On every front from spending to freedom, we can now kill united states
citizens without arrest or trial just straight to the death chamber or
kill them with a remote plane, "no fuss no muss"
Wise up people we are being eliminated across our own land, the
Muslim's, the gays, the black panthers, la raza, the progressive ,the
Marxist, the fascist and any other degenerate has aligned with
eliminating us from this once great country that our fore fathers have
created and GOD has blessed us with, what will become of or kids?
When will it be time to rise in GOD'S name and fight the good fight
and shine the light on this now dark land?
Don't like any of these so what, they just make you pay more to fund
there UN-Godly agenda
If you think you have the right to free speech free religion, think again
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