Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Federal Reserve Banking System
Source: NESARA News
Now that we know the Federal Reserve is a privately owned, for-profit corporation, a natural question would be: who OWNS this company? Peter Kershaw provides the answer in “Economic Solutions” where he lists the ten primary shareholders in the Federal Reserve banking system.
1) The Rothschild Family – London
2) The Rothschild Family – Berlin
3) The Lazard Brothers – Paris
4) Israel Seiff – Italy
5) Kuhn-Loeb Company – Germany
6) The Warburgs – Amsterdam
7) The Warburgs – Hamburg
8 ) Lehman Brothers – New York
9) Goldman & Sachs – New York
10) The Rockefeller Family – New York
Now I don’t know about you, but something is terribly wrong with this situation. Namely, don’t we live in AMERICA? If so, why are seven of the top ten stockholders located in FOREIGN countries? That’s 70%! To further convey how screwed-up this system is, Jim Marrs provides the following data in his phenomenal book, “Rule By Secrecy.
“He says that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which undeniably controls the other eleven Federal Reserve branches, is essentially controlled by two financial institutions:
1) Chase-Manhattan (controlled by the Rockefellers) – 6,389,445 shares – 32.3%
2) Citbank – 4,051,851 shares – 20.5%
Thus, these two entities control nearly 53% of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Doesn’t that boggle your mind? Now, considering how many trillions of dollars are involved here, and how the bankers are WAY above our “selected” officials in Washington, D.C., do you think the above-listed banks and families have an inordinate amount of say-so in how our country is being run? The answer is blindingly apparent.
Where does the money come from?
We all know that the Federal Reserve CORPORATION prints money – then loans it, at interest, to our government. But wait until you see what a total scam this process is. But before we get to the meat of this issue, let’s remember one thing about the very essence of banking – primarily that money should have some type of standard upon which its value is based. In the case of America, we operate on what is called a “gold standard” (i.e. our money is backed by gold).
So, with that in mind, let’s look at how money is actually created, and at what cost. If the Federal Reserve wants to print 1,000 one-hundred ($100) bills, their total cost for ink, paper, plates, labor, etc. would be approximately $23.00 (according to Davvy Kidd in “Why A Bankrupt America”). Now, if you do the math, the total cost of 10,000 bills would be $230.00 ($.023 x 10,000). But, and here’s the catch – 10,000 $100 bills equals $1,000,000! So, the Federal Reserve can “create” a million dollars, then LEND it to the U.S. Government (with interest) for a total cost of $230.
00! That’s not a bad deal, huh!
The banking industry calls this process “seignorage.” I call it outright THEFT. Why? Well, regardless of the immense profit margin ($1,000,000 for $230), plus the huge interest payments, our government then needs to STEAL the American people’s money to payoff their debts via a Mob-like agency called the IRS. So the bankers steal from the government, then the government turns around and steals from the people. I’m no genius, but who do you think is getting screwed in this process? US – the people at the bottom rung of the ladder.
What’s worse is that – now catch your breath – there’s NO MORE gold left in Fort Knox! It’s all gone. In other words, the GOLD STANDARD that our financial system was based upon is now an illusion. We can’t convert our money into gold — only other currency. The entire underlying basis for our money is now a lie – a sham. The Federal Reserve has become so arrogant that they’ve become a literal MONEY MAKING MACHINE, creating currency out of thin air! So that’s where the Fed gets their money – they literally make it, then lend it to us so they can make even MORE money off of it.
Money As A Religion
The above-detailed process has become so ridiculous that William Grieder, former assistant managing editor of the Washington Post, wrote a book in 1987 entitled, “Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country” that details how the Controllers have conditioned us to accept this absurd situation.
To modern minds,” he writes, “it seemed bizarre to think of the Federal Reserve as a religious institution. Yet the conspiracy theorists, in their own demented way, were on to something real and significant. The Fed did also function in the realm of religion. Its mysterious powers of money creation, inherited from priestly forebears, shielded a complex bundle of social and psychological meanings. With its own form of secret incantation, the Federal Reserve presided over awesome social ritual, transactions so powerful and frightening they seemed to lie beyond common understanding.
