Posted by Joe Wurzelbacher on Jun 17, 2014 in 2nd Amendment, Action Alert, American Culture, Email Featured, Law Enforcement, liberalism, Politics, Regulation
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obama guns fascistHow many laws have to be passed before you believe they are after your guns? President Obama and the left have an aggressive gun control agenda – and it’s hiding plain sight.
Yet even in respected circles there are many who believe we only need to enact new legislation further restricting gun and ammunition ownership and our problems with crime and mental health will go away.
The anti-Second Amendment crowd and the mainstream media cheerleaders who act as gun control first-responders to mass murder by sociopaths have convinced far too many that criminals will stop acting criminally if only more and more laws can be enacted.
So you think gun control advocates are not trying to take away your right to keep and bear arms? That ultimately their goal isn’t to do away with the Second Amendment and disarm the citizens of the United States one way or another?
Are you one of these folks who say they support gun ownership, but only want “reasonable” gun laws restricting “military style” weapons and “gun-free” zones will protect students from school shootings like the tragedy that occurred at the Sandy Hook?
Do you feel sympathetic toward the President when he says a failure to enact tougher gun-control laws is his greatest disappointment in more than five years as president?
Then I have one more question: What are you, new?
Do you have any idea the vast amount of gun control laws and restrictions that have been put upon law-abiding gun owners in this country? It would shock the most learned of Second Amendment advocates to ingest the sheer volume of anti-gun legislation passed and proposed. It clearly exposes an obsessive and war-like drive to disarm the nation’s citizenry of firearms.
Yet our President plays possom, saying in a recent interview; “Right now, it’s not even possible to get the mildest restrictions through Congress and we should be ashamed.”
Listed below are 8 of the Federal bans, regulations and restrictions sought by liberal lawmakers, courtesy Chuck Cunningham, Director of State and Local Affairs – National Rifle Association:
1. In 2013, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) proposed an “assault weapon” and “large” ammunition magazine ban that would have banned all detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.
NRA-ILA fact sheet: S. 150: The Biggest Proposed Gun Ban in American History.
2. This year, Feinstein asked President Obama to order the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to tighten restrictions on the importation of semi-automatic firearms and their parts.
Grassroots Alert article: Feinstein Wants Obama to Pull a Clinton on Firearm Importation.
3. Last year, legislation was introduced to impose “universal” background checks, which would have amounted to registering all firearm sales and paved the way for registering all firearms possessed.
NRA-ILA fact sheet: Private Sales Restrictions and Gun Registration.
4. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has attempted to ban the importation of certain shotguns.
Grassroots Alert article: NRA Files Comments Opposing Shotgun Importation Ban
Grassroots Alert article: BATFE Modifies Shotgun Import Ban Study, Still Gets it Wrong
5. BATFE also considered whether to restrict solid hunting bullets as “armor piercing ammunition.”
Grassroots Alert article: BATFE Taking Comments on Sporting Purposes Exemption to Armor-Piercing Ammunition Law.
6. This year, BATFE restricted 5.45x39mm 7N6 as “armor piercing ammunition.”
Grassroots Alert article: BATFE Publicly Confirms Administration’s Ammunition Import Ban.
7. This year, BATFE has proposed to excessively expand the categories of persons prohibited under federal law from acquiring or possessing firearms on mental health grounds.
Grassroots Alert article: NRA Opposes Administration’s Plan to Broaden Reach of Mental Health-Related Gun Bans.
8. Last year, the Obama Administration signed the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty. Washington Times.com. NRA opposed the treaty.
It’s not a steady drip or the dreaded slippery slope – this is a constant onslaught of legislation and public relations toward gun confiscation. The resources are mounting and if you think I’m kidding about the obsessive nature of the promoters, here’s what Mike Bloomberg the billionaire ex-mayor in an interview with The New York Times had to say about his gun-control efforts.
“I have earned my place in heaven.” –
Bloomberg himself has armed guards of course, as do leftist members of Congress and leftist entertainers, but he may actually believe he’s curried favor with Saint Peter by blowing $50 million on politicians who support gun control. Do you think someone who says they’ve bought a backstage pass into heaven can be reasoned with?
Barack Obama’s platitudes and Bloomberg’s Sainthood aside, here’s a list of Laws affecting legal gun ownership passed in 2013:
Magazine Capacity
House Bill 1224 bans the sale, transfer or possession of a magazine capable of holding more than fifteen rounds of ammunition and any magazine larger than fifteen rounds that is manufactured in Colorado on or after the effective date must include a serial number and date of assembly. HB 1224 was signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper on March 20.
Gun Tax
House Bill 1228 imposes an undetermined fee (gun tax) for undergoing a background check through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation InstaCheck system. HB 1228 was signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper on March 20.
