The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression

The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression
The forgotten man painting by McNaughton (click image for video) I believe this image best exemplifies where we stand today, pun intended.

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

IMF Now Ready To Slam The Door On The U.S. And The Dollar

Wednesday, 17 December 2014 06:29 Brandon Smith

As I write this, the news is saturated with stories of a hostage situation possibly involving Islamic militants in Sydney, Australia. Like many, I am concerned about the shockwave such an event will create through our sociopolitical structures. However, while most of the world will be distracted by the outcome of this crisis (for good or bad) for at least the week, I find I must concern myself with a far more important and dangerous situation.

Up to 40 people may be held by a supposed extremist in Sydney, but the entire world is currently being held hostage economically by international banks. This is the crisis no one in the mainstream is talking about, so alternative analysts must.

As I predicted last month in “We Have Just Witnessed The Last Gasp Of The Global Economy,” severe volatility is now returning to global markets after the pre-game 10 percent drop in equities in October hinted at what was to come.

We expected such destabilization after the wrap-up of the Fed taper, and the markets have not disappointed so far. My position has always been that the taper of QE3 made very little sense in terms of maintaining the manipulated illusion of economic health — unless, of course, the Federal Reserve was implementing the taper in preparation for a renewed financial catastrophe. That is to say, the central bankers have established the lie of American fiscal recovery and then separated themselves from blame for the implosion they KNOW is coming. If the markets were to collapse while stimulus is officially active, the tragedy would be forever a millstone on the necks of the banksters. And we can’t have that now, can we?

This is not to say that individual central banks and even currencies are not expendable in the grand scheme of things. In fact, the long-term goal of globalists has been to consolidate all currency systems and central banks under the outward control of the International Monetary Fund and the Bank Of International Settlements, as I outlined in “The Economic Endgame Explained.”

That particular article was only a summary of a dangerous trend I have been concerned about for years; namely the strategy by international financiers to create a dollar-collapse scenario that will be blamed on prepositioned scapegoats. I have no idea what form these scapegoats will take - there are simply too many possible triggers for fiscal calamity. What I do know, though, is the goal of the endgame: to remove the dollar’s world reserve status and to pressure the American people into conforming or even begging for centralized administration of our economy by the IMF.

The delusion perpetuated in the mainstream is that the IMF is a U.S.-dominated institution. I have outlined on many occasions why this is false. The IMF like all central banks is dominated by the international corporate banking cartel. Central banks are merely front organizations for globalists, and I am often reminded of the following quote from elitist insider Carroll Quigley when I hear people suggest that central banks are somehow independent from one another or that the Federal Reserve is itself the singular “source” of the world’s economic ills:

It must not be felt that these heads of the world’s chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down.

The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (also called “international” or “merchant” bankers) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks.

No one can now argue against this reality after we have witnessed hard evidence of Goldman Sachs dictating Federal Reserve policy, as outlined here.

And, most recently, we now know that international bankers control political legislation as well, as Congress passed with little resistance a bill that negates the Frank-Dodd restrictions on derivatives and places the U.S. taxpayers and account holders on the hook for more than $303 trillion in toxic debt instruments. The bill is, for all intents and purposes, a “bail-in” measure in disguise. And it was pushed through with the direct influence of JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.

The Federal Reserve, the U.S. government and the dollar are as expendable to the elites as any other economic or political appendage. And it can be replaced at will with yet another illusory structure if this furthers their goal of total centralization. This has been done for centuries, and I fail to see why anyone would assume that globalists would change their tactics now to preserve the dollar system. They call it the “New World Order,” but it is really the same old-world monetary order out of chaos that has always been exploited. Enter the IMF’s old/new world vision.

While the investment universe has been mesmerized by the deterioration of the Russian Ruble and oil prices, the IMF has been a busy little bee hive...

In articles over the past year, I have warned that the plan to dethrone the dollar and replace it with the special drawing rights basket currency system would be accelerated after it became clear that the U.S. Congress would refuse to pass the IMF reforms of 2010 proclaiming “inclusiveness” for developing economies, including the BRICS nations. The latest spending bill removed any mention of IMF reforms. The IMF, under Christine Lagarde, has insisted that if the U.S. did not approve its part of the reforms, the IMF would be forced to pursue a “Plan B” scenario. The details on this “plan B” have not been forthcoming, until now.

The Financial Times reported on the IMF shift away from the U.S. by asserting the authority to remove the veto power America has always enjoyed over the institution. This action is a stark reminder to mainstream talking heads and to those who believe the U.S. is the core economic danger to the world that the IMF is NOT an extension of American policy. If anything, the IMF and the U.S. are extensions of international banking power, just as the BRICS are nothing more than puppets for the same self-serving financial oligarchy clamoring for the same IMF-controlled paradigm, as Vladimir Putin openly admitted:

"In the BRICS case we see a whole set of coinciding strategic interests. First of all, this is the common intention to reform the international monetary and financial system. In the present form it is unjust to the BRICS countries and to new economies in general. We should take a more active part in the IMF and the World Bank’s decision-making system. The international monetary system itself depends a lot on the US dollar, or, to be precise, on the monetary and financial policy of the US authorities. The BRICS countries want to change this…"

And of course the Chinese have pronounced their fealty to the IMF global currency concept:

The world economic crisis shows the "inherent vulnerabilities and systemic risks in the existing international monetary system," Gov. Zhou Xiaochuan said in an essay released Monday by the bank. He recommended creating a currency made up of a basket of global currencies and controlled by the International Monetary Fund and said it would help "to achieve the objective of safeguarding global economic and financial stability."

The BRICS are not the only nations demanding the U.S. lose its supposed "influence" over the IMF. Germany, the core economic pillar of the EU, called for America to relinquish its veto power back in 2010 just as the reforms measure was announced.

The IMF decision to possibly eliminate U.S. veto power and, thus, influence over IMF decisions may come as early as the first quarter of next year. This is the great “economic reset” that Largarde has been promoting ad nauseam in multiple interviews and speeches over the past six months. All of these measures are culminating in what I believe will be a more official announcement of a dump of the U.S. dollar as world reserve currency.

Along with the imminent loss of veto power, I have also written on the concerns of the coming SDR conference in 2015. This conference is held only once every five years. My suspicion has been that the IMF plans to announce the inclusion of the Chinese yuan in the SDR basket and that this will coincide with a steady dollar dump around the globe. Multiple major economies have already dropped the dollar in bilateral trade with China, and engineered tensions between the U.S. and the East have exacerbated the issue.

The timing of the SDR conference has now been announced, and the meeting looks to be set for October of 2015. Interestingly, this linked article from Bloomberg notes that China has a “real shot” at SDR inclusion and official “reserve status” next year, but warns that the U.S. “may use its veto power” to stop China’s membership. I have to laugh at the absurdity of it all, because there are many people in the world of economic study who still believe the developments of globalization and fiscal distress are all “random.” I suppose that if it is all random, then it is a rather convenient coincidence that the U.S. just happens to be on the verge of losing veto power in the IMF just before they are about to bring the BRICS into the SDR fold and supplant the dollar.

This is it, folks; this is the endgame right in front of our faces. The year of 2014 is the new 2007, with all the negative potential but 100 times more explosive going into 2015. Our nation has wallowed in slowly degrading financial conditions for years, hidden by fake economic statistics and manipulated stock prices. All of it has been a prelude to a much more frenetic and shocking event. I believe that we will see continued market chaos from now on, with a steep declining trend intermixed with brief but inadequate “dead cat” stock bounces. I expect a hailstorm of geopolitical crises over the next year to provide cover for the shift away from the dollar.

Ultimately, the death of the dollar will be hailed in the mainstream as a “good and necessary thing.” They will call it “karma.” They will call it “progress.” They will even call it “decentralization” and a success for the free market. But it will not feel like a positive development for the American public, who will suffer greatly as the dollar crumbles. Only those educated in the underpinnings of shadow banking will understand the whole thing is a charade designed to hide the complete centralization of sovereign economic governance into the hands of the globalists, using the IMF and BIS as “fiscal heroes,” saving the world from a state of economic destruction the elites themselves secretly created.


By Chuck Baldwin
December 18, 2014

In the poem, “The Masque of Pandora,” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow has Prometheus saying, “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” Accordingly, the would-be gods in the GOP leadership in Washington, D.C., must have rank-and-file Republicans slated for destruction, because they are MAD--and for good reason.

In an open letter, long-time Republican activist, Mike Scruggs, wrote, “I have been a Republican County Chairman in both North Carolina and Alabama. I have served countless hard-working hours as a volunteer for Republican candidates. I am therefore deeply grieved that the Republican Party leadership in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate has seen fit to betray the principles and values of a substantial majority of Republican voters, and the majority of the American people. This last week witnessed both the House and Senate passing budget bills that essentially gave Obama’s unlawful amnesty for five million illegal immigrant workers an effective pass.

“The majorities that passed this essentially special interest budget may not be bothered by conscience, but American workers and taxpayers will suffer, lawlessness will abound, and public safety and national security undermined. Our liberty and freedoms are being traded for gold in the form of huge special interest political campaign donations.