Mr. Grieder continues, “Above all, money was a function of faith. It required implicit and universal social consent that was indeed mysterious. To create money and use it, each one must believe, and everyone must believe. Only then did worthless pieces of paper take on value.
Do you get it? MONEY is an ILLUSION! Why? Because the gold standard upon which our money is supposed to be based has been eliminated. There’s no more gold in Fort Knox. It’s all GONE! Now, money really IS only paper!!! In the past, money was supposed to represent something of tangible value.
Now it’s simply paper!
Taken one step further, many of us don’t even use paper money any more! Why? Well, here’s a scenario. Many places of employment directly deposit their employee’s paychecks into the bank. Once the money is there, when bill time comes around, the person in question can write out a stack of checks to pay them. Plus, when they need gasoline they use a credit card; and groceries a debit card. If this person goes out for dinner on Friday night, they can charge the tab on their diner’s card. But what about the tip? They simply scribble in the amount at the bottom of the check. So far, the person hasn’t spent a single dollar bill. Plus, if you bring electronic banking into the picture, we’ve virtually eliminated the use for money.
And, God forbid, what happens when encoded microchips are implanted into the backs of our hand?
In essence, money has become nothing more than an illusion – an electronic figure or amount on a computer screen. That’s it! As time goes on, we have an increasing tendency toward being sucked into this Wizard of Oz vortex of unreality. Think about it. Americans as a whole are carrying more personal debt than in any other time in history. Plus our government keeps going further and further into the hole, with no hope of ever crawling out. But we have less and less actual MONEY! We’re being enslaved by the debt of electronic blips on a computer screen! And 70% of the banks that control this debt via the Federal Reserve exist in foreign countries! What in God’s name is going on? As author William Bramley says, “The result of this whole system is MASSIVE debt at every level of society.
We’re getting screwed in a sickening way, folks, and the people doing it are demented magician-priests that use the ILLUSION of money as their control device. And I hate to say it, but if we allow things to keep going as they are, the situation will only get worse. Our only hope … ONLY HOPE … is to immediately take drastic action and remedy this crime.
Aaron Russo on The Federal Reserve & How to Shut it Down
let the Truth be known..
let’s abolish the federal reserve, please
Historical Outline
1st: Martial Law is declared by President Lincoln on April 24th, 1863, with General Orders No. 100; under martial law authority, Congress and President Lincoln institute continuous martial law by ordering the states (people) either conscribe troops and or provide money in support of the North or be recognized as enemies of the nation; this martial law Act of Congress is still in effect today. This martial law authority gives the President (with or without Congress) the dictatorial authority to do anything that can be done by government in accord with the Constitution of the United States of America. This conscription act remains in effect to this very day and is the foundation of Presidential Executive Orders authority; it was magnified in 1917 with The Trading with the Enemy Act (Public Law 65-91, 65th Congress, Session I, Chapters 105, 106, October 6, 1917). and again in 1933 with the Emergency War Powers Act, which is ratified and enhanced almost every year to this date by Congress. Today these Acts address the people of the United States themselves as their enemy.
2nd: The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 created a “municipal corporation” to govern the District of Columbia. Considering the fact that the municipal government itself was incorporated in 1808, an “Organic Act” (first Act) using the term “municipal corporation” in 1871 can only mean a private corporation owned by the municipality. Hereinafter we will call that private corporation, “Corp. U.S.” By consistent usage, Corp. U.S. trademarked the name, “United States Government” referring to themselves. The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 places Congress in control (like a corporate board) and gives the purpose of the act to form a governing body over the municipality; this allowed Congress to direct the business needs of the government under the existent martial law and provided them with corporate abilities they would not otherwise have. This was done under the constitutional authority for Congress to pass any law within the ten mile square of the District of Columbia. Follow this link to see the effect of the District of Columbia Act of 1871.
3rd: In said Act, Corp. U.S. adopted their own constitution (United States Constitution), which was identical to the national Constitution (Constitution of the United States of America) except that it was missing the national constitution’s 13th Amendment and the national constitution’s 14th, 15th and 16th amendments are respectively numbered 13th, 14th and 15th amendments in the Corp. U.S. Constitution. At this point take special notice and remember this Corp. U.S. method of adopting their own Constitution, they will add to it in the same manner in 1913.
