In order to control a people you must first do away with hope, followed closely by doing away with its history and rewriting it to your own liking. If someone knows where they come from, the history of their ancestry, what their forefathers accomplished, where they failed, and how they persevered, there is a connection, and there is an identity in something other than the system and the powers that be.
Anyone who hopes to mold and reshape a people to their own nefarious ends cannot build upon the foundation of the past but rather tear it down, bulldoze it, pave over it, and start anew with a construct and design of their own choosing.
You can’t get someone to hate who they are by insisting their forefathers did some bad things but also a lot of good. You have to convince them they were vile, evil men and women whose only desire was the subjugation of their fellow man; individuals who walked around with bloodlust in their eyes looking for their next hapless victim.
If you can eradicate someone’s past, you can shape their present and dictate their future. Cast enough doubt on any one person’s history and ancestry, cast enough doubt on any one nation’s acts and actions, and eventually you can talk someone into doubting absolutely everything.
If a certain thing I held dear turned out not to be true, what else isn’t true about me, my family, my ancestry, or my nation?
What is currently happening in America is psychological warfare at its most brutal. The sheep have already been culled, and so it’s easy to brainwash them, bombard them with misinformation, and steer them toward a particular set of responses whenever and wherever you have need of a large group of useful idiots.
Thinking for oneself has become taboo practice in America, and God help you if you refuse to fall in line and bleat along with the rest of the sheep. You are free to speak your mind as long as your mind is the hive mind, as long as you parrot what they themselves have parroted on down the line, without ever taking a step back and seeing the idiocy you are regurgitating for what it is.
There is a deeper, more nefarious purpose to systematically dismantling this nation’s history and it has nothing to do with what is being trumpeted as the cause of the displeasure.
By now we should be used to smokescreens and sleight of hand but it would seem our predisposition to give the powers that be the benefit of the doubt still plays into whether or not we have our eyes open to the reality of all that is taking place around us.
With so many spinning plates, and so many eager to take a sledgehammer to our kneecaps while we’re attempting to spin said plates, it’s only a matter of time. It’s not as though we didn’t know these days were coming. Nevertheless, it is a strange feeling to be living them.
With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.
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