“What kind of party leadership do we have, when they refuse to defend the Constitution, and thus allow President Obama to get away with an unlawful amnesty for at least five million illegal immigrant workers? What kind of party leadership do we have, when they ignore the pain of over 18 million Americans who want a full time job and cannot find one? Yet GOP leaders continue to favor big business special interests that profit by flooding the labor market with foreign cheap labor, both legal and illegal. The wages of American workers have been stagnant for nearly 15 years, held down by an excess supply of foreign labor. The GOP leadership message to American workers is that the Republican Party is not concerned with them. Their message to grassroots conservatives is the same. The users of cheap foreign labor profit $437 billion a year, mostly at the expense of American workers--$402 billion annually, nearly $2,800 per year each for 147 million workers.

“According to the Heritage Foundation, the average unlawful immigrant household receives $14,387 more in government services and benefits paid than taxes paid. This will almost double with amnesty, because of more benefits. This is essentially a taxpayer subsidy to businesses using illegal immigrant labor. How long will we put up with this outrage for the benefit of big political donors. What kind of GOP leadership wants more of these injustices to American workers and taxpayers?

“Speaker of the House John Boehner did not give a pass to Obama’s amnesty and plans to double legal immigrant workers because he feared being blamed for a government shutdown. He wants amnesty so that establishment Republicans can continue to receive huge donations from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other cheap labor lobbying associations.”

Hear! Hear, Mike!

In addition, the Tea Party Patriots released a summary of the “Cromnibus” Bill just passed. It states:

{{*The bill fully funds President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty;

*The bill contains $1.1 trillion dollars in spending;

*The bill gives every federal employee a raise. That means that even the IRS employees who colluded to target tea party conservatives will receive a raise;

*The bill contains numerous crony deals, built-in bailouts, and payoffs to Wall Street, and large corporations;

*The bill continues to fund Obamacare.

Tea Party Patriots Press Release }}

Just as I predicted in this column, the Republican Party in Washington, D.C., has not only done NOTHING to stop Obamacare and Amnesty, it has SOLIDIFIED both into law via legislative action.

In the House of Representatives, only seventeen Republican congressmen were needed to keep the bill from going to the floor for a vote. Guess how many voted “Nay”? SIXTEEN! Had only one more Republican voted “Nay”, the bill would have been dead.

Here is the list of your sixteen Republican heroes who voted “Nay,” in the U.S. House:

Reps. Justin Amash (Mich.), Michele Bachmann (Minn.), Dave Brat (Va.), Mo Brooks (Ala.), Paul Broun (Ga.), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Tim Huelskamp (Kan.), Walter Jones (N.C.), Jim Jordan (Ohio), Steve King (Iowa), Raúl Labrador (Idaho), Thomas Massie (Ky.), Bill Posey (Fla.), Matt Salmon (Ariz.) and Steve Stockman (Texas).

See The Hill report here: High Drama As $1.1T Spending Package Advances By One Vote

No, my fellow Montanans, our illustrious “conservative” House member (and now U.S. Senator-elect), Steve Daines, is not on the list. He voted “Yea” to bring the bill to the floor for a vote and then voted “Nay” on final passage. Typical political flip-flopping to pass big-government spending bills while claiming to oppose them. GAG!

Had Steve Daines voted “Nay” on the first vote, the bill would have never made it to final passage. The excuse he (and the rest of the Republican congressmen who voted for the bill) will use is that they didn’t want to risk a government “shutdown.” Horse Manure! Everyone on the planet knew this bill would fund Obamacare and Amnesty. House leaders could have taken the funding for Obamacare, and especially Amnesty, out of the bill before bringing it to members for a vote had they wanted to. But the truth is, John Boehner and the rest of the GOP leadership want Amnesty as much as Barack Obama and Harry Reid do. And congressmen like Steve Daines want to stay in the good graces of establishment leaders AND their conservative constituents back home. Hence, he played the Potomac Shuffle and voted FOR the bill when his vote could have killed it, then voted AGAINST the bill when he knew his “Nay” vote meant nothing.

No matter what you hear, folks, the ONLY Republican House members who truly voted AGAINST the Obamacare/Amnesty funding bill are the sixteen champions listed above.


When will the U.S. electorate awaken to the fact that we do not have two parties in Washington, D.C.? And when will conservative Republicans awaken to the fact that their party in D.C. does NOT represent them--and has no intentions of representing them?

At the leadership level, both Democrats and Republicans represent big-money, globalist agendas. Neither party cares a hoot in hades about their constituents--much less liberty and constitutional government.

The toll that amnesty is going to take upon this republic will be horrific. No, more than that, it will forever change the future of our country. And it won’t take long.

Yes, I’m talking about the financial burden that will be placed on the backs of taxpayers at every level of government. I’m talking about escalating crime rates. I’m talking about federally-mandated expulsion of America’s historic Christian culture. I’m talking about rising unemployment for American citizens--especially African Americans. I’m talking about an exponential growth in the numbers of people who are increasingly dependent upon the government for subsistence. In fact, all of the above is ALREADY taking place at a rapid rate.

That African Americans will be among the hardest hit by the invasion of illegals is the dirty little secret that Democrat Party leaders are NOT telling their constituents. As the percentage of Hispanics mushrooms--due to Washington, D.C.’s amnesty provisions--the percentage of African Americans will shrink just as fast. Most experts agree that by 2040, Hispanics will be the majority race in this country. Thanks to the legalization of illegal immigration facilitated by both Democrats and Republicans in D.C., this is now inevitable. It may happen sooner.

But there is one more toll that the acceptance of illegal immigration will exact on this country: the breakup of the Continental United States. This is the toll hardly anyone wants to think about, much less talk about. But, it, too, is inevitable.

Virtually everyone south of the border (and in most American university classrooms) believes that the southwestern United States rightfully belongs to Mexico. Accordingly, the animosity and hatred against America runs very, very deep. If anyone truly believes that the influx of untold millions of Hispanics will NOT eventually lead to attempted secession, they are living in a dream world.

Can one imagine what will happen in the border states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, when the Hispanic population outnumbers all others by significant percentages? For that matter, all of the southern states, including states as far north as Tennessee, are going to be in the crosshairs of La Raza-type “Reconquista.” For example, the State of Tennessee already is one of the southern states that is a favorite landing place for illegals. Just imagine how amnesty will affect states such as Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida?

Count on it: “The-Southern-United-States-Belongs-To-Us” crowd will demand and implement some sort of secession as quickly as possible. I have been saying for years that some sort of secession within the United States is inevitable. The far-left hate group, the SPLC, and other big-government control freaks, love to claim that it is “right-wing Christian extremists” who are the ones pushing for secession. But, in the end, it will doubtless be the third-world recipients of U.S. amnesty that will be the catalyst.

One does not have to think real far off to imagine what would happen to the rest of the Continental United States should an Hispanic secession movement take shape in earnest. According to recent surveys, nearly one-fourth of the U.S. citizenry already think favorably of secession.

See this report: Poll: Nearly 1 In 4 Americans Would Favor Secession

And this report summarizes secession sentiments by regions: These Are The Regions Where Americans Are Most Likely To Favor Secession

In any kind of breakup, big-government toadies in Washington, D.C., (from BOTH major parties) would doubtless attempt to suspend the Constitution and Bill of Rights (especially the Second Amendment) in much the same way Abraham Lincoln did during the War Between the States. And, for the life of me, I cannot imagine the Rocky Mountain States (for one region) submitting to such tyranny. Let your own imagination run wild from there.

Do Big-Government toadies such as John Boehner and Harry Reid envision a Hispanic secession movement as the result of amnesty? Probably not. I doubt seriously they have that much foresight. Reid and his fellow Democrats are thinking about votes, while Boehner and his fellow Chamber of Commerce Republicans are thinking about cheap labor. And, of course, all of them are thinking about pleasing their big-money masters. However, that blanket amnesty will eventually lead to a Hispanic secession movement is inevitable. Mark my words: it is inevitable. Whether those of us over fifty live to see it is irrelevant; it is inevitable.

Remember the words of Prometheus, “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” ARE YOU MAD YET?

Instead of waiting for an ugly Hispanic-driven secession movement, liberty-lovers within the GOP should get mad enough NOW and secede from the Republican Party, and join the millions of independents who got mad and left years ago. Even GOP-apologist Mark Levin said recently he is “inches” away from leaving the GOP.

The two-party duopoly is strangling the life and liberty out of America. If this latest betrayal by Republicans is not enough to make freedom-loving Americans realize that the “gods” in D.C., are targeting them for destruction, I doubt anything will.

Ron Paul Warns, Reckless Congress Just 'Declared War' On Russia

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute of Peace & Prosperity,

Yesterday the US House passed what I consider to be one of the worst pieces of legislation ever. H. Res. 758 was billed as a resolution “strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.”

In fact, the bill was 16 pages of war propaganda that should have made even neocons blush, if they were capable of such a thing.

