The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression

The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression
The forgotten man painting by McNaughton (click image for video) I believe this image best exemplifies where we stand today, pun intended.

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

12 Signs you might NOT be in A Christian Church

1) Super Fun Rock Band Church , if you can NOT tell the difference
from a rock concert and your worship service,
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.

2) Gay marriage, If your pastor is willing to preform gay marriage
because the Supreme Court says so. And has stopped the fight on
Abortion because of Supreme Court Roe vs Wade
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.

3) If you are NOT challenged or offended at least once a month.
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.
John 15:2

4) Romans 13, If your Pastor misinterprets Romans 13 that you to obey
the Government no matter what.
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.

5) Guns, If your Pastor tells you that you do NOT have the Natural
Right to self defense to protect you and your family.
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.
Luke 22:36

6) If your Pastor takes the 501(c)3 tax deduction and is beholden to
the IRS for what he can say and what he can NOT say.
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.
Not only is this unbiblical it is goes against "The Bill of Rights"
and the First amendment freedom of speech and freedom of
Mark 12:17

7) The 10 commandments are only suggestions, Or any part of the Bible
is not GOD ordained including All His Commandments.
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.
Deuteronomy 4:2, Rev 22:19

8) That Christ and Liberty are NOT Unanimous.
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.
John 8:36 , James 1:25, 2 Corinthians 3:17

9) Bomb the hell out of the middle east.
Really must this even be said.
preemptive wars do NOT equal peace
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.

10) Israel we must be defended at all costs, even at the expense our own country.
neither Greek of Jew all are saved by Christ and him alone
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.

11) More money is awarded to buildings, kids programs, athletic
programs and gyms, then spreading and teaching the Gospel,
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.
Mark 10:25

12) If your Church advocates for closing mosques,
then what makes you think that they would not close
all religions intuitions, including your Church next.
Chances you might NOT be in a Christian Church.

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