Universal Background Check
House Bill 1229 imposes “universal background check.” HB 1229 was signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper on March 20.
(For above bills)
Ban of online firearm training for concealed carry permit holders
Senate Bill 195 bans all-online firearm training for concealed carry permits.
SB 195 was signed into law by Governor John Hickenlooper on May 24.
Magazine Capacity
Senate Bill 1094 expands Connecticut’s current ban on some semi-automatic rifles to include .22 caliber rifles with one or more certain cosmetic features. SB 1094 was signed into law by Governor Daniel Malloy on June 18.
Omnibus Bill
Senate Bill 1160, omnibus anti-gun legislation, was signed into law by Governor Dannel Malloy on April 4.
Background Checks
House Bill 35 which imposes “universal” background checks was signed into law by Governor Jack Markell on May 8.
Lost or Stolen
Senate Bill 16 imposes lost and stolen reporting requirements. SB 16 was signed into law by Governor Jack Markell on June 12.
NICS Background Check
Senate Bill 69 requires fingerprinting and processing through NICS in addition to the already existing registration requirement on all firearms brought into the state. SB 69 was signed into law by Governor Neil Abercrombie on July 9.
Firearm Safety Act
Senate Bill 281 bans the transport, sale, purchase, transfer or possession of commonly owned semi-automatic centerfire rifles that have a detachable magazine and two additional characteristic restricts magazine capacity to no more than ten rounds and requires a state permit-to-purchase, rent or otherwise be in possession of a handgun. SB 281 was signed into law by Governor Martin O’Malley on May 16.
New York
Firearm Safety Act
Ban of Commonly Owned Semiautomatic Firearms/Magazine Capacity/Firearms Registration/Ammunition Restrictions/Mental Health Senate Bill 2230 bans commonly owned semi-automatic firearms and magazines, firearm registration and restrictions on ammunition purchases and requires mental health practitioners to report if someone is a threat to himself or others (without requiring an adjudication) and such person must surrender their gun. SB 2230 was signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo on January 15.
House Bill 43 requires organizations like the NRA who engage in political speech to immediately disclose the names of virtually all of its donors, including those who pay membership dues. HB 43 was signed into law by Governor Gary Herbert on April 1.
What no one wants to think about is what may happen if President Obama does with his gun control agenda what he’s doing with immigration policy: Selectively enforcing immigration law, ignoring the Separation of Powers, writing and re-writing legislation and issuing Executive Orders when Congress won’t act.
The mid-term elections are not exactly looking rosy for Barack Obama and if the pundits and polls are correct (aren’t they always?); the Senate and House will have a healthy bunch of Republicans running Congress. The President may only have until then to get the above proposals through and what if Congress won’t act, as he says so often? Will his pen and phone get to work on gun confiscation?
Here’s a hint: “Citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals from us each day. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors, and police officers all over this country who say ‘we are not afraid,’ and I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress, to help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, or schools.”
– Barack Obama
Will the President pursue the last option left to a “disappointed” tyrant? Is it possible that Barack Obama would actually use Executive power to fulfill his obvious disdain for the Second Amendment?
Ponder that as tens of thousands of children from Central and Latin America, escorted by who knows who are being allowed to cross our southern border illegally. It’s criminal on every level – especially the willful neglect of the President’s Constitutional responsibility regarding the nation’s border.
Gun control is now a big-time priority for President Obama and the radical liberals who control cities, Governorships and state legislatures around the nation. There’s plenty of legislation coming down the pike here in 2014 – anyone doubting the left’s real anti-gun agenda needs to carry copies of the following around with them, share them and be constantly reminded of what’s really going on here:
California (8/31/14)
Senate Bill 53 would require the purchasers of ammunition to register with the state Department of Justice prior to purchasing any ammunition.
Senate Bill 199 bans the sale/transfer of used and antique BB devices and imitation firearms that are not colored as specified.
Senate Bill 808 imposes restrictions and fees on the ability to make, or even assemble, a personal firearm, along with requiring serialization and registration of that personal firearm and requires all firearms made and assembled prior to enactment to have serial numbers and be registered.
Assembly Bill 1014 would allow any person to seek a “gun violence restraining order” against another person.
Assembly Bill 1609 would impose unnecessary limitations on the transfer of firearms by law-abiding citizens, requiring that all transfers be completed through a CA gun dealer, regardless of the circumstances.
Assembly Bill 1964 would remove existing exemptions for all single-shot pistols, other than those with a break top or bolt action, from California’s roster of “not safe” handguns.
Assembly Bill 2305 would expand CA law by imposing criminal liability if an individual unknowingly carries a firearm on or about his or her person.