4th: Corp. U.S. began to generate debts via bonds etc., which came due in 1912, but they could not pay their debts so the 7 families that bought up the bonds demanded payment and Corp. U.S. could not pay. Said families settled the debt for the payments of all of Corp. U.S.’ assets and for all of the assets of the Treasury of the United States of America.
5th: As 1913 began, Corp. U.S. had no funds to carry out the necessary business needs of the government so they went to said families and asked if they could borrow some money. The families said no (Corp. U.S. had already demonstrated that they would not repay their debts in full). The families had foreseen this situation and had the year before finalized the creation of a private corporation of the name “Federal Reserve Bank”. Corp. U.S. formed a relationship with the Federal Reserve Bank whereby they could transact their business via note rather than with money. Notice that this relationship was one made between two private corporations and did not involve government; that is where most people error in understanding the Federal Reserve Bank system—again it has no government relation at all. The private contracts that set the whole system up even recognize that if anything therein proposed is found illegal or impossible to perform it is excluded from the agreements and the remaining elements remain in full force and effect.
6th: Almost simultaneously with the last fact (also in 1913), Corp. U.S. adopts (as if ratified) their own 16th amendment. Tax protesters challenge the IRS tax collection system based on this fact, however when we remember that Corp. U.S. originally created their constitution by simply drafting it and adopting it; there is no difference between that adoption and this—such is the nature of corporate enactments—when the corporate board (Congress) tells the secretary to enter the amendment as ratified (even thought the States had not ratified it) the Se3cretary was instructed that the Representatives word alone was sufficient for ratification. You must also note, this amendment has nothing to do with our nation, with our people or with our national Constitution, which already had its own 16th amendment. The Supreme Court (in BRUSHABER v. UNION PACIFIC R. CO., 240 U.S. 1 (1916)) ruled the 16th amendment did nothing that was not already done other than to make plain and clear the right of the United States (Corp. U.S.) to tax corporations and government employees. We agree, considering that they were created under the authority of Corp. U.S.
7th: Next (also 1913) Corp. U.S., through Congress, adopts (as if ratified) its 17th amendment. This amendment is not only not ratified, it is not constitutional; the nation’s Constitution forbids Congress from even discussing the matter of where Senators are elected, which is the subject matter of this amendment; therefore they cannot pass such and Act and then of their own volition, order it entered as ratified. According to the United States Supreme Court, for Congress to propose such an amendment they would first have to pass an amendment that gave them the authority to discuss the matter.
8th: Accordingly, in 1914, the Freshman class and all Senators that successfully ran for reelection in 1913 by popular vote were seated in Corp. U.S. Senate capacity only; their respective seats from their States remained vacant because neither the State Senates nor the State Governors appointed new Senators to replace them as is still required by the national Constitution for placement of a national Senator.
9th: In 1916, President Wilson is reelected by the Electoral College but their election is required to be confirmed by the constitutionally set Senate; where the new Corp. U.S. only Senators were allowed to participate in the Electoral College vote confirmation the only authority that could possibly have been used for electoral confirmation was corporate only. Therefore, President Wilson was not confirmed into office for his second term as President of the United States of America and was only seated in the Corp. U.S. Presidential capacity. Therefore the original jurisdiction government’s seats were vacated because the people didn’t seat any original jurisdiction government officers. It is important to note here that President Wilson retained his capacity as Commander in Chief of the military. Many people wonder about this fact imagining that such a capacity is bound to the President of the nation; however, When John Adams was President he assigned George Washington to the capacity of Commander in Chief of the military in preparation for an impending war with France. During this period, Mr. Adams became quite concerned because Mr. Washington became quite ill and passed on his acting military authority through his lead General Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Adams was concerned that if war did break out Mr. Hamilton would use that authority to create a military dictatorship of the nation. Mr. Adams averted the war through diplomacy and the title of Commander in Chief was returned to him.
(See: John Adams, by David McCullough, this book covers Mr. Adams concerns over this matter quite well. Mr. Adams was a fascinating man.)
10th: In 1917, Corp. U.S. enters W.W. I and passes their Trading with the Enemies Act.
