Private company's that need to be nationalized or removed.
Goldman Sachs (This one needs to be nationalized and all assets but into US treasury)
FED (This one needs to be nationalized and all dept forgiven and all assets but back into US treasury, fix the Money System by returning the issuing of money to Congress)
Google (another US Government agency used to spy on american citizens)
Monsanto (Joint patents with US Government)
Republican and Democratic Parties
Planned Parenthood
Illegal and Unconstitutional Departments of Federal Government that need to be disbanded)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
DHS (Department of Homeland Security)
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
BLM (Bureau of Land Management)
IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
ATF(Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms)
TSA (Transportation Security Administration)
NSA (National Security Agency)
ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)
Department of Education
Global Groups that the United States needs to remove itself from or disband
UN (United Nations)
CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
Trilateral Commission
World Bank
Flase flags that need to be brought to Light
9/11 (used to illegally invade country's in the Middle East)
sandyhook (another assault on our 2nd amendment rights)
Chemtrails are real those involved should go to prison
Fast and Furious was a assault on our 2nd amendment rights those involved should go to prison
Vaccines assault on our next generation, those involved should go to prison
Agenda 21 assault on our Country, those involved should go to prison
police state, stop the militarisation of our local police, Sheriffs should be the law of the Land.
war on terror is government made used to attack is own citizens
war on drugs is government made used to attack is own citizens
Country's align with foreign policy, we should not be aligned with and support, including giving Moneys to, and that should apply to all country's why do we borrow and then give to other country's this is robbing our next generations)
Saudi Arabia
Term limits for Congress.
Supreme court justices should be term limited also and impeachable.
All Laws written should apply to everyone including congress and the President this includes Healthcare, Social Security and insider trading, they should be held to a higher standard not a lower one.
Close down all Military bases out side of USA
Stop the phony war on terror and drugs
A flat tax tied to GDP
501c3 tax exempt status for Churches needs to be removed, this makes the Church a Government agency
Stop funding all foreign wars
Stop funding ISIS
Stop Illegal Immigration
Stop All Immigration until 100% Employment of Amicans born in this Country, and no more H1B visa's
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