These are the kinds of resolutions I have always watched closely in Congress, as what are billed as “harmless” statements of opinion often lead to sanctions and war. I remember in 1998 arguing strongly against the Iraq Liberation Act because, as I said at the time, I knew it would lead to war. I did not oppose the Act because I was an admirer of Saddam Hussein – just as now I am not an admirer of Putin or any foreign political leader – but rather because I knew then that another war against Iraq would not solve the problems and would probably make things worse. We all know what happened next.

That is why I can hardly believe they are getting away with it again, and this time with even higher stakes: provoking a war with Russia that could result in total destruction!

If anyone thinks I am exaggerating about how bad this resolution really is, let me just offer a few examples from the legislation itself:

The resolution (paragraph 3) accuses Russia of an invasion of Ukraine and condemns Russia’s violation of Ukrainian sovereignty. The statement is offered without any proof of such a thing. Surely with our sophisticated satellites that can read a license plate from space we should have video and pictures of this Russian invasion. None have been offered. As to Russia’s violation of Ukrainian sovereignty, why isn’t it a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty for the US to participate in the overthrow of that country’s elected government as it did in February? We have all heard the tapes of State Department officials plotting with the US Ambassador in Ukraine to overthrow the government. We heard US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland bragging that the US spent $5 billion on regime change in Ukraine. Why is that OK?

The resolution (paragraph 11) accuses the people in east Ukraine of holding “fraudulent and illegal elections” in November. Why is it that every time elections do not produce the results desired by the US government they are called “illegal” and “fraudulent”? Aren’t the people of eastern Ukraine allowed self-determination? Isn’t that a basic human right?

The resolution (paragraph 13) demands a withdrawal of Russia forces from Ukraine even though the US government has provided no evidence the Russian army was ever in Ukraine. This paragraph also urges the government in Kiev to resume military operations against the eastern regions seeking independence.

The resolution (paragraph 14) states with certainty that the Malaysia Airlines flight 17 that crashed in Ukraine was brought down by a missile “fired by Russian-backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine.” This is simply incorrect, as the final report on the investigation of this tragedy will not even be released until next year and the preliminary report did not state that a missile brought down the plane. Neither did the preliminary report – conducted with the participation of all countries involved – assign blame to any side.

Paragraph 16 of the resolution condemns Russia for selling arms to the Assad government in Syria. It does not mention, of course, that those weapons are going to fight ISIS – which we claim is the enemy -- while the US weapons supplied to the rebels in Syria have actually found their way into the hands of ISIS!

Paragraph 17 of the resolution condemns Russia for what the US claims are economic sanctions (“coercive economic measures”) against Ukraine. This even though the US has repeatedly hit Russia with economic sanctions and is considering even more!

The resolution (paragraph 22) states that Russia invaded the Republic of Georgia in 2008. This is simply untrue. Even the European Union – no friend of Russia – concluded in its investigation of the events in 2008 that it was Georgia that “started an unjustified war” against Russia not the other way around! How does Congress get away with such blatant falsehoods? Do Members not even bother to read these resolutions before voting?

In paragraph 34 the resolution begins to even become comical, condemning the Russians for what it claims are attacks on computer networks of the United States and “illicitly acquiring information” about the US government. In the aftermath of the Snowden revelations about the level of US spying on the rest of the world, how can the US claim the moral authority to condemn such actions in others?

Chillingly, the resolution singles out Russian state-funded media outlets for attack, claiming that they “distort public opinion.” The US government, of course, spends billions of dollars worldwide to finance and sponsor media outlets including Voice of America and RFE/RL, as well as to subsidize “independent” media in countless counties overseas. How long before alternative information sources like RT are banned in the United States? This legislation brings us closer to that unhappy day when the government decides the kind of programming we can and cannot consume – and calls such a violation “freedom.”

The resolution gives the green light (paragraph 45) to Ukrainian President Poroshenko to re-start his military assault on the independence-seeking eastern provinces, urging the “disarming of separatist and paramilitary forces in eastern Ukraine.” Such a move will mean many more thousands of dead civilians.
To that end, the resolution directly involves the US government in the conflict by calling on the US president to “provide the government of Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal defense articles, services, and training required to effectively defend its territory and sovereignty.” This means US weapons in the hands of US-trained military forces engaged in a hot war on the border with Russia. Does that sound at all like a good idea?

There are too many more ridiculous and horrific statements in this legislation to completely discuss. Probably the single most troubling part of this resolution, however, is the statement that “military intervention” by the Russian Federation in Ukraine “poses a threat to international peace and security.” Such terminology is not an accident: this phrase is the poison pill planted in this legislation from which future, more aggressive resolutions will follow. After all, if we accept that Russia is posing a “threat” to international peace how can such a thing be ignored? These are the slippery slopes that lead to war.

This dangerous legislation passed today, December 4, with only ten (!) votes against! Only ten legislators are concerned over the use of blatant propaganda and falsehoods to push such reckless saber-rattling toward Russia.

Here are the Members who voted “NO” on this legislation. If you do not see your own Representative on this list call and ask why they are voting to bring us closer to war with Russia! If you do see your Representative on the below list, call and thank him or her for standing up to the warmongers.

Voting “NO” on H. Res. 758:

1) Justin Amash (R-MI)
2) John Duncan (R-TN)
3) Alan Grayson, (D-FL)
4) Alcee Hastings (D-FL)
5) Walter Jones (R-NC)
6) Thomas Massie (R-KY)
7) Jim McDermott (D-WA)
8 George Miller (D-CA)
9) Beto O’Rourke (D-TX)
10 Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Alba Gu Bràth!, by Chuck Baldwin, September 18, 2014

In the colossal movie, “Braveheart” (1995), Mel Gibson’s character, Scottish freedom-fighter, William Wallace, gave, without a doubt, the greatest war speech in movie history. The men of Scotland were facing a vastly superior number of English troops before the Battle of Stirling Bridge; and many of them had already begun retreating in fear. Here is the exchange:

William Wallace: And if this is your army, why does it go?

Veteran: We didn't come here to fight for them!

Young Soldier: Home! The English are too many!

William Wallace: Sons of Scotland! I am William Wallace.

Young Soldier: William Wallace is seven feet tall!

William Wallace: Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse.

[Scottish army laughs]

William Wallace: I *am* William Wallace! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men...and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight?

Veteran: Fight? Against that? No! We will run. And we will live.

William Wallace: Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take...OUR FREEDOM!

[Scottish army cheers]

William Wallace: Alba gu bràth!



Watch the movie clip here:

Braveheart (1995) They Will Never Take Our Freedom

Alba gu bràth (pronounced al-op-pa goo bra) is a Scottish Gaelic phrase that translates to English as, “Scotland forever.”

In the real Battle of Stirling Bridge (which took place on September 11, 1297 in the First War of Scottish Independence), William Wallace and his band of 2,300 Scots went up against some 13,000 seasoned English troops, including 3,000 cavalrymen. When the battle was over, more than 5,000 English troops lay dead, and the Scots had achieved a crushing victory. Of course, England went on to defeat the Scots in subsequent battles, and William Wallace was betrayed, seized, disemboweled, and beheaded. And, sadly, Scotland never totally gained its independence. It is still a subject of the British Crown today--but maybe not tomorrow!

Even as I write this column, Scotland is voting on secession from Great Britain. By the time some of you read this column, the issue may have been settled. It’s impossible to predict the outcome. They say the vote is too close to call.

Pat Buchanan wrote a great piece on the impending vote:

“No matter how the vote turns out on Thursday in Scotland, either for independence or continued union with Britain, the disintegration of the Old Continent appears almost inevitable.
Already the British government has conceded that, even if the Scots vote for union, Edinburgh will receive greater powers to rule itself.

“Cheering for the breakup of the U.K. are Catalans and Basques, Bretons and Corsicans, Tyroleans, Venetians, Flemish, all dreaming of nations of their own carved out of Spain, France, Italy and Belgium.

“Europe’s secessionists have waxed ever stronger since the last decade of the 20th century when the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia splintered into 22 nations and Czechoslovakia broke in two. Abkhazians and Ossetians then broke from Georgia as Transnistria fought free of Moldova. Chechnya went to war twice to escape from Russia. Secessionists now battle Russia in Ingushetsia and Dagestan.

“The decomposition of the nations of Old Europe is the triumph of tribalism over transnationalism. The heart has reasons that the mind knows not, said Pascal. And the wild heart is winning.”

Buchanan continues: “Here is Niall Ferguson in the New York Times wondering how these crazy Scots could think of seceding from England.

“‘The economic risks are so glaring that even Paul Krugman and I agree it’s a terrible idea. What currency will Scotland use? The pound? The euro? No one knows. What share of North Sea oil revenues will go to Edinburgh? What about Scotland’s share of Britain’s enormous national debt?’

“A Scottish vote for independence, Ferguson wails, ‘would have grave economic consequences, and not just for Scotland. Investment has already stalled. Big companies based in Scotland, notably the pensions giant Standard Life, have warned of relocating to England. Jobs would definitely be lost. The recent steep decline in the pound shows that the financial world hates the whole idea.’

