It is now almost 24 hours after voters in Nevada went to their caucuses to try to cast their votes and we still mysteriously only have results for 71.1% of precincts reporting. The remaining caucuses that are still not reported actually make up the most populated caucuses in the entire state. We were told late last night that all the votes cast in Clark County had to be recounted to ensure accuracy before they would release any of the numbers to the press. Excuse me?
Where does one even begin to voice their outrage regarding this complete joke of a corrupt system we are all witnessing? If you believe the results finally coming out of Nevada, you must be living on Fantasy Island. How can caucuses that count their votes right there at the precincts have to conduct complete recounts many hours after they are over and almost everyone has gone home before they will even report most of the counts in the entire state to the public? There is only one explanation for this insanity: Corruption at its boldest! It is completely inconceivable in a caucus situation for votes to ever have to be recounted away from the precinct. The votes are not even cast on ballots like in the primary states, they are usually nothing more than little pieces of paper with a name on them stating the voter's preference.
As I wrote in a previous article, many of the polls leading up to voting have been wrought with deliberate deception. The only logical conclusion for such disturbingly unfair polling data is that they are being deliberately created to not only deceive voters into believing which candidate can win a particular contest but that they are obviously being used as a precursor to try to later justify completely fraudulent voting results.
The long night was filled with voter intimidation reports of having to prove or declare a religion (see video), countless reports by the media that were harassed or even kicked out of caucuses and told they could not film the events, hundreds of voters being turned away especially if they admitted they supported Ron Paul and then we still do not have a full accounting of the votes. It is being admitted by party officials that there are precincts in which the amount of votes cast outnumbers the amount of voters present. In other words, ballot stuffing at its finest. What is going on here and why are we continuing to just put up with it?
This election season has already been the greatest and most blatant case of election fraud I have ever witnessed in my lifetime.
1. The Nevada GOP refused to release the vote counts which were already done at the caucus locations throughout Clark County which is the most heavily populated in the state and encompasses over half of the total Republican voters in the state.
2. Votes are counted right on caucus night while witnessed by the voters that just cast their votes. Any reason for a recount would have been done and should have been handled while the voters were still present. To suggest that entire counties must undergo recounts hours later by a select few in secret before they can ever release numbers to the press are the actions of a system that has become so boldly corrupt that it is akin to an election in a Communist country.
3. For a candidate to somehow come in second place that barely even campaigned there and was clearly not even a factor in the race leading up to the vote is preposterous! After all the shenanigans, highly suspect actions and needless recounts conducted in secret, to believe that Newt Gingrich somehow came in second in Nevada would have to suggest that you may be living in a completely biased dreamworld of grand illusions.
4. Let's finally face the facts as a people. As far as mainstream media is concerned, we have completely and utterly lost all freedom of the press. We continually witness outrageous bias towards one candidate in particular, Congressman Ron Paul. This bias is largely controlled as witnessed by the fact that it is not just being done on one major network but is a concerted and widespread effort. There were many instances of the press and other members of the public not being given the freedom to film the caucus events in Nevada. The 1st Amendment has effectively been scrapped.
5. If no one does anything about this when even in tiny, 3rd-world countries with no 2nd Amendment rights, people would have been rioting in the streets after the 1st hoax of an election this season pulled-off in Iowa, then we will continue to get the kind of totally corrupt elections we so rightly deserve. The American people as a whole did absolutely nothing to protest all the shenanigans in Iowa so we are now treated to even worse corruption in the Nevada caucuses.
6. Nevada GOP Chairwoman, Amy Tarkanian officially resigned effective 12:01am last night while votes were being recounted. According to ABC's Action News 13, her resignation was supposedly decided prior to the caucuses yesterday because her husband is running for the US House and wanted to avoid a possible conflict of interest and to help her husband with his campaign. Your guess is as good as mine as to the timing of this resignation given all the controversy surrounding the results of the Nevada caucus.
The following quotes seem most appropriate in expressing where we find ourselves as a nation:
"The people never give up their liberties, but under some delusion."
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
"No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting as fear." Edmund Burke
"Fear of serious injury cannot alone justify suppression of free speech and assembly. Men feared witches and burned women. It is the function of speech to free men from the bondage of irrational fears." Justice Louis D. Brandeis
"To maintain the ascendancy of the Constitution over the lawmaking majority is the great and essential point on which the success of the American system must depend; unless that ascendancy can be preserved, the necessary consequence must be that the laws will supersede the Constitution; and finally, the will of the Executive, by influence of its patronage, will supersede the laws." John C. Calhoun
"No matter how noble the original intentions, the seductions of power can turn any movement from one seeking equal rights to one that would deny them to others." Tammy Bruce
"If you are afraid to speak against tyranny, then you are already a slave." John "Birdman" Bryant
Quote Source
To the Paul campaign that is expecting to win the Maine caucuses.........Sure, good luck with that!
In conclusion, if the 4 candidates remaining in the Republican primary do not come forth in the next few days to condemn and try to correct the continued and obvious election fraud being perpetrated against We The People, then they do not possess the integrity to be seeking the office of President of the United States.
I will begin coverage of the 5 Presidential candidates that have emerged to seek the nomination of the Constitution Party. It will give me much less grief, if at all.
By Lori Stacey
DC Conservative Examiner
Lori Stacey has been passionate about politics all her life. She started working on political campaigns going back to Ronald Reagan's first bid for...
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