Assembly Bill 2310 would reenact provisions authorizing a city prosecutor or city attorney in specified counties to file an action for unlawful detainer to abate a nuisance caused by an illegal conduct involving firearms or ammunition.
Delaware (6/30/14)
Undetectable Firearms
Illinois (1/13/15)
Senate Bill 1002 bans the possession, purchase, manufacture, sale or delivery of all ammunition magazines that can hold more than ten rounds of ammunition or that can be converted to hold more than ten rounds of ammunition.
Senate Bill 1342 (House Amendment 2) creates and imposes mandatory minimum felony penalties for individuals who carry or possess a firearm on any public street, alley or public lands.
Senate Bill 3659, the public safety act, seeks to ban the possession, delivery, sale and purchase of many semi-automatic firearms and accessories.
House Bill 815 imposes restrictions on magazine capacity and shooting ranges.
restrictions.aspx?s=House+Bill+815&st=&ps=House Bill 1263 bans many commonly owned firearms.
House Bill 2265 imposes mandatory minimum felony penalties ranging from three to ten years in prison for those who carry a firearm without a Concealed Carry License (CCL) or possess a firearm without a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card.
House Bill 3646 provides that any owner of an establishment that serves alcohol on its premises who maintains a retail liquor license and allows for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on its premises as an on premise consumption retailer, (deletes if more than 50% of the establishment’s gross receipts within the prior 3 months is from the sale of alcohol) who knowingly fails to prohibit concealed firearms on its premises or who knowingly makes a false statement or record to avoid the prohibition of concealed firearms on its premises shall be guilty of a business offense with a fine up to $5,000.
House Bill 3669 provides that a licensee who knowingly carries a firearm on or into a building, real property, or parking area under the control of a public or private pre-school, elementary or secondary school, college, or university is guilty of a Class 4 felony for a first offense and a Class 3 felony for a second or subsequent offense.
House Bill 3714 imposes a two percent surcharge (tax) on firearm ammunition.
House Bill 4517 provides that a concealed carry licensee shall not knowingly carry a firearm on or into any building, real property and parking area under the control of a restaurant.
House Bill 4574 provides that the Department of State Police shall suspend for five years the FOID card of a person who has been convicted of a third violation of the provision of the Criminal Code of 2012 that makes it an offense for a person who possesses or acquires a firearm and thereafter loses the firearm, or if the firearm is stolen from the person, to fail to report the loss or theft to the local law enforcement agency within 72 hours after obtaining knowledge of the loss or theft.
House Bill 4715 provides that every person must register each firearm he or she owns or possesses.
House Bill 4754 creates the offense of unlawful use of a three-dimensional printer to create a firearm.
House Bill 4779 provides that a person shall not carry a concealed firearm onto private real property of any type without prior permission from the property owner. It also provides that a real property owner shall indicate permission to carry concealed firearms onto the property by clearly and conspicuously posting a sign at the entrance of a building, premises, or real property under his or her control, except this posting is not required if the property is a private residence.
House Bill 5490, mandatory lost and stolen reporting legislation.
Ongoing Litigation into 2014 Concerning SB281 signed by Governor O’Mally on May 16, 2013
Massachusetts (1/6/15)
Senate Bill 1126 establishes a Firearms Violence Prevention Trust Fund.
House Bill 47 bans any magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds, establishes a seven round magazine limit, limits the purchase one firearm a month and mandates a background check and a fee (gun tax) for the private transfer of firearms including family and friends.
House Bill 3250, microstamping legislation.
House Bill 3253 increasing the tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition.
House Bill 4121 would give police chiefs discretion in licensing owners for shotguns and rifles, ban the private sale of firearms without a licensed gun dealer and require gun owners to provide a list of all firearms they currently own to the state with each renewal of their license, among many other things. Additionally, it would grant authority to the state Attorney General to remove certain firearms from the approved “firearms roster.”
Michigan (12/31/14)
House Bill 4774 an act that would regulate and license the selling, purchasing, possession and carrying of certain firearms.
New Jersey (1/12/15)
Assembly Bill 2006 / Senate Bill 993
Magazine and Gun Ban Legislation
Senate Bill 684 revises the definition of destructive device to include certain weapons of 50 Caliber or greater.
Senate Bill 1137 prohibits sale and possession of undetectable firearms manufactured using 3D printing technology.
Assembly Bill 253 disqualifies persons named on federal Terrorist Watchlist from obtaining firearms identification card or permit to purchase handgun.
Assembly Bill 672 establishes a ballistics identifier program for certain firearms.
Assembly Bill 673 requires firearms to be unloaded and securely locked or stored in within the home.
Assembly Bill 674 requires seizure of firearms when mental health professional determines patient poses threat of harm to self or others.
Assembly Bill 851 requires firearms endorsement on driver’s license or non-driver identification card.