“Niall Ferguson is not the kind of fellow who would have been out there at midnight dumping the King’s tea into Boston harbor in 1773.

“And he would surely have admonished those stupid farmers on the Concord Bridge that if they didn’t put those muskets down, they could wind up ruining the colonies’ trade with the Mother Country.

“‘What currency will we use?’ Ferguson would have demanded of Jefferson in Independence Hall in 1776.

“Yet it is not only in Scotland where peoples are deciding that what separates them is more important than what unites them.

“Secessionism is ablaze all over the world.”

See Pat Buchanan’s column here:

What Would Braveheart Do?

Bravo, Pat!

Right now, there are strong separatist movements in England, France, Spain, Sweden, Austria, Greece, Italy, and Germany. Even Russia and China are dealing with strong secession movements: Russia in Crimea and China in Tibet. With the Middle East descending into chaos, the African continent is predicted to quadruple in size over the next 35 years. No doubt, tribal conflicts will drastically change the map of “The Dark Continent” during that time.

And then there is Texas!

A Reuters News report states, “The upcoming vote to decide whether Scotland should be independent of the United Kingdom has bolstered those campaigning to split the state of Texas from the United States.

“Texas Nationalist Movement president Daniel Miller, who wants the state's legislature to put the secession question on a statewide ballot, said Scotland's Sept. 18 referendum is a good sign for his movement.

“‘If Scotland can do it, so can Texas,’ Miller said.

“The top U.S. cattle-and oil-producing state would be the 12th largest economy in the world, larger than Mexico or Spain, said Miller, whose organization has campaigned for secession since the late 1990s.

“Miller said Scotland's referendum has increased interest in the Texas movement and the fact that a free Texas would lose big federal institutions like NASA and multiple military bases was of no concern to him.

“‘Win or lose, the Scottish referendum is both serving as a source of inspiration and information about what's happening here in Texas,’ Miller said.”

See the report at:

Scottish Independence Vote Cheers Supporters Of Texas Secession

No matter which way the Scottish vote goes, there is nothing that can ultimately stop the global tidal wave of secession that is now beginning to sweep the world. And I say this is a good thing. Why? Because, the larger the country is, the larger the government is; and the larger the government is, the smaller freedom is. Just look at the most populous states and cities within the United States. What do you see? A mushrooming Police State, that’s what you see. Where are the battle lines for liberty being drawn today? In the more sparsely populated and rural states, that’s where.

Let’s face a cold, stark reality: the U. S. government is TOO BIG to accommodate liberty. At some point, some sort of secession will come to America. It is inevitable. It may or may not happen in my lifetime; but it is inevitable.

As the federal government in Washington, D.C., continues to swell (and it will continue to swell, no matter which major party controls Congress and the White House), the freedoms and liberties of the citizenry will continue to shrink. And at some point, secession will be the only answer for the William Wallaces of this country. Again, it is inevitable.

And for those conservatives and Christians out there who claim to love freedom and, yet, somehow want to hold on to the delusion that we can miraculously recapture the liberties we enjoyed in pre-World War II America by changing Washington, D.C., all I can say is, these good folks are living in a fantasy world. The America that we Baby Boomers grew up in is gone forever. Washington, D.C., is NEVER going to let us go back to that ancient world. NEVER!

The one caveat to what I just said would be if we could see a large number of America’s pastors restore the patriot pulpit and liberty fever to their churches. Even a sizeable minority of liberty churches could change the course of the country. But, again, Washington, D.C., will not relinquish its tyrannical chokehold on the states without a fight. But pastors and churches still hold the power to help lead the nation to a revival of liberty. No doubt about it.

I’m trying to do what I can to be part of this revival with my Liberty Church Project. Please go to the website at:

Liberty Church Project
Remember what Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Do you see that, folks? “Any form of Government.” There is nothing sacred about our form of government. Yes, it served us well for some 170 years or so; but it’s not the form of government that is sacred; it is LIBERTY that is sacred. The form only exists to protect liberty. When the form no longer protects liberty, it is time to “institute new Government.” And that always requires SECESSION. Would the models of 1787 and 1791 serve us well again? You bet they would--along with “new guards” to further protect our liberties from the kind of encroachments we have witnessed for the last almost seventy years.

The myth that Abraham Lincoln saved the Union is just that: a myth. Lincoln did not save the Union; he enslaved the Union. A forced union is not a union. Every problem we are having with Washington, D.C., today has its roots in Abraham Lincoln. EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM!

The southern states had as much right to separate from the Union in 1861 as any battered woman has to separate from an abusive husband. The right of separation is a divine right. If Jehovah God recognizes the right of husbands and wives to separate (and He most certainly does) what makes you think that states (which are mere creatures of--and inferior to--the families created by God) do NOT have the same right? Absurd!

The slavery issue was (and is) a mere smokescreen to obfuscate the truth of what southern independence was truly about. And the pro-unionists today can use any issue they want to try and justify a forced union, but the fact still remains that liberty-minded people maintain the right to “alter or abolish” “any form” of government that no longer secures the rights of the people as much today as they did in 1776.

It is not necessary that the Union be preserved; but it is fundamentally necessary that LIBERTY be preserved. And if, at some point, secession is the vehicle that must be used to preserve liberty, I am 100% for it.

If Scotland leaves Great Britain, the tidal wave of separation will have begun in earnest. Even if the vote for independence fails, the movement has already begun. And for you folks who believe Lincoln was right when he forced the southern states into submission, do you now believe that, should Scotland declare its independence, the British Crown should send troops to Scotland and subdue it by force? And if not, why not? What makes it right for Abraham Lincoln in 1861 and not right for David Cameron in 2014? Furthermore, how can you celebrate America’s Independence Day, because that is exactly what King George III tried to do with our forebears, and we celebrate the day that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and the boys SEPARATED from the Union Flag?

Furthermore, if Scotland does secede, and secede PEACEFULLY, that tells us that it is very possible for secession to take place without violence. In fact, most of the separations that have taken place in Europe recently have been peaceful. If done lawfully, separating states can be fully recognized as independent, sovereign nations and fully integrated into interstate trade and commerce--and can also enjoy the military alliances of neighboring states in much the same way that the U.S. and Canada do now. I doubt that the mood of the American people would tolerate another tyrant like Abraham Lincoln who was willing to sacrifice over 600,000 American lives to force people to stay in a political marriage that they wanted out of. I don’t think that would fly today.

And, while I’m on the topic, I’ll say this: if somehow Texas should declare its independence, it would start a chain reaction in this country that would be unstoppable. Personally, I would be willing to vote for a new “Republic of Columbia” that would encompass the Rocky Mountain states--along with Alaska, and the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. And, no, we wouldn’t have to worry about the liberals in Seattle and Portland; they would all run to Mother Kalifornia.

What William Wallace started in 1297 is being played out in 2014. For me, I shout with Braveheart: Alba Gu Bràth!

© Chuck Baldwin

When War Erupts Patriots Will Be Accused Of Aiding "The Enemy"

When War Erupts Patriots Will Be Accused Of Aiding "The Enemy"
Wednesday, 17 September 2014 03:31 Brandon Smith

In modern times, war is never what it seems. Mainstream historians preach endlessly about grand conflicts over territory, resources, political impasse, and revenge, but the cold hard reality is that all of these “motivations” are actually secondary, if they are relevant at all. As I and many analysts have covered in great detail in the past, most wars are engineered wars. International elites have long seen advantages in pitting two seemingly opposed societies or ideologies against each other while playing both sides of the chessboard to direct events towards a predetermined and desired outcome. This is undeniable historical fact. If you really want to understand the past, or the intricacies of war, you will be lost unless you accept that most conflicts are designed; they are not random or natural.
They are not extensions of man's mere greed or ignorance. They are not products of resource scarcity (a common and overly simplistic misconception used to mislead activists). They are not inevitable developments of “overcomplexity” according to the Rand Corporation's “linchpin theory” propaganda. They are not the product of too much national sovereignty or individual liberty. No; traditional war is a tool for the organized ruling class. It always has been and always will be. This tool is used to turn the world into a vast petri dish, a bubbling beaker in a laboratory where social engineers hope to destroy the “old” to create something “new”.

At its most paramount of purposes, the despair and terror of war is intended to change the fundamental collective unconscious of nations and populations. It is meant to change our beliefs, our morals, our principles. It is meant to mutate us into something else, something malleable and terrible, something we would not normally recognize.

As we continue into the latter quarter of 2014, exactly 100 years after the first world war, I see much evidence to suggest we are headed for yet another engineered conflagration. It may be a war of terrorism and attrition between the U.S. and ISIS (an insurgency funded and trained by Western covert agencies). It may be a war of economic escalation between the West and the East (even though Russia is just as much a pawn of international banks like Goldman Sachs as any country in the West). Or, we may see all out global holocaust depending on the level of desperation and insecurity amongst the elites. What each liberty movement proponent, constitutionalist, and freedom fighter around the world needs to understand is that while we will be told that the enemy is Muslim extremism, or Russian aggression, or eastern economic subversion, the real target will be YOU.

