The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression

The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression
The forgotten man painting by McNaughton (click image for video) I believe this image best exemplifies where we stand today, pun intended.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Are the U.S. and NATO inciting Russia into war?

By: Chuck Baldwin

Are the U.S. and NATO inciting Russia into war? To thousands of objective "experts," it does appear so.

BALTOPS 16, a NATO military exercise is now taking place in the Baltic Sea in very close proximity to Russia. "Over the next three weeks BALTOPS 16 will draw together some 6,000 personnel, 45 warships, and 60 aircraft from 17 nations, including the United States, Germany, the U.K., the Netherlands, along with the littoral states of the Baltic States who are NATO members (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Denmark) or NATO partners (Sweden and Finland)"

"Washington’s move to place a new ground-based missile defense system in Romania with Poland’s recruitment drive and the BALTOPS 16 exercise will surely raise tensions with Russia which are at an all time high since the Cold War. Russia views this move as a threat to its security with NATO’s encirclement of Russia is as reckless and as dangerous as you can get in terms of escalating the possibility of a disastrous war."

(Imagine how the American people would react if Russia were putting missile systems on our northern and southern borders.)

"Russia is more than prepared to fight a war against NATO which would not last more than three days at best according to the Rand Corporation, a think tank based in Santa Monica, California. The Rand corporation employed well-known players in the political arena including war criminal Henry Kissinger as an advisor and George W. Bush-era Neocons such as Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (former Chairman of the board 1981-1986 and again in 1995-1996) and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who was a former intern and trustee. The RAND corporation report admitted that a NATO war against Russia would last between 36 and 60 hours."

"If NATO were that foolish to start a war against Russia, European countries across Western Europe would be open to Russian missile strikes crippling Europe’s already fragile social and economic fabric. An attack on Russia would be the end of NATO, literally. Russia has capabilities that are far more advanced than what the U.S. and NATO forces have in their arsenal."

"The U.S. and its allies including Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf puppet states were all involved in creating the civil war in Syria in 2011 through a proxy opposition group to oust President Bashar al-Assad. The“protests” were orchestrated by a covert operation led by US-NATO-Israeli intelligence agencies to create chaos in order to fault the Syrian government through propaganda. Washington and Israel want to destabilize Syria as a Nation State and break-up Syria into several small nation-states easier for the governments of the U.S. and Israel to control. Israel’s interest in destabilizing Syria goes back decades, perhaps as far back when the State of Israel was declared a new independent state in 1948."

"For Now, Washington (a bully in its own right) will continue to target smaller, weaker nations with their terrorists who they fund, train and manage in the Middle East and Africa. They will continue to destabilize governments through “regime change” in Latin America as they recently did in Brazil and are in the process of targeting Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia through their Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) or controlled “opposition groups” allied with Washington and Wall Street. The American Empire will continue to rape and pillage the planet’s resources; after all, the American Empire follows the typical patterns of past empires who committed similar crimes against humanity."

"As for NATO forces on Russia’s borders, they would be destroyed in less than three days if they were foolish enough to follow Washington’s orders, then again Vassal states have no say in their own foreign or domestic affairs in the first place. NATO is a willing participant waiting for its annihilation as they sacrifice their lives and their nations in a war against Russia not for Europe, but for the American Empire."

See the report:…/5529199

Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Ronald Reagan, Paul Craig Roberts, was absolutely right when he said that, "The crazed filth that controls US foreign policy is capable of defending US hegemony with nuclear weapons. The neoconservatives must be removed from power, arrested, and put on international trial for their horrendous war crimes before they defend their hegemony with Armageddon.

"Neoconservatives and their allies in the military/security complex make audacious use of false flag attacks. These evil people are capable of orchestrating a false flag attack that propels the US and Russia to war."

See the report:…/17/the-fall-of-the-unipo…/

At some point, the only way the Neocons in Washington, D.C., and their crony capitalists in New York City can keep their charade afloat is via a major war. War is the ultimate vehicle of globalists to enslave free societies. Is that what D.C. has planned for our near future? Think of the the "national emergency" orders that could be executed by the President; think of the abridgments of the Bill of Rights; think of the entire American nation under "Lock down." Not to mention the loss of multiplied thousands of innocent American lives.

And for those of us who still believe in the importance of "Just War," please remember that the greatest international crime in the eyes of God is the act of aggressive war--nothing equals its condemnation by a Holy God. And right now it seems crystal clear: the U.S. and NATO are the aggressors and, therefore, if forced into war, it would be Russia who would be fighting a defensive, and thus, "Just War."

In the past, Germany, Japan, and Italy found themselves on the wrong side of history. Right now, it seems obvious that it is the United States and NATO--along with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Israel--that are on the wrong side of history.

The American people had better turn off the Trump and Hillary show long enough to pay attention to what is happening right now in Eastern Europe. It will be too late when nuclear missiles start landing in your back yard, folks.

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