The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression

The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression
The forgotten man painting by McNaughton (click image for video) I believe this image best exemplifies where we stand today, pun intended.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

“They Are For War”

The Matriarch of the pro-life, pro-family, Christian Right movement is the elegant stateswoman Phyllis Schlafly. She has no peer; there is no close second. At age 91, she remains the icon of America’s pro-life community.

Phyllis received her B.A. from Washington University, her J.D. from Washington University Law School, and she received her Master’s in Government from Harvard University. She worked her way through college on the night shift at the St. Louis Ordnance Plant testing .30 and .50 caliber ammunition by firing rifles and machine guns and as a laboratory technician investigating misfires and photographing tracer bullets in flight.

Mrs. Schlafly is an attorney admitted to the practice of law in Illinois, Missouri, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Supreme Court. She and her late husband are the parents of 6 children and the grandparents of 14 grandchildren. Phyllis personally taught all of her children to read before they started school.

It is no exaggeration to say that Phyllis is the single person most responsible for defeating the Equal Rights Amendment and has been one of the most influential personalities in politics over the last half-century. She founded her Eagle Forum organization in 1972, and today over 80,000 people claim membership.

One would think that the pedigree, accomplishments, and lifetime efforts of Mrs. Schlafly would speak so loudly and clearly that no one--not even her political adversaries--could question her sterling character and steadfast convictions. At age 91, and after all of her hard work, Phyllis should be enjoying the most happy fruits of her labor and the most heartfelt appreciation and respect of everyone who knows her--and especially of the Christian conservative community throughout this country.

Guess again.

As we speak, Phyllis Schlafly is the target of a hostile takeover by people within her own organization, including by her own daughter. They want Phyllis OUT. They want to throw her into the garbage bag like an old dishrag. After all of these years, after all she has done, after a lifetime of Herculean effort, they want Phyllis Schlafly GONE.

What, you ask, could be the awful sin, the horrific iniquity, the egregious act of malfeasance Phyllis could have committed to warrant such an attack? Answer: she endorsed Donald Trump for president.

Mind you, these attacks are not coming from the ACLU or the SPLC. They are coming from Christian conservatives within Eagle Forum. And from a political perspective, the people who want to destroy Mrs. Schlafly are, guess who: the Ted Cruz supporters, that’s who.

See this report:
Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum Torn Apart By Cruz Supporters

Ted Cruz’s base of support is comprised mostly of Israel-First evangelical Christians. Prophecy preachers from all over America have declared Ted to be God’s “anointed” presidential candidate. These end-time evangelicals see Ted Cruz as their Elijah or John the Baptist to usher in the Millennial Kingdom. However, the fact that Cruz’s supporters are attacking Mrs. Schlafly in such a vile and vicious manner, shows that hell, not heaven, is in their hearts.

I am reminded of the words of King David: “I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.” (Psalms 120:7 KJV)

Whether people agree with Schlafly’s decision to endorse Donald Trump is NOT the issue. To target Phyllis as an “enemy” because of her endorsement is the grossest and most vile attempt at character assassination that I can possibly imagine. Agree with her or not, Phyllis Schlafly is a paragon of integrity.

This leads to a very serious and all-too-common current reality: a sizeable percentage of our so-called “Christian” community is filled with a heart of hatred and war. They like to talk about peace and love, but what they are really about is war and hate.

I can’t keep from saying “I told you so” at this point.

When G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney began their propaganda war against Iraq and Afghanistan, I told my radio audience, “Because G.W. Bush professes to be a Christian, and because he has so much support from within the Christian community, Bush is going to change the definition and character of the word ‘Christian’ in this country forever.” And that is EXACTLY what has happened. Ted Cruz is picking up right where G.W. Bush left off.

The Christian standard used to be “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Today the standard is “Blessed are the warmongers.” These Bush/Cruz, Israel-First cultists are prepared to not only blow up the Arab world, they are prepared to blow up Eagle Forum or any other organization or personality that does not subscribe to their brand of Israel-First obsession. Believe me, if these divisive, hate-filled “Christians” could get away with it, they would be as bloodthirsty and violent as any Muslim terrorist. But since they are unable to behead people such as Phyllis Schlafly or Chuck Baldwin, however, they set out with all malice to destroy our work and reputations. Yes, I am dealing with many of these same hate-filled “Christians,” too.

And I know that many of my brethren will recoil when they hear me say what I’m going to say, but I have analyzed and studied this phenomenon for many years now, and there is a DEFINITE common denominator.

I’m talking about decades of church splits; pastors being savagely and mercilessly attacked from inside the church; pastors’ families being destroyed by members of their own congregations; and the most bitter, divisive, backstabbing, meddlesome, tale-bearing, discordant, mean-spirited actions and attitudes on the planet. All in the name of Christianity. All in the name of love. All in the name of Bible doctrine. All in the name of Jesus Christ. All in the name of truth.

What is the common denominator? Almost without exception these haters and destroyers are Israel-First, end-time prophecy zealots.

I cannot imagine another presidential candidate’s supporters attacking someone such as Phyllis Schlafly like the Cruz supporters are now doing. It is Ted Cruz’s supporters who are engaging in this attempted destruction of America’s First Lady of The Pro-Life Movement, Phyllis Schlafly. And again, Ted Cruz is Mr. Christian Zionist. Cruz is to politics what John Hagee is to religion.

Ted Cruz claims to be pro-life, but he is allowing his supporters to crucify the most influential pro-life American of the last half-century, Phyllis Schlafly.

Remember, Ted Cruz is the one who is promising to “make the sand glow” in the Arab states--except not in Saudi Arabia, of course. Meaning he wants the United States to launch nuclear missiles against millions of innocent men, women, and children throughout the Middle East. Again, all in the name of Christian love. No, that’s not exactly true: all in the name of ISRAEL and all in the name of Bible prophecy. And if he’s elected president, I’m sure he would make good on his promise.

After over 40 years of labor and leadership in the liberty and Christian movements, and having personally witnessed the massive amount of death and destruction inflicted upon untold thousands of good and honorable men and women at the hands of these calloused and calculating beasts of prey, it is now (finally) becoming apparent what is behind all of this devastation. It is the same enemy that is trying to destroy Phyllis Schlafly.

When the spirit of hatred and war take over the heart, no one is safe. Not even friends.

Please pray for Phyllis Schlafly.

P.S. Once again, I invite readers to obtain my four message series entitled “The Church And Israel.” It is available on ONE DVD. Titles include:

*The Presentation And Rejection of The King
*“An High Priest For Ever After The Order of Melchisedec”
*Jesus: The Seed of David, The Seed of Abraham
*Christ’s Last Words To Israel

This series of messages will help people understand why the modern Zionist state of Israel can hold no claim to the promise given to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 and why the “Israel-First” theology of John Hagee and so many others is egregious Biblical error. And readers should also understand that I came to these conclusions after being trained in “Israel-First” theology and believing and preaching it for most of my life. But the longer I preached it, the more dissatisfied I became with it. I knew something wasn’t right. And the more I studied the matter, the more I came to repudiate what I now know is patently false doctrine.

To order my DVD, “The Church And Israel,” go here:!/The-Church-And-Israel-DVD/p/57816368/category=15986016

© Chuck Baldwin

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