The advantages of war at this time would be immense to the globalist establishment, but the primary function will be the ability to co-opt, demonize, and/or wipe out legitimate opposition during the fog and confusion. If you have ever noticed that each consecutive presidential administration seems progressively more hell-bent than the last to sabotage our infrastructure and push us towards endless confrontation, you might want to ponder the possibility that the New World Order does not end with the fall of the American empire - it BEGINS with the fall of the American empire.

Imagine a war in which a tangible and immediate threat is presented against the U.S. Not a CNN covered carpet bombing campaign in some poverty stricken hole on the other side of the world, but a real war right on our very own doorstep. Now, consider how this would psychologically affect the general public, and twist the principles of the average person. Imagine the kinds of morally relative impasses people would be willing to accept when they are truly afraid. Imagine what they would sacrifice to quell that fear. Imagine who they would sacrifice.

In such an environment, the concepts of free speech and personal dissent are rarely respected.

In war, dissent is often labeled treason, and free speech is labeled a peacetime privilege. The truth becomes a nuisance, or even a threat to the endurance of the state and by extension the collective. The same argument always arises – the argument that the survival of the group outweighs any disagreement the individual may have with the objectives of the group's leadership. In turn, calls for “unification” reach a religious fervor, regardless of whose benefit this unification ultimately serves.

In the meantime, those who were tolerated as activists now become enemies of the state simply for doing what they have always done. The propaganda is already being put in place to assure the liberty movement is caught in the crossfire between the East and West.

For years I have been warning readers about the false East/West paradigm and the directed build up to conflict with Russia and China with the goal of creating a rational historical narrative by which the dollar could be supplanted as the world reserve currency to make way for a long planned basket currency system under the control of the IMF and the Bank of International Settlements. During the crisis, Americans blame the East for the implosion of the dollar system rather than international and central bankers (the true culprits), and chaos ensues as the masses turn on each other while the elites sit back in relative comfort, letting us destroy each other.

Another aspect of this plan, I believe, involves the hijacking of the image of the liberty movement. The liberty movement is essentially the most dangerous unknown element on the elite's global chessboard. In fact, because we understand that international financiers and central bankers are the real enemy, we have the ability to leave the chessboard entirely and play by our own rules. Widespread economic or military conflict provides an opportunity to neutralize liberty activists who might turn revolutionary.

Recently, I came across an article from 'The Atlantic' titled 'Russia And The Menace Of Unreality'. Now, some alternative analysts would read this article and immediately shrug it off as yet another attempt by the Western media machine to propagandize against Russia. Though their motivations are genuine, these analysts would be cementing the delusion that Russia is the “good guy” and the U.S. is the ever present “bad guy”. The Atlantic piece is a far more intricate manipulation than they would be giving credit for.

In the past I have pointed out that Russian government funded media outlet RT in particular is in fact an ingenious psy-op, not only run by the Russian government as The Atlantic asserts, but influenced by the globalist establishment. It is effective mainly because most of what it reports is absolutely true. What it does NOT report is where we must focus. This might be confusing unless you grasp how false paradigms work. The conflict dynamic between the U.S. and Russia is no more real than the conflict dynamic between Democrats and Republicans. If you understand that this time around, America is scripted to lose its pro-wrestling match with Russia, everything else comes into focus. As far as RT is concerned, here's the problem:

1) First, RT is relentless in its coverage of corruption within Western governments, but rarely if ever reports anything negative on the Russian establishment. I'm sorry, but Russia's economic policy is dominated by central bankers who are advised directly by Goldman Sachs and who are avid members of the IMF and the BIS. The RDIF (Russian Direct Investment Fund), manages billions in investments in Russia, works closely with Goldman Sachs, and the managing director of this institution is former IMF head and SDR advocate Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

Vladimir Putin has openly called for the IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket currency to replace the dollar, demanded that Ukraine take loans from the IMF denominated in SDR's, and has a long time friendship with Mr. NWO himself, Henry Kissinger. The only “conflict” Russia has expressed with the globalists at the IMF is that it wishes to be more fully included in the SDR basket system, which has been the planned intention of the IMF anyway. All of this, and RT doesn't have any hard questions about the loyalties of its own government?

2) Second, the fact based reporting of RT, at least when it comes to the Western side of the globalist establishment, mimics the alternative journalism growing in popularity in the the U.S. At bottom, RT is a newcomer to the world of independent news analysis, but it is ultimately NOT independent, and most of what they do amounts to little more than regurgitated content from more original and insightful Western independent media sources. The Atlantic article above, very cleverly, makes it sound as if it is we witless writers in America who are getting all our info and inspiration from RT. And this is where we begin to see the true nature of the psy-op...

3) Third, because RT mimics our independent media so well, it appeals greatly to a large percentage of liberty movement activists, who tend to forget or are simply unaware that Russia is as much a part of the problem as our own government. There are many liberty proponents who will angrily defend Russia and RT without question simply because RT “speaks their language”, so Russia must be on their side.

This was not as pressing an issue two years ago, when conflict with Russia was a ridiculous notion for many people. But today, conflict with Russia, at the very least on an economic scale, is an inevitability. If you read in full the linked Atlantic article, the narrative that is being constructed is clear – the establishment hopes to rewrite the history and image of the liberty movement by painting us as dupes radicalized by Russian propaganda, rather than being the originators of our own grassroots movement with our own philosophy and methodology. Through this, they take away our ownership of our own cause.

Also, by blindly supporting Russia or the Russian government without considering their participation in the globalist run crisis, liberty activists help reinforce the soon-to-be manufactured lie that we are nothing but puppets of the Putin regime. If we publicly question the intentions of the Russian government as much as we question our own government, we can help to defuse this lie before it can take hold.

How the mainstream views us or portrays us is not as important as how we view and present ourselves. If we become starry-eyed cheerleaders for Russia, we will lose our sovereign identity as a self motivated counter-movement to the NWO. If you believe like I do that a second American revolution is coming, identity means everything, and it should not be cast aside lightly. Mark my words, one day our activism will be deemed treason, and our rebellion will be marginalized as a servant satellite astro-turf movement organized by Russian interests.

We can't prevent how they will label us, but we can make it clear now that we work for NO government, by refusing to disregard the trespasses of any government, even those who appear to support our position.

Tied closely to the Russian issue, the liberty movement also has the return of the “White Al-Qaeda” meme to look forward to. I have seen a tidal wave of mainstream news stories lately preaching the horrors of a white middle-class America secretly swarming to the Syrian border to join ISIS. The narrative is setting the stage for false flag terrorism, to be sure, but it is also injecting the theme that anyone who is anti-establishment could be a terrorist. Not an American bred “terrorist” with his own American-centric ideology fighting against what he sees as a despotic government, but a mercenary extremist desperate for any cause, latching onto the concept of Muslim caliphate because he is bewildered, angry, or insane.

In this way, the elites hope to kidnap the liberty culture's identity, rewriting us into their theater not even as “misguided” freedom fighters, but rather, as pawns of a foreign cabal. Many people could be convinced to join a fight by Americans for Americans, no matter how the mainstream portrays our character. But, no one wants to join a group of traitors and sellouts fighting for theocratic Muslim monsters, or covert Russian agencies after the East is blamed for the collapse of the dollar. The complete erasing and rewriting of a movement's identity through false association is advanced 4th generation warfare, and it can only be accomplished in the midst of overwhelming catastrophe. The masses have to be so afraid they begin to lose memory of what life was like before, let alone who stood for what cause.

The public is already quite familiar with the idea that governments buy revolutionaries and create rebellions, just as our government has done in Syria. Why wouldn't they believe that the Liberty Movement's rebellion is also actually bought and paid for by some outside enemy, rather than real Americans battling for real freedom?

This examination is not meant to undermine the positive accomplishments made so far by liberty advocates. We have come a long way. However, if we underestimate or oversimplify the task we have ahead of us, or the well calculated strategies of the internationalists, then we are destined to fall into the trap of becoming yet another element of another false paradigm ourselves, and we will lose. This is a war on all fronts; informational, emotional, intellectual, psychological, spiritual, and physical. It goes well beyond any war ever fought in generations past. If individuals and the activist movement at large do not have the insight and courage to commit fully to combat on every level, they should throw in their bug-out bags and give up now. If they do have the courage, then it is surely time to begin...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


By Lauren Lane
February 26, 2013


Once again, I discovered one of those amazing articles circulating that just makes you stop and go ‘wow’. My commitment to NWV is to ensure our readers have an opportunity to embrace some truly great content. This was one of those rare stories I stumbled across, that reached out and grabbed me. I always want to believe the best in people, but sometimes we have to be willing to see the worst. Then the question is what will you do to keep it from spreading. I hope that each and everyone of you get a chance to read this insightful article.

The first dangerous mistake the average person makes is the assumption that “evil” is a kind of subjective concept. We would love to believe that all destructive and malicious behavior is merely a product of bad environment, bad upbringing or mental psychosis. Deviance in the name of “profit” or “status” is often more acceptable to the public, as long as there is a reason we can easily understand and grasp.