Assembly Bill 2028 / Senate Bill 154 revises statutes concerning firearms purchaser identification cards and handgun purchase permits; makes handgun purchase permit valid for four years.
Assembly Bill 2777 amends state statutes with to allow for reasonable deviations with transporting firearms. We suggested a one-word amendment that would make the bill a pro-
gun bill and an improvement over current law, but as written, the bill is actually worse that current law.
Assembly Concurrent Resolution 92 urges the President and Congress to enact stronger firearms laws.
New York (1/7/15)
Senate Bill 68A / Assembly Bill 2023 requires semi-automatic pistols manufactured or sold a gun dealer in New York to be capable of microstamping ammunition.
Senate Bill 572A prohibits purchasing more than one firearm during any thirty-day period.
Senate Bill 575 imposes “universal background checks” for the sale of firearms.
Senate Bill 2028 bans the sale, use and possession of .50 caliber or larger firearms.
Assembly Bill 3186A requires the reporting of lost or stolen firearms to local police authorities within 72 hours.
Assembly Bill 3221 requires the “safe storage” of firearms.
Assembly Bill 3244-A would require all current semi-automatic pistols in production and all newly designed semi-automatic pistols delivered to any licensed firearms dealer in New York to mechanically stamp an alpha-numeric or geometric code that would imprint the make, model or serial number onto the cartridge case when the gun in discharged. Assembly Bill 3908A requires owners of firearms to obtain liability insurance.
Assembly Bill 3941-A – “Children’s Weapon Accident Prevention Act” seeks to force its way into gun owners’ homes by criminally penalizing those who store their weapons in a way other than what this bill deems appropriate.
Assembly Bill 5012 imposes a ten-day waiting period for all firearm purchases.
Ohio (12/31/14)
Senate Bill 18 prohibits a person from knowingly acquiring, possessing, carrying or using an “assault weapon” and to require the state Attorney General to prepare for the establishment of a firearm and ammunition transactions database.
House Bill 31 establishes the crime of criminally negligent storage of a firearm.
Pennsylvania (11/30/14)
Senate Bill 191 imposes a one-gun-a-month restriction.
Senate Bill 435 bans “assault weapons” and “high capacity” ammunition magazines over ten rounds.
House Bill 239 requires all firearms to be registered with the Pennsylvania State Police.
House Bill 335 provides for licenses and for sale or transfer of firearms by adding that the application for a license to carry a firearm shall affirm that the applicant has never received mental health treatment on an inpatient or outpatient basis. A seller shall similarly ask if the purchaser has ever received mental health treatment on an inpatient or outpatient basis.
House Bill 517 prohibits the possession, use, control, sale, transfer or manufacture of an “assault weapon.”
House Bill 518 prohibits individuals from using force for the protection of property, an individual or one’s own well-being, if the person is either able to retreat or instructed by peace officers or public safety dispatchers not to pursue the suspect.
Rhode Island (6/23)
Senate Bill 2318 / House Bill 7838 imposes a ten percent “supplemental tax” on firearms and ammunition.
Senate Bill 2632 would impose burdensome restrictions on semi-automatic “assault weapons” and limit magazine capacity to ten rounds.
House Bill 5990 / Senate Bill 859 imposes restrictions on the manufacture, transfer and possession of certain semi-automatic “assault weapons” and ban magazines containing more than ten rounds.
House Bill 5993 / Senate Bill 865 abolishes all “shall issue” carry permits and grant the Attorney General sole issuing authority.
House Bill 6160 removes the town clerk and sergeant from the list of licensing officers for concealed carry permits.
House Bill 7310 prohibits persons convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors from owning firearms.
House Bill 7583 bans the manufacture, sale, possession and transfer of semi-automatic “assault weapons.”
House Bill 7584 bans semi-automatic “assault weapons” and magazines exceeding ten rounds.
House Bill 7585 creates a ten-round magazine limit and prohibit the possession of magazines exceeding ten rounds, making it punishable as a felony.
House Bill 7587 changes the local law enforcement issued permits from “shall” issue to “may” issue, meaning local officials could virtually end concealed carry in the state.
House Bill 7838 requires the use of non-toxic ammunition for hunting whenever such ammunition is available. (lead ammo bill)
Still think this is about keeping anti-tank bazookas out of the hands of the public? Think again.
They’re after your guns, and all your rights. After all – isn’t the 2nd Amendment what stands between you and everything in the Bill of Rights? America without the 2nd Amendment is closer to the truth than you think – piece by piece our Right to Bear Arms is being dismantled and you are asleep at the wheel.
Read more at http://joeforamerica.com/2014/06/fact-guns-proof/#LbVWa91j6LQVAFsM.99
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