February 26, 2012 21:55 ET

Hard as this to believe, I’m no longer going to pound my head on an exposed nail in the wall and preach to the insane that the world is about to end. In fact, I have no intention of any longer telling the foolish that the world is about implode. I’ve warned. I’ve preached. I’ve provided the warning signs. The financial system is irrevocably broken and the idiots in charge continue to preach that all is well, keep moving. Why should I or anyone else continue to say that it will fail? Michael Panzer in his book Financial Armageddon attempted to spell out the obvious and what did that get him? A great selling book yes, but deliberate, calculated mockery on CNBC and other financial networks designed to impugn his work, yet never actually denying the reality of his facts or statements.
Select a politician, radio host, religious figure, or economist who doesn’t toe the line. Senator McCarthy of Wisconsin was painted as a raving lunatic only to be proven correct by the records of the collapsed Soviet Union some 50 years later. Senator Barry Goldwater was depicted as a warmongering fatalist who wanted the end of the world yet all he advocated were the same policies that were proven prudent and correct by Ronald Reagan just over a decade later. Glenn Beck is being labeled an insane nut job by the “establishment” with a record of alleged racism and Alex Jones like conspiracy radio and television which cost him his job at Fox News, while continuously putting pressure on Clear Channel and the talk radio traditionalists who warn him that he continues to make too many waves. God forbid a pastor, a preacher, or even a choir boy even dare to question the national leadership’s view on religious issues that cross the line with the liberal establishment now as their tax free protections and Constitutional shield will be ripped away to destroy their ability to pray, preach, and save the souls that come to them because they dare to speak their beliefs.
Sadly, the most abandoned group of souls is not the previous list of honorees, but in fact those men who claim to be of science, the art of economics. While numerous individuals dare to debate the merits of the alleged science of economics, the idea of studying human behavior with historical and scientific relevance has been destroyed since the universal adoption of quasi-Marxism and the ideals of Keynes became the “mainstream” of the elites within the institutions of learning worldwide. The ideas of open learning were abandoned after World War I because in the academia the belief was that diversity of information created the foundation for the “Great War” because it opened nations and peoples to ideals that were too difficult for the average citizen or politician to comprehend. Thus by permeating the myth started within the early era of Marx and expanded with the theories of Keynes that economics was too complicate, the realm of the Dark Ages was restored with the Illuminati or elitists having the ability to comprehend the science much like the early Roman Catholic Church obtained the monopoly of the Bible and Christian religion for centuries.
As Austrian economic theory was often viewed as the Kabbalah of economics by those of the centralized planning and Keynesian view, the minority has survived thanks to the cyclical errors and blunders created by the central banks of the world and misinformed or evil political class. After American abandoned the gold standard which the Constitution demanded, the world perceived that the U.S. was about to move into a more globalist, accommodating stance to depreciate the currency and allow American wealth to be redistributed worldwide thanks to political ineptitude and the inflation tax. For those skeptical readers who doubt the depreciation of the dollar, without illustrating the dramatic 90% plus drop from 1913, here is the graph which indicates just how powerful the inflation tax on consumers has been since 1970:
The last recession with the vivid demonstration of the power of “deflation” or the opposite of everything Bernanke and Company tried to prevent is the only major pause in the inflationary railroad to infinity where the American public is asked to finance the U.S. government and mercantilism to create a demand for a global solution. This demand for a “global” solution should give pause to a sane person but tonight the average North American, European, or Asian citizen is more focused on the antics of Hollywood idiots instead of how the new order is planning to cull the masses. The “truth” is that economics, just like the science of global warming, has been hijacked to fulfill a political agenda for profit and power rather than to inform, study, and educate the systemic flow of capital and emotional behavior as was originally envisioned over a century ago.
It is time for the average person to stop the idea of saving their neighbor, preserving the system by voting for RomneyMcCainBush or ObamaClintonCarter, or believing that the “United Nations” is the ultimate solution to the world’s problems. It is no longer about “let’s create teams” or develop “Tea Parties” to save the Republic or pray for solutions. The reality is that we passed the point of no return in 2008 when Americans actually believed that the screeching of an evil soul who was directing first a globalist bank and then the U.S. Treasury was the truth and salvation of our nation. As that darkness fell in the autumn of that year, our nation fell into the abyss yet most citizens failed to recognize the significance of that event as I did (see Broken Glass, September 24, 2008).
It is too late to save your neighbor.
It is too late to save your friend.
It is too late to save a family member who will not listen or believes in the power of a global solution.
It is too late to plan for a world of freedom and individualism.
Atlas is shrugging, yet nobody cares.
The power of the people is now the rule of law.
Sadly the “people” who are in control are neither those of the Founders or of God.
Prepare accordingly.
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