What frightens the average American today is not the abhorrent action of criminality; rather, it is criminality without rationality. What frightens thecommon citizen is the possibility that some people hurt others not because their mommy and daddy “mistreated” them or because they have a psychological deficiency, but because they fully and consciously enjoy doing what they do.

Our society is desperate to make excuses for the monsters of our era, perhaps because we would rather not entertain the possibility that there is a dark side to humanity that, if allowed, could take control in a deliberate and calculated way.

This is why the greatest crimes of our time often go ignored by the public. The idea, for instance, that international financiers and political elites would purposely create economic disparity, social chaos and global war out of a desire for centralized power and a disturbed sense of superiority is simply too much for many to handle. Surely, these terrible events throughout our modern history are merely the result of random coincidence and human error, right?

Unfortunately, this is not the case. In fact, most catastrophic cultural policies and tragedies can be traced back directly to a subset of people who use their positions of influence for ill purpose and who knowingly engineer calamity not just for personal gain, but also for the gain of their social class.

In the liberty movement, we often refer to members of this group as “globalists” or “elitists.” They permeate the upper echelons of our Nation, and they do indeed have a culture that is entirely separate and disparate from our own. If one studies their literature, initiatives and motives, he would discover another world, driven by outlandish goals and an even more outlandish brand of religious fervor. Here are some of the character traits and beliefs that make these people easy to identify.


Global elitists tend to see themselves as a separate breed of human being, a superior class with superior faculties, born to rule over the rest of us. In their writings they often espouse the teachings of The Republic by Plato and the concept of the philosopher kings. They believe that some men and women are endowed with a genetic predisposition to leadership and that the average person does not have the intelligence to determine his own destiny. They see the rest of humanity as a blank canvas and themselves as the artists. We are to be molded, and our social dichotomies are to be manipulated.

In reality, they are no smarter than the rest of us. Rather, they inherit positions of wealth and influence, and they automatically assume this makes them superior. Their ability to mold society is derived entirely from their extensive capital and their complete lack of morality. If they were not in the top .1 percent of the world’s rich, they would be treated like common criminals for their behavior. But sadly, in our day and age, money often buys undue respect. Imagine a group of John Wayne Gacys or Charles Mansons, except with 80 percent of the world’s wealth at their disposal and the means to purchase good publicity and legal immunity. That is essentially what we are dealing with.

Zero Conscience

Elitists believe that conscience is a hindrance to success, instead of a worthwhile virtue. They knowingly and deliberately abandon their moral compass because they see it as an unnatural restriction, an obstacle that makes getting what they want more difficult. Conscience, however, never quite disappears in anyone. In order to reconcile their wretched mindset with that distant nagging sensation of guilt, they claim that their actions are “for the greater good of the greater number.” They desperately want to believe that they are serving the future of mankind and that we should appreciate their guiding hand, even though the things they do seem far more hateful than helpful. They would call this “tough love.”

They further attempt to avoid the fact of their own dysfunction by trying to elicit criminality in others. If they can convince the masses that morality is relative and that right and wrong are subject to interpretation, if they can convince us to ignore our own inner voices which are inborn, then their monstrosity could be considered normal — even preferable. In a world of moral relativists, the man with a conscience becomes the criminal, the outcast; and the elites become the heroes they always wanted to believe themselves to be.

Promote Collectivism

Top globalists are not necessarily collectivists themselves. In fact, they often swing far to the other end of the spectrum into an aberrant form of individualism. As discussed above, they even see conscience as a restriction on their personal freedom and rebel against it as if rebelling against enslavement. What they do not grasp is that the inherent nature of conscience is a gift, one which has, so far, kept humanity away from the brink of total self-destruction, at least to this point. It is not a prison. Rather, it is protection from ourselves.

The elitist’s insane ideal of pure individualism without self-discipline is a private matter they rarely discuss. In public, they constantly promote the collectivist lifestyle and admonish individualism in common people. If people can be convinced that they are devoid of inherent qualities and characteristics and that their environment is the totality of their existence, then they will hand over all power to anyone who promises them the best possible surroundings. That is to say, when we have no faith in our own individualism and self-responsibility, we will automatically seek protection, usually from a nanny government or dictatorship.

People often confuse “collectivism” with “community.” This is caused by a lack of understanding as well as a lack of experience. Community is a voluntary gathering of individuals for the purpose of mutual aid. Collectivism is the gathering of people by threat of force or loss, for the purpose of consolidating power into the hands of a few. It is the act of destroying individualism in the name of protecting the group. In America today, we have disappearing sense of community, while the “advantages” of collectivism are being sung to the rooftops by global elites.

The Noble Lie

Elitists are very adamant about the idea of the noble lie, the use of a lie to attain a positive goal. In their view, average citizens lack the capacity to understand the bigger political and social picture; so we must be lied to in order to make us do what is best for ourselves. Of course, their version of what is best for our culture always seems to include first and foremost what is best for them.

The noble lie is a logical fallacy of epic proportions, and I often wonder if global elitists secretly doubt its legitimacy. If you need to lie to people in order to get them to accept your ideas, then there must be something terribly wrong with your ideas. Ideas with vitality and honesty do not need to be “sold” to the public through chicanery; the truth takes on a life of its own. Only destructive philosophies need a foundation of lies in order to take root.

Population Reduction

One of the centerpieces of the globalist religion is the concept of population reduction. They not only see themselves as a separate species with superior genetic makeup and a propensity for rulership, they also see the rest of us as cockroaches and “useless eaters,” a herd that needs to be culled. The funny thing about population reductionists is that they always want other people to die in order to save the planet. They never offer their own life as a sacrifice for the greater good. This is because they assume they are too important (ostensibly because they think they are intelligent), while many of us are expendable.

Of course, overpopulation today is an oversold myth that has been disproven in many scientific circles. Population expansion is also not necessarily a bad thing. Greater population means more minds working on more problems. It drives technological advancement and forces us through the survival imperative to invent more efficient methods of production. There are advantages to growth.

In the end, though, global elites do not care about the Earth. They do not believe in population reduction because they want to reduce pollution or the so-called “carbon footprint,” save the poor animals, or even protect finite resources. They want population reduction because first, they are eugenicists who see some people as genetically inferior to others, and second, because a culled population is easier to dominate. Again, fewer minds working means fewer problems solved and fewer individuals to rock the boat when the state abuses its power.

The Source Of Our Pain

Globalists are not the only source of our social pain. We bear some responsibility. When we are not vigilant, when we deny our own ignorance and refuse to learn, when we lie to ourselves and when we cater to personal superficial desires rather than taking the future into account, we open the door for the devil. Evil, like conscience, resides in us all.

[Courtesy of: –Brandon Smith,]That said, global elites are not just randomly terrible people. They have constructed an entire culture of deviance. They are organized evil, and this is a problem we must deal with soon. Good men are defined not only by their adherence to the inner voice of truth, but also by their willingness to act when the truth is threatened. We must educate others and, when the time comes, put ourselves in harm’s way to remove the globalist ilk before they destroy everything in a raging elitist fervor.

I hope to hear from you soon. We love to know your thoughts.

Please write to me at:

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Status Quo's Model Of "How The World Works" Is Broken

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

The Status Quo is dysfunctional because its model of how the world works is broken.

Much has been written about the dysfunction in Washington D.C. Pundits have been wringing their hands for years over the rise of bitter partisan politics and the resulting gridlock. The impact of this--what I have termed profound political disunity--extends beyond the narrow confines of domestic politics, a reality reflected in Foreign Affairs new survey of our winter of political discontent, Dysfunction Junction.

But all these discussions of our dysfunctional politics ignore the larger truth, which is the entire model of the Status Quo is broken. Even if reformers succeeded in ridding the political system of cronyism and favors-for-campaign-contributions--two essentially impossible reforms, given the legalistic cover provided for cronyism and bought and paid for representatives, the basic model of "how the world works" that dominates the world-view of leaders across the political spectrum would remain broken.

There are only three alternatives:

1. The current gridlock continues, and the policies in place grind on with minor tweaks.

2. The Democrats win a sweeping victory and are able to unilaterally impose their reforms.

3. The Republicans win a sweeping victory and are able to unilaterally impose their reforms.

Why do we know the entire model is broken? Because all three alternatives lead to a continuation of the same ruinous model of "how the world works":

1. A continued reliance on Keynesian Cargo Cult "stimulus," i.e. borrowing and blowing trillions of dollars to prop up inefficient, bloated, corrupt, wasteful crony-capitalist cartels and politically untouchable fiefdoms.

2. The continued destruction of open, transparent markets via intervention by the central state and bank.

3. The continued expansion of the Welfare State, i.e. entitlements such as Medicaid and ObamaCare subsidies and implicit entitlements such as farm price supports, corporate tax breaks, mortgage interest deductions, etc.

4. The continued expansion of the National Security State, whose premises are A) everyone on the planet is guilty until proven innocent and B) only Total Information can protect "us" (i.e. the National Security State itself) from threats.