11th: In 1933, Corp. U.S. is bankrupt, they force a banking holiday to exchange money backed Federal Reserve Notes with “legal tender” Federal Reserve Notes the Trading with the Enemies Act is adjusted to recognize the people of the United States as enemies of Corp. U.S.
12th: Some time after 1935, you ask Social Security Administration for a relationship with their program. With the express purpose of generating Beneficiary funds to United States General Trust Fund (GTF) the Social Security Administration creates an entity with a name (that sounds like your name but is spelled with all capital letters) and an account number (Social Security number). They give you the Social Security card and let you know that the card does not belong to you but you are to hold it for them until they want it back. If you are willing to accept that responsibility over the card you activate the card by signing it, which gives you the ability to act as the fiduciary for the cards actual owner Corp. U.S. and you can use the card’s name and number to thus transact business relations for the card’s actual owner. You are also to note that though the card verifies its agency (you as the single person with authority to control the entity so created) it is not for use as identification. On review: notice the Social Security Administration was the creator of the entity, they offered you the opportunity to serve its Trustee capacity (by lending it actual consciousness and physical capacity), they gave you something (the card) that does not belong to you to hold in trust and they reserved the actual owner of the thing (Corp. U.S.) as the beneficiary of the entity—by definition, this only describes the creation and existence of a Trust. More importantly: the name they gave this Trust is not your name, the number they gave the Trust is not your number and your lending actual consciousness and physical capacity to this Trust’s Trustee capacity does not limit you or your capacity to separately act in your natural sovereign capacity in any way—what you do, when you do it and how you do it is still totally up to you.
13th: In 1944, under the Bretton Woods Agreement, Corp. U.S. is quit claimed to the International Monetary Fund, and becomes a foreign controlled private corporation.
14th: In 1962, considering the states were forced to carry out their business dealings in terms of Federal Reserve Notes (foreign notes), which is forbidden in the national and State constitutions, out of the necessity the states began protecting themselves from the people by forming corporations like Corp. U.S. Accordingly, those newly formed corporate state administrations began adopting Corp. U.S. suggested uniform codes and licensing structures that allowed better and more powerful control over the people, which thing the original jurisdiction governments of this nation had no capacity to do. Our Constitutions secure that the governments do not govern the people rather they govern themselves in accord with the limits of Law. The people govern themselves. Such is the foundational nature of our Constitutional Republic.
15th: By 1971, every State government in the union of States had formed such private corporations (Corp. State), in accord with the IMF admonition, and the people ceased to seat original jurisdiction government officials in their State government seats.
Now, having stated these historical facts, we ask you not to believe us, but rather prove these facts for yourself. We then ask you to contact us and share your discovery with us.
When you find there is no error in this historical outline, then remember these simple facts and let no one dissuade you from the truth.
The Bottom Line: when you speak about these private foreign corporations remember that is what they are and stop calling them government.”
hope … ONLY HOPE … is to immediately take drastic action and remedy this crime.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Antidepressant Drugs Causing Epidemic of Mania, Mayhem and Murder
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Monday, April 9, 2012
The alleged shooting of a police officer in Austin by a man taking the anti-anxiety drug Xanax is just one of a plethora of recent incidents fueled by anti-depressant pharmaceuticals – an epidemic of mania that has swept the country.
Mary O’Dell, the mother of 24-year-old Brandon Montgomery Daniel told the Associated Press that her son’s role in the fatal shooting of Austin Senior Police Officer Jaime Padron was fueled by alcohol and psychotropic drugs.
“She said she talked with her son Thursday evening, and that he had been taking the prescription anti-anxiety drug Xanax and drinking tequila,” reports AP. “Hours later, Padron was fatally shot at a Walmart while trying to subdue a potentially intoxicated man who was later identified as Daniel, investigators said. Two employees tackled and disarmed him, then held him until help arrived.”
O’Dell added that Daniel was not even aware of what had taken place because “he was under the influence of tequila and Xanax.”
This is just one of a spate of shocking incidents over recent years in which Xanax and other similar pharmaceuticals have played a central role in triggering random violence and mania.
The two recent incidents involving airline officials suffering mental breakdowns during flights were also caused by anti-depressant drugs.
