Police State in our country. Folks, these are neocons.
• Pro-Deficit Spending
Neocons support deficit spending. In this, they are far worse than overt liberals. For example, liberals in the Democrat Party want to tax-and-spend, while neocons in the Republican Party want to borrow-and-spend. Between the two, deficit spending is worse because it gives the federal government (and the globalists who influence and leech off them) unlimited spending--and thus unlimited profits. Beyond that, the inevitable result of unrestrained spending is WAR: globalists’ biggest cash cow of all. They win coming and going.
Notice how neocons John Boehner and Paul Ryan (with support from the vast majority of congressmen from both sides of the aisle) so quickly and easily raised the federal debt ceiling again--and for, not one, but TWO YEARS. This, in essence, gives Barack Obama his ninth year in office. Why would they do this? They are neocons, that’s why.
So, folks, forget party labels. Forget the left-right, liberal-conservative paradigm. These are the issues that neocons in Congress are using to drive national politics today--and these are the issues that are killing independence and freedom in the United States.
Folks, keep this list and use it to gauge your congressman and senators, as well as our presidential candidates. No matter what they call themselves, if they support these issues, they are NEOCONS.
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