5. The continued erosion of civil liberties via death by a thousand cuts.

6. The rising dependence on borrowed money to fund standard government services.

7. The rising dependence on manipulated/gamed statistics to manage perceptions that the Status Quo is eternal, powerful and improving everyone's lives, even as it serves the narrow interests of self-serving Elites and insiders.

8. The expansion of a Permanent War State that recognizes no boundaries between domestic and international threats, hence the militarization of local police forces and the rise of private mercenaries in the guise of for-profit domestic prisons and police forces.

9. A central bank (the Federal Reserve) that will continue to support the most rapacious, opaque and self-serving financial Elites with free money for financiers.

10. The continuing purchase of political favors by monied Elites via lobbying and campaign contributions.

11. An ever-rising dependence on generating the appearance of stability, transparency, competence and expertise as a substitute for actual stability, transparency, competence and expertise. In other words, an expanding reliance on gaming dysfunctional systems rather than actually repairing dysfunctional systems.

12. An increasing reliance on zero-interest rates, debt and free money for financiers as the "fix" for every economic ill.

The Status Quo is dysfunctional because its model of how the world works is broken. It won't matter if gridlock remains in place or one of the parties gets to impose its "brand" of policy-tweaks; since no one on the political spectrum has any concept that the current model described in these 12 points is broken, fixing the political dysfunction won't fix the systemic dysfunction.

Monday, August 11, 2014


By Paul McGuire
August 4, 2014

Isis was a protective goddess. She used powerful magic spells to help people in need. Isis was the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus. Since each pharaoh was considered the 'living Horus', Isis was very important.
“The whole world is watching…The whole is word is watching,” is what the demonstrators chanted outside of the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968. As members of the Chicago Eight like Abbie Hoffman, Tom Hayden, and others protested and the Chicago police beat the demonstrators, the whole world (or what Communications Theorist Marshall McLuhan called the “global village”) was watching on television. What many of the participants in the demonstrations did not know, nor did the viewing audience, was that the people inside the political convention as well as the demonstrators were ultimately financed and organized by an elite who have successfully employed the Hegelian Dialectic to drive the world forward to their New World Order.

The Scientific Dictatorship creates both sides of a conflict through a Hegelian Dialectic, so that the radical demonstrators and their leaders are the product of scientific mind control just as much as the politicians and the so-called opposition. It is a theatre of the absurd on a mass media level.

Regarding the televised conflict between Israel and organizations like Hamas, is this “managed chaos” or a “manufactured crisis” designed to bring the world into a New World Order, with Jerusalem as the capitol of Planet Earth? And there are apparently organized uprising of Neo-Nazi demonstrations creating Anti-Israel riots in London, Paris, and other cities throughout Europe. These riots are organized by groups like Golden Dawn and OTO, but how are they funded by?

Within the so-called populist uprising against a Russian invasion of the Ukraine are groups like the Banderas, or Banderites, who are the leading activists in the Ukrainian Ultra Nationalist movement that controls the government of the Ukraine. Stephen Bandera led a nationalist movement in World War II with the help of the Nazis and SS leader Heinrich Himmler. They organized the Ukrainian Waffen SS who were responsible for the genocide of over 500,000 people. The Banderas who led the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) approached their mission with a savagery that exceeded even the brutality of Hitler’s own SS troops. This Nazi infrastructure continues to operate in the Ukraine today and is heavily anti-Semitic.

Anti-Semitic groups in Europe stirred up Anti-Israel riots which rocked Paris and London as thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched in French cities on Saturday to protest violence in Gaza, defying a ban imposed after demonstrators marched on two synagogues in Paris and clashed with riot police. In the first three months of 2014 more Jews left France for Israel than at any other time since the Jewish state was created in 1948, citing rising anti-Semitism as a factor. Thousands of protesters rallied in London and other European cities. A Neo- Nazi network is rising not only in the Ukraine and across Europe and the Middle East, but it is spreading into nations like the United States, like the group O.T.O and Golden Dawn.

But we must remember that powerful international bankers financed both sides during World War I and World War II. In fact on August 15, 1871 Albert Pike wrote a letter to fellow Illuminati leader and Communist organizer, Giuseppe Mazzini, where he outlined a vision he had for three world wars that would bring about a New World Order. World War I was about giving the Illuminati the power to overthrow the Czars of Russia and establish the global Communist movement.

Christianity and all religions were outlawed in the Soviet Union and approximately 62 million people were killed by the Communist Party.

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson provided Leon Trotsky with a passport to return to Russia to “carry forward” the revolution, and some Wall Street bankers funded the Bolshevik Revolution.

According to Pike, World War II would be launched by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. Adolph Hitler established an occult and genetic dictatorship where over seven million people died in concentration camps. As Hitler pushed for his “New World Order” over 60 million people died in World War II. However, before the collapse of the Third Reich, Hitler was already planning for the rise of the Fourth Reich with the cooperation of the same international banking interests who were behind World War II.

Allegedly inspired by a vision, Albert Pike outlined his plans for World War III which would center around a fight between political Zionists and the Islamic World. The goal is to create an apocalyptic war of such magnitude that over a billion people on planet Earth will die and the mass disillusionment will drive mankind to reject Christianity and openly worship Lucifer.

The Fabian Socialist Bertrand Russell wrote in The Impact of Science and Society (Simon and Schuster,1952), "I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others. . . . War . . . has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full.

There would be nothing in this to offend the consciences of the devout or to restrain the ambitions of nationalists. The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people’s.”(p. 26) Russell and other members of the elite were calling for the mass “culling of the herd,” or the mass killing of what they call “useless eaters” in order to reduce the world’s population through vaccine induced global pandemics, nuclear war, and mass starvation.

The end game for Russell and other members of the elite was the creation of a global concentration camp along with an electronic control matrix where a “Final Solution” would be carried out not only against Jews but any one this Scientific Dictatorship deemed undesirable. Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, Julian Huxley, the founder of UNESCO, and many others within the elite shared the views of Bertrand Russell.

"...the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology.... The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen. As yet there is only one country which has succeeded in creating this politician’s paradise.” (p. 30)

"Education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished." (p. 50)

"...most civilized and semi-civilized countries known to history and had a large class of slaves or serfs completely subordinate to their owners. There is nothing in human nature that makes the persistence of such a system impossible. And the whole development of scientific technique has made it easier than it used to be to maintain a despotic rule of a minority. When the government controls the distribution of food, its power is absolute so long as they can count on the police and the armed forces. And their loyalty can be secured by giving them some of the privileges of the governing class. I do not see how any internal movement of revolt can ever bring freedom to the oppressed in a modern scientific dictatorship." (p. 54)

Adolph Hitler, with the help of certain “intellectually” inclined banking families, was able to impose a scientific and genetic dictatorship. The Nazi scientists were experts in scientific mind control, genetics, and rocket science. Hitler’s “Final Solution” was the implementation of the science of eugenics experimented with by Rockefeller and Margaret Sanger in the 1920s. Hitler perceived the Jewish race as an inferior race that had to be exterminated and replaced by the aggressive breeding of the Nordic blond haired and blue eyed master races through the Lebensborn program. The Third Reich was an occultic counterfeit of the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ.

However, as the world is now on the verge of World War III, these occult forces embodied in the Neo Nazi fighting groups of Golden Dawn and OTO are preparing for a second attempt at a Final Solution towards Israel in the Middle East. The vision of Albert Pike is not yet finished. Neither is the secret plan for America symbolized on the back of the U.S. dollar with the Illuminati pyramid, the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words “New World Order,” translated from Latin on the base of the pyramid. On the right side of the dollar we see the bird called the Phoenix, which comes from ancient Phoenicia, where over 200 fallen angels or interdimensional beings descended on Mount Hermon before the Flood of Noah to impregnate human women and impart highly advanced technology to the Human Race.

In the mid-1600s Sir Francis Bacon planned for America to be the head of the New World Order and the New Atlantis. In Revelation 17 & 18 we read about commercial and spiritual Babylon. The original Babylon built by Nimrod was a technological Stargate, a portal into another dimension. Babylon was the world’s first one world government, one world religion, and one world economic system. The name “Babylon” means “gate of the gods” or “gate of God.” It appeared after the DNA-digital-holographic Flood of Noah.

All of the world’s secret occult mystery religions flowed from ancient Babylon. Babylon was built by Nimrod, supposedly a Nephilim or Rephaim. Nimrod was murdered by his wife, a harlot named Semiramis, who dismembered Nimrod and told the people that he had become the sun god Ra, whose name later became Osiris, Zeus, Prometheus, etc. Semiramis had an affair during the time she killed Nimrod and claimed that she became supernaturally impregnated by a Phallic-like object. Thus, the Mystery Babylon religions with their phallic symbols and wombs are scattered throughout history; the Washington Monument is a phallic symbol and the capitol dome symbolizes a womb. It is also interesting that the latest Middle Eastern terrorist group is called ISIS…another name for the goddess.

