By Larry Chin
Global Research, November 16, 2015
It goes without saying that the atrocities of Paris on November 13, 2015 were unspeakable and sickening. But what is not being said in the wake of the incident—what has been ignored by the mass media—is predictably telling and ominous.
Just it was in the wake of 9/11, the people of the world are being provoked, agitated and mobilized; the fear, horror, rage and shock channeled and shaped into wave of collective vengeance and hatred. Hatred towards what and whom?
The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks. But what is the Islamic State?
The fact that remains willfully unacknowledged is that Islamic State is the guided military-intelligence and political apparatus of the West, created, trained, financed, advised and protected by the West and NATO—including France.
The Islamic State and Islamic extremism, including Al-Qaeda, functions on behalf of NATO and Western geostrategic interests.
The intelligence agencies of the West and NATO, led by the CIA, MI-6, the Mossad, the Pakistani ISI, etc. run the Islamic State terrorists.
Jihadist terrorism would not exist without the nurturing of the West, which started with the Cold War, continued into the conflicts in the Balkans, and exploded with 9/11 and the “war on terrorism”, and continues to metastasize with the so-called war on the Islamic State, a rebranded continuation of the same fabricated criminal war of deception.
The West and its architects of war are ultimately responsible for all acts of terrorism perpetrated by their own terrorist shock troops.
As noted by Michel Chossudovsky,
“the notion that the Paris attack was an act of retribution and revenge directed against France is questionable and contradictory inasmuch as the evidence confirms that France has been channeling weapons to jihadist rebels in Syria including Al Nusrah and ISIS.”
What if it was “blowback”? What if the Paris terrorists went “rogue” and attacked their own sponsors? What if these terrorist cells were “out of control”? What if these and other groups are simply “going berserk” for “inexplicable reasons”? What if one accepts the (highly unlikely) notion that the CIA, the NSA, French intelligence, the Mossad, etc. —agencies with the most sophisticated spying capabilities on the planet—suddenly and simultaneously lost track of everything? There are red herrings. The West is still responsible for the actions of its assets. The West has not “lost control” of the Islamic State. In fact, the terrorists are being run with remarkable efficiency and effectiveness. The chaos and plunder are not random. The atrocities are designed. Were it not for unwelcome Russian “interference”, the Anglo-American empire would now control more geography than it already does. The Syrian regime arguably might have fallen.
Anglo-American war policy is what has set terrorism loose. It continues to sow, foment and expand terrorism in an unimaginable scale, with no end in sight. The trail of blood leads back to the policy, and its policy makers.
This apocalyptic crisis is not a war “on” terror, but a war “of” terror, committed by terrorists, guided by terrorists, and psychopathic war criminals that operate beyond the reach of law.
Stopping terrorism is not the real agenda. In fact, the opposite: the West’s terrorist armies are key assets used to infiltrate and destabilize, to topple the regimes that NATO seeks to co-opt, invade and conquer. One by one they fall in this manner, from Iraq and Libya to what is unfolding now in Syria, towards the even greater agenda.
The “war on the Islamic State” is not even about the Islamic State, no matter what horrific acts are committed by the ISIS/ISIL killers themselves. The war is, and has always been, a superpower world war pitting the West against Russia and China, everywhere Western geostrategic/resource/corporate interests dictate.
The “spectacular” bloodshed—the unspeakable scale and intensity of the murder—will only become more outlandish and “creative”, as the war planners become increasingly desperate to keep the easily distracted masses in home countries galvanized and fearful, and militantly supportive of the larger war agenda, and deepening involvement on the front lines.
Who benefits? Who benefits from weaponizing France and its people? The same forces that have benefitted from all such atrocities since 9/11. All of the governments that are aiming to destabilize, invade, and conquer the Eurasian subcontinent, including the Middle East and Central Asia, and beyond. All of the governments seeking regime change in Syria: NATO.
The operatic expressions of remorse on behalf of officials hide the realpolitik; the cold, calculating sociopathy that views war as industry, mass murder as a means to “victory”, and slaughter of innocents as “necessary collateral damage”. Three thousand dead on 9/11. A jetliner full of Russian tourists. Tens of thousands across the killing fields of the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa. More than one hundred snuffed out in Paris. All in a day’s work.
The current line justified by the bloody headlines and propaganda is that even more endless “total war” must be waged. President Hollande now channels Dick Cheney’s “war that will not end in our lifetimes”, and George W. Bush’s “with us or against us”.
Paris proves, according to the propaganda, that time is overdue for regime change in Syria. Syria, the “hotbed” of terrorism, where the Islamic State is “out of control”. The Assad regime has “failed to stop it”; therefore the Assad regime must be “taken out” along with the “terrorists”.
It is no coincidence that Paris has prompted President Barack Obama to promise an escalation of military involvement in Syria. More accurately, the justification to openly invade Syria has been given the green light. The “boots on the ground” invasion of Syria, which is already underway, is now accelerated. Obama undoubtedly wants to finish the job before he leaves office in 2016. A new series of air strikes on Raqqa, Syria began less than 48 hours after the Paris attacks.
What of the Paris attacks themselves? The official narrative is being created. Although it is early in the process, questions about the Paris attack are mounting. The similarities to the false flag operation of 9/11 are abundant.
Quoting the New York Times, it “remains unclear how a plot of such sophistication and lethality escaped the notice of intelligence agencies, both in France and abroad.” But emerging evidence suggests that the intelligence agencies not only knew, but knew enough to prepare for the attacks, which suggests that they were allowed to happen.
France had foreknowledge of imminent attacks and preparations were underway weeks before November 13th, including emergency meetings with CIA director John Brenanan, and unusual advanced preparation of first responders—who happened to be ready in Paris on November 13th.
A massive cyberattack—one beyond the capabilities of the terrorists–took down French security systems prior to and during the incident.
French officials knew the attackers and were tracking them continuously for a significant period, yet did nothing to stop them.
From the orchestration and execution of the atrocities themselves, to the response, to the reaction, the signs of long planning, scripting, choreography, and calculation are evident.
There will be incompetence excuses (“we were caught off guard”), hopelessness and chaos excuses (“we cannot predict nor stop anything”), and other variations. But they fail to explain evidence to the contrary.
According to the CIA operatives, think tank “terrorism experts”, and other warmongering blowhards that spewed nonsense nonstop on CNN all day and all night following the Paris attacks, another “new normal” has been set.
All such brainwashing must be resisted.
The larger context must not be lost amidst chaos and panic.
It is the war itself—its architects as well as its murdering operatives—that must be condemned.
The killers who coldly executed innocent people acted on orders from handlers. The handlers themselves had handlers. And they in turn took orders from individuals occupying high positions of power. It is these individuals who must be identified and exposed; their war agenda resisted and stopped. For the sake of what is left of humanity.
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