JetBlue pilot Clayton Osbon, who went crazy and began screaming about Al-Qaeda and threatening to take the plane down during an incident last month was described as a “consummate professional” by colleagues. However, experts looking into the case confirm that “several pharmacological issues under scrutiny within the airline industry are likely to get attention in the Osbon case, including the side effects of medicines that pilots sometimes use to fight fatigue and depression.”
“Was Osbon, for instance, among those pilots newly permitted by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to use one of four specific antidepression medications, whose potential side effects are known to include hallucination and panic attacks?” reports the Christian Science Monitor.
In a separate incident, an American Airlines flight attendant had to be restrained by passengers after she went on a crazy tirade about crashing the plane and killing everyone onboard. It later emerged that the flight attendant had been on medication to treat a bipolar disorder.
A 50-year-old grandmother who went nuts and began kicking, punching and spitting at flight attendants for being refused alcohol last month also blamed her anti-anxiety medication for the outburst.
The Save Project, an organization committed to highlighting the dangers of SSRI drugs, highlights a laundry list of cases where use of anti-depressants, particularly amongst young people, has led to violence. Below is just a partial list.
Eric Harris, the triggerman in the Columbine school shootings, killed his fellow students and took his own life while taking Luvox.
Thirteen year-old Chris Fetters killed his favorite aunt while taking Prozac.
Twelve year-old Christopher Pittman murdered both his grandparents while taking Zoloft.
Thirteen year-old Mathew Miller hung himself in his bedroom closet after taking Zoloft for 6 days.
Fifteen year-old Jarred Viktor stabbed his grandmother 61 times after 5 days on Paxil.
Fifteen year old Kip Kinkel (Prozac and RITALIN) shot his parents while they slept then went to school and opened fire killing 2 classmates and injuring 22 shortly after beginning Prozac treatment.
Luke Woodham aged 16 (Prozac) killed his mother and then killed two students, wounding six others.
Boy in Pocatello, ID (Zoloft) in 1998 who in seizure activity from Zoloft had a stand off at the school.
Michael Carneal (Ritalin) a 14-year-old opened fire on students at a high school prayer meeting in West Paducah, Kentucky. Three teenagers were killed, five others were wounded, one of whom was paralyzed.
Young man in Huntsville, Alabama (Ritalin) went psychotic chopping up his parents with an ax and also killing one sibling and almost murdering another.
Andrew Golden, aged 11, (Ritalin) and Mitchell Johnson, aged 14, (Ritalin) shot 15 people killing four students, one teacher, and wounding 10 others.
TJ Solomon, aged 15, (Ritalin) high school student in Conyers, Georgia opened fire on and wounded six of his class mates.
Rod Mathews, aged 14, (Ritalin) beat a classmate to death with a bat.
James Wilson, aged 19, (Psychiatric Drugs – various) Breenwood, South Carolina, took a .22 caliber revolver into an elementary school killing two young girls, and wounding seven other children and two teachers.
Elizabeth Bush aged 13 (Paxil) was responsible for a school shooting in Pennsylvania
Jason Hoffman (Effexor and Celexa) – school shooting in El Cajon, California
Another boy in Pocatello, ID (Zoloft) had a stand off at the school.
Jarred Viktor aged 15 (Paxil), after five days on Paxil he stabbed his grandmother 61 times.
Chris Shanahan aged 15 (Paxil) in Rigby, ID who out of the blue killed a woman.
Antidepressants are also exacerbating gang on gang violence. 18-year-old Bryan Sandoval Rocha was recently sentenced to five years in jail for stabbing three rival gang members. “Rocha was taking antidepressants at the time,” reports the San Rafael
Last year the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) produced a study based on FDA figures that illustrated how the antidepressants Pristiq (desvenlafaxine), Paxil (paroxetine) and Prozac (fluoxetine), all appear in the list of the top ten violence-causing drugs.
America’s addiction to psychotropic drugs is out of control and growing every year.
According to a report in the London Guardian today, “(subscriptions) for benzodiazepines – the class of anti-anxiety drugs including Xanax, Valium, Ativan, and Klonopin – have gone up 17% since 2006 to 94m annually, New York magazine notes. Generic Xanax, which goes by the name alprazolam, has become 23% more popular in that same timeframe “making it the most prescribed psycho-pharmaceutical drug and the 11th-most prescribed overall, with 46m prescriptions written in 2010″.