In ancient Egypt whenever Israel departed from the worship of the Biblical God and worshipped the Queen of Heaven the Jews experienced judgment. Now many in the West have forsaken God, and it is our turn to be judged…the world is headed for a major catastrophic event. I detail this event in my book A Prophecy of the Future of America.


By Paul McGuire
August 11, 2014

Ever since Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution was proposed, radical environmental factors have been theorized to explain why the Dinosaurs and other species became extinct . Among the reasons proposed for the extinction of the Dinosaurs has been radical climate change created by such things as a massive asteroid impact, a global flood of Biblical proportions, planetary temperature changes, and other factors.

Modern evolutionists also consider what factors or convergence of factors could potentially make Mankind extinct, including climate change, disease pandemics (including bioweapons), global thermonuclear war, asteroid impact, a change in the magnetic poles of the Earth, and even an event like the Singularity which could destroy Mankind when computers and robots achieve artificial Intelligence and, through the Darwinian process of “only the fittest survive,” subjugate the Human Race into slavery and forever alter human DNA so people are no longer human in the truest sense of the word.

As an author of over 23 books and a former science fiction feature film producer it used to be challenging for me to get audiences to buy into science and technologies that were already operational, but that the masses did not know existed. I used to say at conferences that I spoke at across the world that “Our technology is approximately 100-200 years ahead into the future; it’s just that most people do not know it exists yet.” I could sense the audience pausing to ponder the statement, but then after giving them a little proof I would see that they would buy into that reality. After all, the iPhones that so many people have in their pockets would have been considered science fiction just 10 years ago, and the same with things like Google Glasses.

Due to an increasing flow of new technology and popular science fiction movies and books which deal with highly futuristic themes and technology the audience is already prepared to accept a science fiction future as happening now! For example, in the movie Her, it is perfectly plausible to conceive of a man or woman carrying on a deep and intimate relationship with a computer via a cell phone. Just think of Apple’s “Siri,” which is an intelligent personal assistant and navigator that you can question, and Siri will give you answers. Microsoft developed Cortana as a competition to Siri. Cortana is visually far more sensuous than Siri and Microsoft claims it is more helpful.

But, with big budget movies like The Hunger Games and The Hunger Gamesbooks placed inside every public school classroom we have an Orwellian blitzkrieg on the mind of a generation. The first huge clue that The Hunger Games is not just about books and sci-fi films is that it is produced and published by Scholastic. According to researcher Berit Kjos in her article “Hunger Games – The Orwellian Theme Behind the Second Movie,” March 26, 2012, Kjos writes:

“The book behind the movie was published by the prominent Scholastic. It brought us the Harry Potter series and countless other books promoting witchcraft and the occult. By marketing its books through our education system, Scholastic may have done more to distort history, mythologize truth and promote moral and spiritual corruption among children than any other publisher.

“If you have children in public schools, they probably read the Weekly Reader, which offers news and current events from a strictly non-Christian perspective. Its publisher, the Weekly Reader Corporation, is owned by Scholastic. This 1990 message illustrates its earth-centered propaganda and twisted view of history:

‘Give Thanks to the Earth: The first Thanksgiving feasts were harvest festivals. People gathered to celebrate successful harvests and to thank the Earth for its fruits. You can celebrate the earth every day by always taking care of the environment.’ Scholastic News”

The movie and book series called Hunger Games cleverly hides behind the facade of rebelling and exposing brainwashing, scientific mind control, propaganda, and an Orwellian dictatorship. But that is its genius! The reality is that Hunger Games is actually persuading our children to surrender to mind control and an Orwellian dictatorship!

Aldous Huxley, who wrote Brave New World, publicly promoted the “Scientific Dictatorship where men will learn to love their servitude of slavery.” The best scientific mind control creates an environment where you learn to love your mental concentration camp! It is not an accident that Aldous Huxley was the brother of Julian Huxley, who became the first Secretary General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). UNESCO controls all global education by the elite through the United Nations. According to their own documented quotes which I outline in my book A Prophecy of the Future of America, their stated goal is the implementation of a Scientific Dictatorship and things like “absolute behavior control,” ”the total transformation of our society,” and “the total restructuring of our society.”

The feature films and books that are coming out with a stroboscopic intensity and are pouring into the consciousness of younger generations have fascist themes with the young people dressing in Hitler youth style military outfits and behaving and acting as if they were Hitler youth. There are some films and books which clearly have a different message, such as the movie Divergent, where the heroes of the movie discover that they have a non-compliant DNA and they must resist and overcome this Orwellian society. When you listen to the authority figures who run the ruling society in Divergent, it is terrifying because they sound like graduates of a Saul Alinsky class on manufactured crisis or some private army financed by a non-governmental organization to do its dirty work.

I would suggest to you that right now there is an all-out war in the film business and book publishing business between those writers and producers who love freedom and a free society and those who have become the agents of the emerging totalitarian states and that these people on both side know exactly who they are. Some of the biggest names in Hollywood have sold out completely to the dark side and they have allowed themselves to be infected with an ideological virus and are using their talents in writing, acting, producing, and directing to create an Orwellian world of mind control just so that they can have a mansion overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu.

These people know exactly what they are…they are not stupid. They are highly intelligent and perceptive individuals. But they have allowed themselves to be overcome by an ideological virus which acts as a neurological parasite as it consumes all of human consciousness and devours its victims in orgiastic pleasure.

The other group of writers, actors, producers, film executives, agents, and directors are men and women of conscience and principle and they are very aware of this battle for the hearts and souls of Mankind, especially the youth, and they are not selling their souls for wealth and fame. These artists are choosing to act, write, direct, and produce films, books, and television programs which dismantle the Orwellian State… they are the resistance even though they have no flag and they are not part of any one political party either on the left, right, or independent. The battle they fight transcends all the old distinctions such as left, right, moderate, liberal, libertarian, etc. These artists recognize that the war for truth, and it is a war, transcends all propaganda and it is not owned by any one political group or party!

The movie Transcendence, starring Johnny Depp, and with Christopher Nolan as Executive Producer, depicts Depp as dying, but his consciousness undergoes a Singularity and he morphs into a world beyond his physical body. The idea is not far-fetched; the Singularity is an idea conceived of by super-futurist and Google–guru Ray Kurzweil. But Transcendence is about the extinction of the Human Race by a superior “species”…the computers, machines, robots, and clones which have achieved Super Artificial Intelligence and conquer Man.

The Singularity is a fearful threat in our world today. But the greatest existential threat to Mankind is not even on the radar screen of biologists and scientists. The greatest threat, which has the highest statistical possibility of making the Human Race extinct, cannot be determined by current computerized algorithms because it is not contained in the input of the computer systems. An all-comprehensive algorithm I call “Quantum Sifting,” documented in an earlier article I originally wrote for the “NewsWithViews” site, is based on accumulating multi-dimensional metadata and projected Potential Future Outcomes vs. False Future Outcomes due to unacknowledged bias in the algorithms. Quantum Sifting involves Quantum Physics, String Theory, and the experiments conducted with the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Going back to March 30, 2010 the LHC smashed two proton particle beams travelling at 3.5 TeV (trillion electron volts) resulting in a seven TeV event. This opened the door to the discovery of the Higgs boson, a sub-atomic particle which existed in theory, but could not be proved until the technology was developed.

In the paper I developed on Quantum Sifting, along with the precursor research on the nature of multi-dimensional realities in A Prophecy of the Future of America, I propose that the nature of reality including sub-atomic particles and the 13 proposed dimensions in String Theory is personal in nature. In other words, in order to measure the multi-dimensional universe, one must start with the truth that the universe is ultimately personal. In other words, it is futile to attempt to create a Theory of Everything based on the mythology that the universe is non-personal and composed only of matter and energy.

There are sub-atomic particles that String Theory is correct in describing like vibrating strings. But this is just the beginning because an examination of those strings reveals that each String is vibrating at a specific musical frequency and that musical frequency is not non-personal. The vibrating strings are on one level much like the musicians gathered in a great symphony. These musicians are gathered in groups of certain kinds of stringed instruments, drums, flutes, horns, and so on. Each of these collections represents a frequency range of vibrating strings, but the frequency range is not measurable with instruments that are capable of measuring current EMF and other ranges. These Vibrating Strings are vibrating on a frequency spectrum not yet measurable by Man’s technology.

However, the platform upon which the universe is structured is not in two or three dimensions: it exists in 13-plus dimensions outside of time and space. But the most important thing is that on a sub-atomic level it is personal, in that it has consciousness. Consciousness ultimately is composed of dimensions and consciousness is not merely a matter of certain frequencies. Consciousness is living; consciousness is the life force of the universe itself. Science has just begun to measure the energy of biophotons, bioelectrical fields, auras, and so forth. But whether we are talking about sub-atomic particles, consciousness, or living energy, all of it is measurable!

For centuries scientists have attempted to quantify this energy using terms like the Orgone, Tesla’s fourth dimensions, Prana, the Vril Force, the power of the Holy Spirit, power from on High, life force, bioelectrical fields, biophotons, and so forth. But the point is that on the sub-atomic DNA level, DNA is energized by a life force!