You can't drink "Their" water with Fluoride and Lead added and most likely "They" are adding sedatives, you can't eat "Their" vegetables and fruit, the seeds are corrupt as God has created, the produce is then sprayed with harmful chemicals. "Their" meat is Now Undocumented, "They" are spraying the air with aluminium, abortion on demand, vaccines that kill, gun control so you and I can't protect our self's from the people they do not prosecute and if they do they let them out of prison, bringing in Millions of Undocumented Illegals that hate US-A. Cloning animals and selling us fish and meat with no labeling and no testing. Segregating Black against White, Police against Black, Rich against Pour, Republicans against Democrats, Muslims against Christians. Seems to me "They" Don't have our best interest at Heart.
One must have Eyes to See and Ears to Hear.
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