The connection between anti-depressant drugs and inexplicable and sudden violence is especially prescient given today’s report concerning how “110,000 Army personnel were given antidepressants, narcotics, sedatives, antipsychotics and anti-anxiety drugs,” while on duty last year, prescribed medicines on which psychologists have blamed “a surge in random acts of violence”.
“We have never medicated our troops to the extent we are doing now … And I don’t believe the current increase in suicides and homicides in the military is a coincidence,” Bart Billings, a former military psychologist and combat stress expert, told the Los Angeles Times.
Lawyers are also currently investigating whether Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, accused of massacring 17 Afghan civilians, was influenced by a cocktail of antidepressant drugs that triggered a psychotic episode.
It’s abundantly clear that the epidemic of craziness and violence we are witnessing both in America and by U.S. troops abroad is being fueled by dangerous psychotropic drugs, subscription pharmaceuticals that are causing normally sane people to fly off the hook and act out with insane acts of mania or violence.
Such shocking incidents will continue to happen at an ever-increasing rate until there is a massive backlash against the pharmaceutical industry and establishment doctors for pushing drugs that are directly causing violence, lunacy and bloodshed.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Many years ago in college, I took a required psychology class. One day we were told by our professor we had to divvy ourselves up into two groups for a particular project.
I don’t remember the nature of the project, but I am quite serious when I say it took us three class days to divide ourselves. Much of that time was spent discussing all the hidden hurt feelings and angst that come with being “chosen” into one group or another, reminiscent of the painful procedure of choosing sides for softball in gym class.
After one day of this ridiculous procedure I happen to glance at the professor, who had been largely silent after guiding us into this divvying process. He was watching us carefully, noting our emotions. Suddenly it was crystal clear to me: The end result (two groups) wasn’t important. It was the process of dividing us that he found psychologically fascinating.
So, naively, I pointed this out to the rest of the class: “Do you realize we’re being manipulated into endless discussions and painful emotions for what is, after all, a very simple procedure?”
The class stared at me as though I were nuts. No one believed me – they were too busy reveling in their woes and insecurities. My comment was dismissed as the endless discussions of painful emotions continued for another two class sessions. I didn’t utter another word during those days because I don’t like being manipulated.
Sure enough, after it was all over and the class had divided itself, the professor told us the two groups weren’t important; it was the process of dividing ourselves that was significant, and how did we all feel about it? Yadda yadda yadda …
This fascinating little exercise in group psychology is now being played out on a national scale right before our very eyes. We are being deliberately manipulated to behave, speak and act in certain ways. By withholding critical information or by emphasizing biased viewpoints, we are being jerked around like marionettes on strings, dancing to a tune long ago established by forces beyond our comprehension.
And those forces are dividing us as a nation. Make no mistake – the motto E pluribus unum – Out of many, one – is being superseded by a new motto: Ex unus, plures. Out of one, many. (My Latin may be faulty, sorry.)
We are being manipulated into violent emotions around such issues as:
Education. Parents who don’t remove their children from government-run indoctrination centers often witness their own offspring turning against the values they hold dear.
Racism. The flames of hatred are being fanned regardless of facts or logic.
Income disparity: Occupy “Whatever” is actively encouraged and applauded to illustrate the division between the “haves” and the “have nots.”
Inflation. The feds insist that inflation is not a threat, while blithely disregarding rising food and energy costs, arguably two of the biggest expenses in any personal budget.
Health care. In a blindly unconstitutional power-grab, the government is trying to force us to purchase a product against our wishes.
Bureaucracy. We must deal with unnecessary nitpicky regulations that divert private industry from creating jobs.
Victimhood. We’ve turned it into an art form as well as a government-funded way of life.
Left vs. right. We’re told if we’re not left-wing, we’re a hate group.
Fourth Amendment violations (TSA, Child Protective Services, etc.)
Economic crises
Environmental legislation (light bulbs, smart meters)
Et cetera ad nauseum
If America topples, it likely won’t be because of a foreign invasion. It will be because we’re rotting from within, orchestrated by the very people we entrust to safeguard our rights. And make no mistake, this orchestration comes from both Democrats and Republicans (interchangeably known as the Evil Party and the Stupid Party).
Consider this quote:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
These incredibly prescient words were said by Marcus Tullius Cicero, the ancient Roman statesman … who lived from 106 B.C. to 43 B.C. Apparently some things never change.
This rotting from within is accomplished slowly, subtly, through the classic and efficient divide-and-conquer strategy. Americans are being deliberately manipulated into hating one another, which creates crises a good politician never lets go to waste.
And this is all channeling into a single apex that may not be visible from the ground level: the ultimate need to remove firearms from the hands of citizens.
The government fears the Second Amendment. It has spent decades trying to undo it. It was no accident when, way back in 1995, Eric Holder admitted on video his strategy to “brainwash” people into believing firearms are evil.
Without that pesky Second Amendment, our nation would have sunk into tyranny and despotism decades ago. But because hundreds of millions of firearms are in the hands of law-abiding citizens, our government is forced to tread carefully. It still treads, yes; but it must do so subtly as it strives to undo that right.
At some level, I think Americans know this. Gun sales are higher than they’ve ever been, and it’s because deep down people know that only when firearms are in the hands of free citizens can those citizens stay free.
Whatever you do, people, cling bitterly to those guns. Unteach the brainwashing done to your children about the constitutional right to bear arms. Don’t believe the gentle seductive whispers that suggest we can obtain safety and security if we’d only give up our arms.
It’s not a foreign enemy that is breaking up America. It’s treason from within.
No Country for Con Men: Sheriff Joe and the Cold Case Posse Put Obama To Shame
Saman Mohammadi
April 1, 2012
Arizona’s Cold Case Posse Rides To The Rescue of America And The Constitution.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio has guts. He is taking on the alien in the White House by saying he is a liar and that his birth certificate is a forgery.
This is real life cowboys versus aliens.
The criminal Obama administration and rotten establishment media can try to vilify the Sheriff, and point out his flaws, but they can’t hide the reality that they have been put to shame by him and his cold case posse.
Infowars: Sheriff Arpaio: Obama’s Documents Are Amateur Phonies
Unlike 99.9 percent of public representatives in America, Sheriff Arpaio is doing his duty by informing the people of the United States that the man in the White House who goes by the name of Barack Hussein Obama is not who he says he is.
Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, historian Webster Tarpley, and others have said that President Obama worked for the CIA in the past. Common sense tells us that he is still an undercover agent of the CIA.
Reporters of Infowars.com interviewed Sheriff Arpaio and his volunteer team of veteran investigators, asking them about why they pursued the case of Obama’s birth certificate and what they found. Infowars.com also provided a summary of the list of documents that President Obama has not disclosed to the American people:
“The Obama records which have not been released include; Passport records, Obama kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules (said to be lost), Medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth.”
This list is breathtaking. Why not disclose these records? If Obama has nothing to hide, then why hide behind the rotten media, suppress historical records, and accuse critics of racism and paranoia?
The only rational conclusion is that Obama is a deceiver and a con artist. He and his evil handlers are committing an injustice against America and mankind that cannot stand.
Barack Obama is like a ghost. Only a ghost of a man can basically erase his identity, lie to the entire world about his name and background, commit monstrous crimes against humanity, and pretend to speak for a country when in reality he has no loyalty to its laws, its institutions, and its people.
This cunning and crooked man who goes by the name of Barack Obama is an absolute disgrace to humanity and a sick joke upon the people of America and the whole world.
Here is what the people of Pakistan think about him. And they should be furious. Obama is bombing the sons and daughters of Pakistan and disguising his evil aggression against a sovereign nation by falsely calling it counter-terrorism action.
The hollow monster in the White House must face the wrath of justice for his barbaric murder of innocent women and children in Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the planet. He cannot conceal the truth behind the cloak of national security and justify his crimes by invoking the facade of the war on terror.
Hopefully, this monster and the criminal banksters he is protecting can be brought down peacefully, lawfully, and constitutionally. In this regard, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is doing heroic work. He is doing his duty to pull back the curtain of illusion and expose the evil criminal in the White House.
We are witnessing nothing less than the awakening of America and the rebirth of justice, truth, and common sense.
Saman Mohammadi is the writer and editor at The Excavator Blog
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